

Transfer der Arbeitszeitdaten ins PS, PM und CO

The Function Module CABA_TRANSFER (Transfer der Arbeitszeitdaten ins PS, PM und CO) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group CABA_ALL within the package CABA_R3.

Technical Information

Function Module CABA_TRANSFER
Short Text Transfer der Arbeitszeitdaten ins PS, PM und CO
Function Group CABA_ALL
Package CABA_R3
Module Type Remote-Enabled

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ID_APPL_CHANGE TYPE FLAG Ändern der Zielapplikation erlaubt
ID_TARGET_APPL TYPE CABAAPPL Aufrufende Zielapplikation

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ET_MESSAGES LIKE BAPIRET2 Fehlermeldungen aus Transfer
IT_TRANSFER LIKE CABACOMMF Überzuleitende Arbeitszeitdaten


This function module does not define any Exceptions.