The Function Module CACS_CSC_VAL_FROM_OTH_CTRT (Werte von anderen ProvVerträgen übernehmen) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group CACS_CONTRACTC within the package CACSCT.
Function Module | CACS_CSC_VAL_FROM_OTH_CTRT |
Short Text | Werte von anderen ProvVerträgen übernehmen |
Function Group | CACS_CONTRACTC |
Package | CACSCT |
Module Type | Normal Module |
This function module does not define any IMPORTING parameters.
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
BUSI_BEGIN | LIKE | CACS_CTRTBU-BUSI_BEGIN | Fachlich gültig ab | |
CTRTBU_TEMPL_ID | LIKE | CACS_S_BDTD-CTRTBU_TEMPL_ID | Nummer des Provisionsvertrags | |
TECH_BEGIN | LIKE | CACS_CTRTBU-TECH_BEGIN | Technisch gültig ab | |
VERSION | LIKE | CACS_CTRTBU-VERSION | Version des Stammdaten- oder Customizingobjekts |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
T_TEMPL_EXCL | LIKE | CACS_S_TEMPL_EXCL | Felder, die nicht in Vertragsvorlage übernommen werden |
This function module does not define any Exceptions.