The Function Module CRIF_HR_E_TPC_FILL_0100 (EWT: Interface para la obtención de valores iniciales) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group 34WW within the package WAO_SPAIN_HR.
Function Module | CRIF_HR_E_TPC_FILL_0100 |
Short Text | EWT: Interface para la obtención de valores iniciales |
Function Group | 34WW |
Package | WAO_SPAIN_HR |
Module Type | Remote-Enabled |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
FIRST | LIKE | P0002-FAMST | Einstelliges Kennzeichen | |
P_BEGDA | LIKE | PC226-BEGDA | Gültigkeitsbeginn | |
P_ENDDA | LIKE | PC226-ENDDA | Gültigkeitsende | |
UNAME | LIKE | SY-UNAME | Personalnummer |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ALIME | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
BEGDA | LIKE | PC226-BEGDA | Gültigkeitsbeginn | |
CATMIN | LIKE | P0002-FAMST | Einstelliges Kennzeichen | |
CATMIN_TEXT | LIKE | DD07V-DDTEXT | Kurztext zu Festwerten | |
CODAU | LIKE | PC226-CODAU | IRPF: Modificador de impuestos | |
CODAU_TEXT | LIKE | DD07V-DDTEXT | Kurztext zu Festwerten | |
COTIZ | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
CPER1 | LIKE | PC226-CPER1 | Einstelliges Kennzeichen | |
CPER1_TEXT | LIKE | DD07V-DDTEXT | Kurztext zu Festwerten | |
CURRENCY | LIKE | T500C-WAERS | Nº de identificación fiscal | |
ENDDA | LIKE | PC226-ENDDA | Gültigkeitsende | |
FAMST | LIKE | P0002-FAMST | Schlüssel für den Familienstand | |
FAMST_TEXT | LIKE | DD07V-DDTEXT | Kurztext zu Festwerten | |
GBDAT | LIKE | PC226-BEGDA | Gültigkeitsbeginn | |
NUM_HIJOS_0_2 | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
NUM_HIJOS_17_24 | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
NUM_HIJOS_3_16 | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
NUM_MIN33 | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
NUM_MIN65 | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
NUM_SUMA_ASCENDIENTES | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Nº de hijos fiscales | |
NUM_SUMA_DESCENDIENTES | LIKE | P0062-NOHIJ | Zweistellige Nummer | |
PECOM | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
PERNR | LIKE | PERNR-PERNR | Personalnummer | |
PORCL | LIKE | Q0062-PORCL | Porcentaje calculado | |
REGBR | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
REGRT | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
RENIRA | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
RENIRB | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
SBRUT | LIKE | PC226-SBRUT | IRPF: Salario bruto | |
SITPER | LIKE | P0002-FAMST | Einstelliges Kennzeichen | |
SITPER_TEXT | LIKE | DD07V-DDTEXT | Kurztext zu Festwerten |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
APPLICATION_ERROR | Fehler durch Anwendung ausgelöst |
FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND | Funktion nicht gefunden |