The Function Module FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE (Kontosaldo lesen) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group FAGL_EMU_BALANCE within the package FAGL_EURO_CONVERSION.
Short Text | Kontosaldo lesen |
Function Group | FAGL_EMU_BALANCE |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ID_INCLUDE_CF | TYPE | CHAR1 | 'X' | X' - get balance including carry forward |
ID_LDGRP | TYPE | FAGL_LDGRP | Ledger-Gruppe | |
ID_POPER | TYPE | POPER | Buchungsperiode | |
ID_RACCT | TYPE | RACCT | Kontonummer | |
ID_RBUKRS | TYPE | BUKRS | Buchungskreis | |
ID_RBUSA | TYPE | GSBER | Geschäftsbereich | |
ID_RLDNR | TYPE | FAGL_RLDNR | Ledger in der Hauptbuchhaltung | |
ID_RTCUR | TYPE | RTCUR | Währungsschlüssel | |
ID_RYEAR | TYPE | GJAHR | Geschäftsjahr |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ES_BALANCE | TYPE | FAGL_EMU_S_BSEG_AMOUNTS2 | Struktur mit BSEG-Betragsfeldern |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
BAD_PARAM | Ungültige Kombination von Parametern |
BAD_SELECTION | Fehler in der Selektion |
ERROR_DDIF | Fehler beim rufen ins DDIC |
MISSING_MASTER_DATA | Konto-Stammsatz oder Buchungskreis nicht vorhanden |
NO_BALANCE_FOUND | Keinen Datensatz zur Selektion gefunden (Kann OK sein) |
NO_REPRESENTATIVE_LEDGER | Kein repräsentatives Ledger gefunden |
NO_TABLE_INFO_FOUND | Fehler bei Rückgabe Tablenames |