The Function Module FM_FICTR_READ_SINGLE (Read funds centers) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group FM2R within the package FMMD.
Function Module | FM_FICTR_READ_SINGLE |
Short Text | Read funds centers |
Function Group | FM2R |
Package | FMMD |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
I_CTR_OBJNR | LIKE | FMFCTR-CTR_OBJNR | SPACE | Finanzstelle (Objektnummer) |
I_DATE | LIKE | FMFCTR-DATBIS | '00000000' | Stichtag |
I_FICTR | LIKE | FMFCTR-FICTR | SPACE | Finanzstelle |
I_FIKRS | LIKE | FM01-FIKRS | Finanzkreis | |
I_FLAG_HIER | LIKE | FMDY-XFELD | SPACE | 'X' Hierarchieeintraege zulesen |
I_FLAG_TEXT | LIKE | FMDY-XFELD | SPACE | 'X' Text zulesen |
I_GJAHR | LIKE | FM01P-GJAHR | '0000' | Geschaeftsjahr |
I_HIVARNT | LIKE | FMHISV-HIVARNT | SPACE | Hierachievariante |
I_LANGUAGE | LIKE | FM01-SPRAS | SY-LANGU | Sprache fuer Texte (Default SY-LANGU) |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
E_F_FMFCTR | LIKE | FMFCTR | Gefundener Finanzstellen-Stammsatz | |
E_F_FMFCTRT | LIKE | FMFCTRT | Gefundener Finanzstellen-Text | |
E_F_FMHISV | LIKE | FMHISV | Gefundener Finanzstellen-Hierarchieeintrag |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
HIERARCHY_DATA_NOT_FOUND | Hierarchieeintrag nicht vorhanden |
INPUT_ERROR | Eingabeparameter fehlerhaft |
MASTER_DATA_NOT_FOUND | Stammsatz nicht vorhanden |