The Function Module FMKBO_SET_SELECTIONS (Fülen der Selektionskriterien) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group FMKBO within the package FMKO.
Function Module | FMKBO_SET_SELECTIONS |
Short Text | Fülen der Selektionskriterien |
Function Group | FMKBO |
Package | FMKO |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
FIXVAR | TYPE | XFELD | 'X' | Nur Felder aus dem Layout berücksichtigen |
FULL_SCAN | TYPE | XFELD | Keine Einschränkung der Kennzahlen nach ALV-Layout | |
GJAHR | LIKE | BPBYX-GJAHR | Geschäftsjahr | |
REF_STRUCT | LIKE | DD03L-TABNAME | Tabellenname |
This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.
These are the CHANGING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
FMSG_FMF | LIKE | FMSG_FMF | Navigationsauswahl Logische Datenbank FMF | |
PERTOT | TYPE | XFELD | Flag zum Perioden-Verdichten |
These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
S_BA_FI | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | fmfix : Betragsart | |
S_BA_TO | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | fmtox : Betragsart | |
S_BE_FI | LIKE | RANGE_C2 | fmfix : Belegart | |
S_GJ_BY | LIKE | RANGE_N4 | bpbyx : Geschäftsjahr | |
S_GJ_FI | LIKE | RANGE_N4 | fmfix : Geschäftsjahr | |
S_GN_BY | LIKE | RANGE_N4 | bpbyx : Genehmigungsjahr | |
S_GN_FI | LIKE | RANGE_N4 | fmfix : Genehmigungsjahr | |
S_GN_TO | LIKE | RANGE_N4 | fmtox : Genehmigungsjahr | |
S_PE_FI | LIKE | RANGE_C3 | fmfix : Periode | |
S_SV_BY | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | bpbyx : bpbyx : Subvorgang | |
S_VO_BY | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | bpbyx : Vorgang | |
S_VO_FI | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | fmfix : Vorgang | |
S_VO_TO | LIKE | RANGE_C4 | fmtox : Vorgang | |
S_WR_BY | LIKE | RANGE_C2 | bpbyx : Werttyp | |
S_WR_FI | LIKE | RANGE_C2 | fmfix : Werttyp | |
S_WR_TO | LIKE | RANGE_C2 | fmtox : Werttyp |
This function module does not define any Exceptions.