The Function Module FRML175_KF_CA_P_RATIO_OBSOLET (Kennzahl Ca/P Rate) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group FRML175 within the package RMSFRMINF.
Function Module | FRML175_KF_CA_P_RATIO_OBSOLET |
Short Text | Kennzahl Ca/P Rate |
Function Group | FRML175 |
Package | RMSFRMINF |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
I_FRML_AENNR | TYPE | FRMLE_AENNR | Änderungsnummer | |
I_MODELLING_MODE | TYPE | FRMLE_FLAG | Formel ist im modlling mode | |
I_UOM_SPEC | TYPE | FRMLE_UNIT | Mengeneinheit zu einem gespeicherten Key Figure | |
I_VALUE_SPEC | TYPE | FRMLE_KF_VALUE_SPEC | Wert eines Key Figures aus der Spezifikation |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ET_MESSAGES | TYPE | FRMLTY_LOG_REC | RMS-FRM: Nachrichten für AnwendungsLog | |
E_ADDINF | TYPE | FRMLE_KF_ADDINF | Zusatzinformationen zu einem Key Figure | |
E_ADDINF_COL | TYPE | LVC_COL | ALV-Control: Farbcodierung | |
E_CALC_COL | TYPE | LVC_COL | ALV-Control: Farbcodierung | |
E_CALC_ERROR | TYPE | FRMLE_FLAG | Fehler in Berechnung | |
E_SPEC_COL | TYPE | LVC_COL | ALV-Control: Farbcodierung | |
E_UOM | TYPE | FRMLE_KF_UOM_CALC | Mengeneinheit zu einem berechneten Key Figure | |
E_UOM_KEY | TYPE | FRMLE_UNIT | Mengeneinheit | |
E_VALUE | TYPE | FRMLE_KF_VALUE_CALC | Berechneter Wert eines Key Figures |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
This function module does not define any Exceptions.