

HR-Add-On: Bestimmung ob Deltas benötigt

The Function Module HR_ADDON_DELTA_GET (HR-Add-On: Bestimmung ob Deltas benötigt) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group HR_ADDON within the package PCAL.

Technical Information

Function Module HR_ADDON_DELTA_GET
Short Text HR-Add-On: Bestimmung ob Deltas benötigt
Function Group HR_ADDON
Package PCAL
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

This function module does not define any IMPORTING parameters.

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
T_COUNT_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_COUNTRIES HR-Add-On : Countries in PE04 (Before-Image)
T_COUNT_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_COUNTRIES HR-Add-On : Countries in PE04 (Before-Image)
T_COUNT_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_COUNTRIES HR-Add-On : Countries in PE04 (Before-Image)
T_GRPRE_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_GROUPREASON HR-Add-On: Grouping Reason in PE04 (Before Image)
T_GRPRE_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_GROUPREASON HR-Add-On: Grouping Reason in PE04 (Before Image)
T_GRPRE_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_GROUPREASON HR-Add-On: Grouping Reason in PE04 (Before Image)
T_ITYPE_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_INFOTYPES HR-Add-On : Infotypen in PE04 (before image)
T_ITYPE_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_INFOTYPES HR-Add-On : Infotypen in PE04 (before image)
T_ITYPE_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_INFOTYPES HR-Add-On : Infotypen in PE04 (before image)
T_OPPAC_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARCOUNT HR-Add-on : Zul. OperationParameter/Land in PE04 (BefImage)
T_OPPAC_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARCOUNT HR-Add-on : Zul. OperationParameter/Land in PE04 (BefImage)
T_OPPAC_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARCOUNT HR-Add-on : Zul. OperationParameter/Land in PE04 (BefImage)
T_OPPAR_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARAMETER HR-Add-On: Oparation parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_OPPAR_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARAMETER HR-Add-On: Oparation parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_OPPAR_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_OPPARAMETER HR-Add-On: Oparation parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_PACOU_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_PARCOUNT HR-Add-On : Parameterzul. für Länder in PE04 (before Image)
T_PACOU_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_PARCOUNT HR-Add-On : Parameterzul. für Länder in PE04 (before Image)
T_PACOU_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_PARCOUNT HR-Add-On : Parameterzul. für Länder in PE04 (before Image)
T_PARAM_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMETER HR-Add-On : Parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_PARAM_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMETER HR-Add-On : Parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_PARAM_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMETER HR-Add-On : Parameter in PE04 (before image)
T_PAVAL_BEFORE LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMVALUES HR-Add-On : Parameterwerte in PE04 (before image)
T_PAVAL_CURRENT LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMVALUES HR-Add-On : Parameterwerte in PE04 (before image)
T_PAVAL_DELTA LIKE H99_ADDON_PARAMVALUES HR-Add-On : Parameterwerte in PE04 (before image)


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
NO_DELETION In einem Add-On darf nicht gelöscht werden