
SAP Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00107050_P

BTE 00107050: RFFMKG03 Anordnung ändern

The Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00107050_P (BTE 00107050: RFFMKG03 Anordnung ändern) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group F0KI within the package FMFI.

Technical Information

Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00107050_P
Short Text BTE 00107050: RFFMKG03 Anordnung ändern
Function Group F0KI
Package FMFI
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_BELNR LIKE KBLE-BELNR Belegnummer Mittelvormerkung
I_BKPF LIKE BKPF Belegkopf für Buchhaltung
I_BLPOS LIKE KBLE-BLPOS Belegposition Mittelvormerkung
I_BPENT LIKE KBLE-BPENT Belegpositionsentwicklung

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
T_BBKPF LIKE BBKPF_FM Belegkopf für Buchhaltungsbeleg (Batch-Input-Struktur)
T_BBSEG LIKE BBSEG_FM Belegsegment Buchhaltung für IS-PS (Batch-Input-Struktur)
T_BBTAX LIKE BBTAX_FM Belegsteuern (Batch-Input-Struktur)
T_BSEC LIKE BSEC Belegsegment CPD-Daten
T_BSEG LIKE BSEG Belegsegment Buchhaltung
T_BSET LIKE BSET Belegsegment Steuerdaten


This function module does not define any Exceptions.