
SAP Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00503101_P

Exit Erlösrealisierung: Deaktivierung SD_REV_REC_SALES

The Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00503101_P (Exit Erlösrealisierung: Deaktivierung SD_REV_REC_SALES) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group BFFM2 within the package FIML.

Technical Information

Function Module OUTBOUND_CALL_00503101_P
Short Text Exit Erlösrealisierung: Deaktivierung SD_REV_REC_SALES
Function Group BFFM2
Package FIML
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
FIF_KONV_GEAENDERT LIKE Condition changed mark
FIF_VORGANG LIKE Currence mark
FIF_XVBAK_UPDKZ LIKE Current sales document header udate mark
FIF_YVBAK_UPDKZ LIKE Saved sales document header udate mark
FIS_KOMK LIKE KOMK Pricing communication header
FIS_T001 LIKE T001 Company code
FIS_TVAK LIKE TVAK Sales document type
FIS_XVBAK LIKE VBAK Current sales document header
FIS_XVBUK LIKE VBUKVB Current states by header
FIS_YVBAK LIKE VBAK Saved sales document header

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
FEF_NO_ACTIVATE LIKE SD_REV_REC_SALES: active ' ', not active 'X'

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
FIT_XFPLA LIKE FPLAVB Current billing plan
FIT_XFPLT LIKE FPLTVB Current billing plan dates
FIT_XKOMP LIKE KOMP Current communication item
FIT_XKOMV LIKE KOMV Current communication condition type
FIT_XVBAP LIKE VBAPVB Current sales document item
FIT_XVBEP LIKE VBEPVB Current planning
FIT_XVBKD LIKE VBKDVB Current business dates
FIT_XVBUP LIKE VBUPVB Current states by item
FIT_YFPLT LIKE FPLTVB Saved billing plan dates
FIT_YVBAP LIKE VBAPVB Saved sales document item
FIT_YVBKD LIKE VBKDVB Saved business dates


This function module does not define any Exceptions.