The Function Module PCLO_COMPUTE_REPAYMENT_PLAN (Berechnung des Tilgungsplanes) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group HRPY_LOAN_REPT within the package PCLO.
Short Text | Berechnung des Tilgungsplanes |
Function Group | HRPY_LOAN_REPT |
Package | PCLO |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
PF_FIRST | TYPE | DATS | 1. Tag der Startperiode | |
PS_LOID | TYPE | PCLO_ID | Darlehens-ID | |
PT_LO | TYPE | PCLO_LO_TAB | Darlehenslohnartentabelle | |
PT_P0001 | TYPE | P0001_TAB | Infotyptabelle: Organisatorische Zuordnung | |
PT_P0045 | TYPE | PCLO_P0045 | Infotyptabelle: Darlehen | |
PT_P0078 | TYPE | PCLO_P0078 | Zahlungen (Infotyp 0078) |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
PF_OUTPAY | TYPE | C | Auszahlung im untersuchten Zeitraum | |
PSX_LOAN | TYPE | PCLO_LOAN_DATA | Darlehensdaten in der Abrechnung | |
PTX_REP | TYPE | PCLO_REPAY_TAB | Arbeitgeberdarlehen: Tilgungsplan |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
PT_IEFFZ | LIKE | VZZEFFZ | Effektivzinsrelevante Bewegungssätze |
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
ERROR | Error of any kind |
ERR_CURR_CONV | Fehler bei Währungsumrechnung |
ERR_IN_LOAN_CALC | Fehler in Darlehensberechnung |
NO_TABLE_ENTRY | Kein Tabelleneintrag gefunden |