

Get KOKRS from the variant in background process

The Function Module RKD_GET_KOKRS_FROM_VARIANT (Get KOKRS from the variant in background process) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group KYP4 within the package KC_NU.

Technical Information

Short Text Get KOKRS from the variant in background process
Function Group KYP4
Package KC_NU
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_RNAME TYPE RKE_RNAME ABAP report name (generated coding)
I_VARIANT LIKE SY-SLSET Selektionsbilder, Name der Variante
I_VID TYPE CFVID Drilldown: Technical ID of the variables

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
E_KOKRS LIKE RKB1X-KOKRS KOKRS - controling area

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
GENERAL_ERROR general exception for the future
INCORRECT_INPUT_PARAMETERS all input par. are not filled with values
SELECTION_FIELD_NOT_FOUND field on selection screen was not found
VARIANT_NOT_FOUND selection screen variant was not found