
SAP Function Module RP_01C_VM_STORNO

HR-BAV: Ermitteln Storn-Meldungen VM

The Function Module RP_01C_VM_STORNO (HR-BAV: Ermitteln Storn-Meldungen VM) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group RPDWX within the package P01A.

Technical Information

Function Module RP_01C_VM_STORNO
Short Text HR-BAV: Ermitteln Storn-Meldungen VM
Function Group RPDWX
Package P01A
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I01_BLSTG TYPE P01CVH-BLSTG Bilanzstichtag
I01_PERNR TYPE P01CVH-PERNR Personalnummer
I01_VMANS TYPE T5DC5-VMANS 'X' Ansprüche melden
I01_VMGRD TYPE T5DC5-VMGRD Grund Erzeugung Schnittstellendaten
I01_VMRBB TYPE T5DC5-VMRBB 'X' Rentenbezüge melden

Exporting Parameters

This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
T01_DEL_P01CVD LIKE P01CVD Versicherungsmathematik BAV Daten
T01_DEL_P01CVH LIKE P01CVH Versicherungsmathematik BAV Kopf-Sätze
T01_DEL_P01CVR LIKE P01CVR Versicherungsmathematik BAV Kopf-Sätze
T01_P01CVD LIKE P01CVD Versicherungsmathematik BAV Daten
T01_P01CVH LIKE P01CVH Versicherungsmathematik BAV Kopf-Sätze
T01_P01CVR LIKE P01CVR Versicherungsmathematik BAV Kopf-Sätze
T01_SEL_HANSP LIKE P01C_RNGAN Rangestabelle Anspruch
T01_SEL_LTRGR LIKE P01C_RNGLT Rangestabelle Leistungsträger


This function module does not define any Exceptions.