The Function Module WB2_DL_VARIANCE_CANCEL (Trading Contract: calculate variance volume) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group WB2_VARIANCE_CALC_FUNC within the package WB2B.
Function Module | WB2_DL_VARIANCE_CANCEL |
Short Text | Trading Contract: calculate variance volume |
Function Group | WB2_VARIANCE_CALC_FUNC |
Package | WB2B |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
IN_EKPO | LIKE | EKPO | Einkaufsbelegposition | |
IN_GOITEM | TYPE | GOITEM | MMIM Enjoy: Item data | |
IN_LIPS | TYPE | LIPSVB | Bezugsstruktur fuer XLIPS/YLIPS | |
IN_VBAP | TYPE | VBAPVB | Bezugsstruktur fuer XVBAP/YVBAP | |
IN_VBRP | TYPE | VBRPVB | Bezugsstruktur fuer XVBRP/YVBRP | |
I_CHARG | TYPE | CHARG_D | Transfer Table to SAPLMBIN for Batch/Stock Selection | |
I_DOC_NUMBER | TYPE | VBELN | Sales and distribution document number | |
I_DOC_PRED_DOC | TYPE | WB2_DOC_PRED_DOC | Assoz.-Mngt: Hilfsstruktur, enthält Pos. und Vorgängerpos. | |
I_DOC_TYPE | TYPE | WB2_DOC_TYPE | Document type | |
I_GJAHR | TYPE | GJAHR | Fiscal year | |
I_ITEM | TYPE | POSNR | Item number of the SD document | |
I_KOMWBGT | TYPE | KOMWBGT | Kommunikationsstruktur | |
I_REF_VALUE | TYPE | MEINS | Base unit of measure | |
I_SUB_ITEM | TYPE | POSNR | Item number of the SD document | |
I_VALUE | TYPE | WB2_COMPLETE_QUAN | Global Trade: Overall Quantity of an item |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
P_VARIANCE | TYPE | WB2_COMPLETE_QUAN | Variance volume | |
P_VARI_UOM | TYPE | MEINS | Variance volume unit | |
SEND_COMPL | TYPE | WB2_SEND_COMPLETION | Vollendungskennzeichen senden | |
S_VARIANCE | TYPE | WB2_COMPLETE_QUAN | Variance volume | |
S_VARI_UOM | TYPE | MEINS | Variance volume unit |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
This function module does not define any Exceptions.