
SAP Message Class 04

SAP File Transfer Protocol

The Message Class 04 (SAP File Transfer Protocol) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package SFTP.

Technical Information

Message Class 04
Short Text SAP File Transfer Protocol
Package SFTP


ID Language Text
100 D Connect Fehler : &1&2&3&4
101 D Verbindung zu & : TCP/IP error.
102 D Verbindung zu & : Zeitlimit überschritten.
103 D Verbindung zu & : Interner Fehler
104 D Komponente : & Fehlertext : &
105 D Tabellen COMPONENT und COMPONENT_DATA sind nicht konsistent.
106 D Fehler in der Dekomprimierung
107 D Verbindung zu & : Dokument beinhaltet keine Daten
108 D & & & &
200 D Parameter für C-Funktion fehlt.
201 D Verbindungsaufbau zum & ist mißlungen.
202 D Benutzer & ist auf dem Rechner & nicht zugelassen.
203 D FTP Verbindung zum &: binary mode kann nicht gesetzt werden.
205 D RFC zum Programm SAPFTP ist mißlungen.
206 D FTP Handle ungültig.
207 D FTP Subkommando: lokaler Fehler.
208 D Interner Fehler in SAPFTP.
209 D FTP Subkommando: Server meldet Fehler.
210 D RFC Destination & konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.
213 D Datenfehler in FTP Copy - Source.
214 D Datenfehler in FTP Copy - Destination.
215 D WIN16: FTP kann nur einmal gestartet werden.
032 E G/L accounts A segment $ deleted $
033 E G/L accounts B segment $ deleted $
034 E Planned asset cannot be activated, since not posted
035 E The segment control can only be changed for inactive master records
040 E Investment key $ not in Tab.085
046 E Invalid change code
047 E Model record $ not permitted
048 E Asset record $ with all sub-numbers changed ($)
049 E Asset record with document $ changed
050 E Asset record $ does not exist
051 E Asset record $ already exists
052 E Asset record $-$ added to company code $
053 E Asset record $-$ changed in company code $
054 E No change
055 E Model record $ either does not exist or has been deleted
056 E Model record $ already exists
057 E Model record $ created
058 E Model record $ changed
059 E Asset record $-$ deleted in company code $
060 E Reference asset $ does not exist
061 E Input class $ is not the same as reference class $
062 E Reference class $ does not exist
063 E If there is no reference record, you must specify a class
064 E CAUTION: Asset created without open item management
065 E Investment key can no longer be changed
066 E No start date for first activation
067 E Asset $ cannot be deleted yet
068 E No technical data exists for asset class $
069 E Incorrect assignment number selection
070 E Planning record $ does not exist
071 E Planning record $ already exists
072 E Planning record $ created
073 E Planning record $ changed
075 E Project record $ does not exist
076 E Project record $ already exists
077 E Project record $ created
078 E Project record $ changed
079 E Project record $ missing for budget control
080 E No amortization possible due to low amortization instalment
081 E No manual entry of sort sequence for assets with this active flag
082 E Internal number assignment - asset number will be overwritten
083 E Asset number $ cannot be assigned externally
084 E Number range $ for asset numbers not loaded
085 E G/L account $ does not exist $
086 E G/L account $ BUKRS $ not opened $
087 E Document number range not found
088 E Special AFA key not permitted - special items already posted
089 E Asset is marked with delete flag '$'
090 E No authorization for asset master record $
091 E Authorization does not cover all field groups of the model record
092 E Change model record possible only if authorized for all field groups
093 E No longer possible to change activation ID
094 E Tax depreciation area is already active
095 E Screen selection for tax-based AFA cannot be deactivated
096 E Please check old field contents and press Enter
097 E With activation ID $, only account $ is allowed
098 E No authorization for plant $
099 E No authorization for business area $
100 E Connect Error: &1&2&3&4
101 E Connection to &: TCP/IP error
102 E Connection to &: Time limit exceeded
103 E Connection to &: Internal error
104 E Component : & error text : &
105 E Tables COMPONENT and COMPONENT_DATA are inconsistent
106 E Error in decompression
107 E Connection to &: Document does not contain any data
108 E & & & &
109 E Cannot deactivate, since acquisition value is not zero
110 E Company code $ is not in table 001 / 093
111 E Business area $ is not in table 001G
112 E General ledger account $ not in table 095
113 E No value adjustment account for account $ in table 095
115 E Property indicator $ not permitted with leasing
116 E Activation ID must be 'L' for leasing
117 E Function not supported in BS2000
118 E Depreciation key $ for net worth tax not in table 090
119 E Depreciation key $ for net worth tax - only type 'N' allowed
120 E Assessed valuation key $ not in table 091
121 E Indexing possible only with valuation type 'S'
122 E Index series (tab. 094H) must be specified with val. type 'S' (tab. 091)
123 E No depreciation key permitted with valuation types 'E' and 'M' (tab 091)
124 E Transaction type $ either does not exist or cannot be entered manually
125 E No transactions exist
126 E Date invalid or incorrect format -> ?N
127 E Period invalid or incorrect format (YY.MM)
128 E Last year-end closing more than 2 years ago according to table 093
129 E Function code incorrect or not allowed
130 E Business area can be used only with inactive records
131 E Depreciation key $ not in table 090
132 E Period can no longer be used, since AFA has already been posted
133 E Start should not be changed, since AFA has already been posted
134 E Depreciation key $ is incorrect
135 E Manual maintenance year not permitted or not in table 094H
136 E Start change refers to a completed fiscal year
137 E Caution: Expected useful life < 1 year entered
138 E Cannot change from straight-line to decl.balance method of depreciation
139 E With general ledger account $, AFA key $ is not allowed (table 090H)
140 E AFA key $ is not allowed in area $ (?N)
141 E Declining percentage rate is too high
142 E No special depreciation is allowed with this normal depreciation
143 E Period not specified with depreciation key $
144 E With AFA key $, percentage rate in table 090 is not allowed
145 E Depreciation key $ does not indicate special depreciation
146 E Period greater than 5 years for special depreciation key $
147 E Minimum expected usefeul life for area $ key $ exceeded in table 090D
148 E Maximum expected useful life for area $ key $ exceeded in table 090D
149 E Next entry or press Enter
150 E Cost centers sorted by date (old centers possibly deleted)
151 E Date cannot be entered more than once
152 E Distribution key $ not in table 099
153 E Imputed AFA: Economic life > physical life
154 E Do you really want to charge cost centers from the year dot?
156 E Posted-until-date should not be changed, since AFA has been posted
157 E AFA start date is in the future
158 E AFA start date does not agree with first year convention of half-year
159 E Location $-$-$ not in table 499S
160 E Interest payment frequency is not the same as payment frequency --> ?N
161 E Sub-numbers must be created/changed with TI09/TI08
163 E Cum. AFA is theoretical - please check
170 E Total acquisition value differs from sum of individual values
171 E In company code $, plant $ is not in table 001W
172 E Investment key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 085W)
173 E Special AFA key $ is not allowed in plant $ (table 090W)
174 E System error PG04: Name table for asset master does not exist
175 E Sequential file '$' not found
176 E Field '$' not in asset master
177 E Field '$' cannot be changed
178 E Sequential read error in file SPLD
179 E Direct read error in file SPLD
180 E Positioning error in file SPLD
181 E System error PG04: Transaction $ not in table $
182 E System error PG04: Error READ ASSET $
183 E System error PG04: Error READ VWS $
184 E System error PG04: Error MOD ABEZ
185 E System error PG04: Error SET INDEX
186 E System error PG04: Error READ DOCUMENT
187 E System error PG04: Error SET SEGMENT
188 E System error PG04: Error INSERT SEGMENT
189 E System error PG04: Error NUMBER DOCU
190 E System error PG04: Error in NAMETAB
191 E System error PG04: DT text document in TAB003
192 E System error PG04: Initial document header missing
193 E System error PG04: Error with CLCL ENDVV
194 E System error PG04: Error with TRANS ABEZ
195 E System error PG04: Error with MOD ABEZ
196 E System error PG04: Error with PRE ABEZ
197 E System error PG04: Error with END DOCU
198 E System error PG04: Error with LOAD $
200 E Parameter for C function missing
201 E Attempt to set up connection to & failed
202 E User & has no access authorization for computer &
203 E FTP connection to &: Unable to set binary mode
204 E SAPFTP installation terminated manually
205 E RFC to program SAPFTP failed
206 E Invalid FTP handle
207 E FTP subcommand: Local error
208 E Internal error in SAPFTP
209 E FTP subcommand: Server reports error
210 E RFC destination & could not be created
212 E Unable to install SAPFTP
213 E Data error in FTP copy source
214 E Data error in FTP copy - destination
215 E WIN16: FTP can only be started once
216 E System error VB04: FEX with NUMBER SINDEX
217 E System error VB04: FEX with END DOCUMENT
218 E System error VB04: FEX with INDEX MINDEX
219 E System error VB04: FEX with INSERT DOCU.
230 E System error VB04: FEX with ASSREAD
231 E System error VB04: FEX with ASSWRITE
232 E System error VB04: FEX MACO ADRESSEN
233 E System error VB04: FEX MACO IOFEHLER
234 E System error VB04: FEX MACO ZXFHLSRT
235 E System error VB04: Error with LOAD - program not found
240 E Asset $ is being edited by another user
241 E Record changes locked due to update termination
242 E Record changes locked due to update termination
243 E System error PG04: Incorrect KEY structure when locking
250 E N E T B O O K V A L U E S
251 E D E P R E C I A T I O N S
252 E I M P U T E D V. A. / B O O K V A L U E S
259 E Asset $ - $ in company code $ cannot be deleted
300 E Asset chart printed (return code $)
301 E Asset class $ has different general ledger acct. - please transfer (TI11)
302 E Entry for account $ in table 095 is either missing or incomplete -> ?N
303 E Changed access date falls in a different fiscal year
310 E Requested storage space not available in main memory
311 E Sequential dataset belongs to another client
312 E Mass update is not allowed according to table 089
313 E At least one record in the sequential dataset is too long -> ?N
314 E The sequential dataset contains too many records -> ?N
315 E $ records read from file SPLD, processing -> Enter
350 E Please define text of new asset and press Enter
351 E Asset cannot be split because it has already been posted
352 E Capital improvement cost is higher than total acquisition cost
353 E Error when recalculating AFA - cannot use T194
354 E Fiscal year change with sub-number * not allowed