
SAP Message Class 3L

HR: Mensajes para México

The Message Class 3L (HR: Mensajes para México) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB32.

Technical Information

Message Class 3L
Short Text HR: Mensajes para México
Package PB32


ID Language Text
001 D Indique número de afiliación IMSS
002 D Especifique número de días/horas solo en jornada reducida
003 D Indique el número de días/horas
004 D No existen entradas en & para & / &
005 D El número de & no debe ser mayor a & / &
006 D No se ha especificado ningún descuento para el empleado.
007 D No concuerda el & con los datos en los campos & / &
008 D Empleado exento de obligaciones IMSS & / &
009 D Empleado sujeto a obligaciones IMSS sin número de afiliación & / &
010 D El número de referencia es necesario para incapacidades &
011 D No existen entradas en & para & / & con fecha &
012 D No existe causa de baja reconocida por el IMSS en el periodo & / &
013 D Calendario Días Naturales (Factory) NO ENCONTRADO
014 D Calendario Días Festivos (Holiday) NO ENCONTRADO
015 D Fecha con formato incorrecto para la función atributos de días habiles
016 D Inconsistencia en la fecha para la función atributos de días habiles
017 D Error en la obtención de atributos de días habiles
018 D El aviso con la fecha de movimiento & es extemporaneo a la fecha actual &
019 D El aviso con la fecha de movimiento & será extemporaneo a partir del &
020 D El descuento no debe ser mayor al monto del crédito
021 D Para el subtipo '11' (Padre) el sexo debe ser masculino.
022 D Para el subtipo '12' (Madre) el sexo debe ser femenino.
023 D Fecha de nacimiento del hijo anterior a fecha de nacimiento del empleado
024 D Número de afiliación IMSS incorrecto, Dígito verificador debe ser &.
025 D Número de afiliación IMSS incompleto, deben ser 11 dígitos.
026 D El número de afiliación IMSS debe ser numérico y no tener espacios '&'
027 D Número de afiliación IMSS duplicado en el empleado número &
050 D El límite inferior debe ser menor al límite superior
051 D Salario mínimo diario no puede ser mayor a Salario mínimo mensual
100 D No existe área/subárea de personal para clave & / & / &
101 D No existe descripción de puesto con clave & / & / & / &
102 D No existe municipio/estado con clave & / & / & en tabla T7MX63
103 D No existe información adicional de área & / subárea & en tabla T7MX0P
104 D No existe constante para clave & / & / & / & en tabla T511K
105 D No existe registro patronal con clave & / & en tabla T7MX24
106 D No existe información adicional de compañía para & / & / (T7MX01)
107 D No existe tipo de contrato para clave & / & en tabla T547V
108 D No existe descripción de unidad de tiempo para clave & / & / & / &
109 D No existe descripción de estado para & / & / & / & en tabla T005U
110 D No existe clase de incapacidad & para &
111 D No existe texto para clase de incapacidad & / &
112 D No existe descripción para subtipo & para &
113 D No existe causa de medida de personal con clave & / & / & en tabla T7MX02
114 D Incapacidad invalida por cambio de registro patronal & / &
115 D Error al escribir datos en TemSe
116 D Error al tratar de cerrar el archivo TemSe
117 D Error al asignar el objeto TemSe
200 D No existe evento para clave & / & / & en infotipo 0000
201 D No existe asignación organizacional para & / & / & en infotipo 0001
202 D No existe información de personal para & / & / & en infotipo 0002
203 D No existe información representante legal & para & / & en infotipo 0001
204 D No existe información representante legal & para & / & en infotipo 0002
206 D No existe dirección para clave & / & / & en infotipo 0006
207 D Funcionalidad no liberada para 4.0A. (ver detalle)
208 D No existe pago básico para clave & / & / & en infotipo 0008
214 D No existe Ben/Deduc recurrentes para & / & / & en infotipo 0014
216 D No existen elementos de contrato para & / & / & en infotipo 0016
221 D No existen personas relacionadas para & / & en Inf. 0021 subtipo & &
222 D Formato del CURP incorrecto,las primeras 4 pos. deben ser alfabéticas '&'
223 D Incorrecto & de nacimiento en la CURP según la fecha de nacimiento '&'
224 D Formato del CURP incorrecto, en & existen caracteres alfabéticos '&'.
225 D Formato del CURP incorrecto, el sexo no coincide debe ser & / '&'.
226 D Formato del CURP incorrecto, el estado no debe contener & / '&'
227 D Formato del CURP incorrecto, existen & donde deben ir consonantes '&'
228 D Formato del CURP incompleto,existen espacios en blanco que deben llenados
229 D Formato del CURP incompleto... '&'
230 D Formato del CURP incompleto, no se ha especificado el sexo 'H' o 'M'.
231 D Clave del estado en el CURP &, no corresponde a entidades Mexicanas
232 D Especifique el municipio para la región seleccionada
314 D No existe el salario diario integrado para & / & en el infotipo 0014
369 D No existe información de IMSS para & / & / & en infotipo 0369
370 D No existe información de INFONAVIT para & / & / & en infotipo 0370
371 D No existe No. de identificación para & / & / & en infotipo 0185
372 D No es posible abrir el fichero TemSe
373 D Error al crear la TemSe
385 D No existe docum. Identificación para & / & en inf. 0185 subtipo & &
400 D Pensión Alimenticia: 400 - 499
401 D Fecha de recibo no debe ser mayor que la fecha actual
402 D Fecha de recibo no debe ser mayor que la fecha de liberación
403 D Fecha de liberación no permitida
404 D Infotipo de deuda todavía existe
405 D Por favor determine la regla
406 D Por favor borre la regla
500 D Formato de nombre incompleto para &
001 E Indicate IMSS registration number
002 E Specify number of days/hours only for short-time days
003 E Indicate number of days/hours
004 E Incorrect municipal code
005 E Number & must be equal to & in timetable &
006 E You have not specified any discount for the employee
007 E & does not match with the data in the &/& fields
008 E Employee exempt from IMSS obligations & / &
009 E Employee subject to IMSS obligations without & / & registration no.
010 E Reference no. is neccessary for incapacities &
011 E There are no entries in & for & / & on & date
012 E No reasons for work incapac. recognised by IMSS during & / &
013 E No calendar day calendar was found (factory)
014 E No public holiday calendar was found (public holidays)
015 E Date incorrectly formatted for the business day attribute function
016 E Inconsistency in date for business day attribute function
017 E Error in obtaining business day attributes
018 E Notif. with movement & date is out-of-date according to present date &
019 E Notif. with movement & date will be out-of-date from &
020 E Discount must not be greater than total credit
021 E Sex must be masculine for father subtype (11)
022 E Sex must be feminine for mother subtype (12)
023 E Date of birth of child previous to employee date of birth
024 E Incorrect IMSS registration number, Check digit must be &
025 E IMSS registration no. incomplete. It must be 11 digits
026 E IMSS registration no. must be numerical and not have spaces &
027 E IMSS registration no. duplicated in employee no. &
028 E CURP number duplicated in the employee number &
029 E Cannot find the cumulated wage type & &
030 E Cannot find the cumulated wage type for the days paid
031 E Division between zero is not allowed
032 E The indicated period number is not monthly
033 E The indicated period number is not bimonthly
034 E Select a contribution total to report
035 E Advance greater than amount of & corresponding until &
036 E Indicate payment date
037 E The specified wage type & is inconsistent in field & table T7MX50 &
038 E Personnel number & cannot be blocked
039 E Duplicated information in infotype & dated &
040 E Wage type invalid for &
041 E No payroll results exist for the selection conditions
042 E Proportional payment may only be made before December
043 E Country grouping does not exist for personnel administration &
044 E Year greater than current
045 E Not possible to export & to table PCL4
046 E Measurement unit incorrect. Initialize & in table T511
047 E Amount is compulsary, number is optional
048 E Amount is optional, number is compulsary
049 E Amount is compulsary, number is not necessary
050 E The lower limit must be less than the upper limit
051 E Minimum daily wage cannot be greater than minimum monthly wage
052 E Month/Year to declare is incorrect
053 E Incorrect monthly percentage
054 E Not necessary to indicate amount or number
055 E Payroll accounting area & is blocked. Change status and retry
056 E There are no entries in T530 for reason & in personnal action &
057 E Error in function module &
058 E There is no description for & with key &
059 E RFC & not assigned to a company
060 E Need to specify contract final date in infotype 0016
061 E Temporary employee with less than 60 days worked
062 E There are no entries in table &
063 E Need to specify contract start date in infotype 0016
064 E Year must be same for date fields
065 E There is no person subgroup &
066 E Personnel subarea & does not exist
067 E There are no wage types to report for the selection parameters
068 E Error in user job call
069 E Need to specify loan conditions in infotype 0045
070 E Profit to be shared cannot equal zero in batch output mode
071 E Applicable tax table must be monthly
072 E Fixed revenue less or equal to zero
073 E Schema & does not exist in schema directory
074 E Marital status in infotype 0002 does not agree with spouse subtype
075 E You can only delete notification with a higher sequential number
076 E You cannot execute this evaluation directly
077 E There is no calendar for cumulation & in table &
078 E There is no cumulation period for calendar &
079 E Legal person associated to employer register & is duplicated
080 E Employer register & exists for more than one legal person
081 E You must specify subtype for infotype 0416
082 E You must specify subtype for the infotype Absences (2001)
083 E You must specify wage type in infotype 0416
084 E The payroll run date & is not a working day
085 E Error in work schedule & for & &
086 E Collision with infotype & subtype & & &
087 E Collision with infotype 2005 & &
088 E The quota & is not assigned to subtype &
089 E Quota & & & already settled
090 E Deduction from infotype 2001 must be minimum for one full day
091 E Quota deduction start date & & is later than &
092 E Infotype 0007 for & does not exist or is incomplete
093 E Deduction from infotype 0416 is very small &
094 E Wage type invalid for infotype Time quota compensations
095 E Absence quota type & does not exist
096 E The flagged subtype is not valid for infotype &
097 E Employee subgroup & does not exist
098 E Month number & not valid
099 E Place curser on valid line
100 E There is no employee group/subgroup for key & / & / &
101 E There is no job description with code & / & / & / &
102 E There is no municipality/state with code & / & / &
103 E There is no additional info on area & / subarea &
104 E There is no constant for code & / & / & / &
105 E There is no employer record with code & / &
106 E There is no additional company data for & / &
107 E There is no contract type for code & / &
108 E There is no time unit description for code & / & / & / &
109 E There is no description of state for & / & / & / &
110 E There is no work incapacity class & for &
111 E There is no text for work incapacity class & / &
112 E There is no description for subtype & for &
113 E There is no cause of personnel action with code & / & / &
114 E Invalid incapacity for work due to change in employer record & / &
115 E Error on writing data in TemSe
116 E Error on trying to close TemSe file
117 E Error on assigning TemSe object
118 E There is no IMSS occupational hazard data in & / & / &
119 E Data existing or less than last period & & & for occupational hazard
120 E Short-time day does not correspond with data in infotype 0007
121 E You have not created Planned working time infotype (0007)
122 E Payroll area & does not exist
123 E Payroll period for & does not exist in table &
124 E Error with control program in CALL interface
125 E Error on calling function module &
126 E System error TemSe notified
127 E Date & is less than & in the last record of infotype &
128 E The contract date & is less than the modification date &
129 E Data for & already exists in the Integrated daily wage infotype (0372)
130 E Values from & to & have not changed
131 E Error on reading data in infotype & in & / &
132 E There is an incapacity in &
133 E Contract date & greater than settlement date &
134 E There is no daily wage in & in payroll periods & / &
135 E There is no daily wage for the zone & / & / &
136 E Constant & & does not exist
137 E Start date and end date must appear in the same year
138 E Final date must be 12/31/&
139 E Personnel action infotype (0000) exists between & and &
140 E There is no economic zone in state & for municipality & with date &
141 E For this country there is no relevant economic zone for payroll
142 E Time of working day does not correspond to data of infotype 0007
143 E You cannot select incapacity and absence
144 E The first payment date must be greater than start date
145 E Wage type amount (&) cannot be negative
146 E Time/measurement unit of wage type & cannot be negative
147 E In annual periodicity you must not specify month number
148 E In monthly periodicity the month number and year are compulsory
149 E In annual periodicity the year is compulsory
150 E You must execute the payroll in test mode to calculate the SDI
151 E Do not flag any integrated daily wage parameter
152 E You need to select the IMSS registration parameter
153 E You need to select the IMSS wage modification parameter
154 E You need to select the IMSS deregistration parameter
155 E In the case of preliminary format you must not select official formats
156 E Flag an official format for IMSS registration notification
157 E Flag an official format for IMSS wage modification notification
158 E Flag an official format for IMSS deregistration notification
159 E Select at least one type of IMSS notification
160 E It was not possible to change record with date & in infotype 372
161 E Print parameters incorrect for registration notification
162 E Print parameters incorrect for modification notifications
163 E Print parameters incorrect for deregistration notifications
164 E It is not possible to calculate SDI in off-cycle payroll run
165 E Spool number & Spool order title & & &
166 E Batch input creation finalized
167 E You generated data medium files in SUA format
168 E Notification date & is not a working day
169 E You have not selected any record
170 E It was not possible to start batch input
171 E It was not possible to delete info. on notifications in infotype 372
172 E You do not have authority to create/modify &
173 E No reason & in relation to pers. action & & &
174 E Pers.action f/term. & & & does not exist
175 E The termination action & is not recognized by the LFT
176 E The wage type from & is compulsory
177 E Wage type repeated &
178 E Record control for & does not exist
179 E Select an employee to see employee details
180 E Select only one employee to see employee details
181 E Final payment date must be less than end of year date
182 E Select at least one employee to execute final payt.
183 E Cannot execute fin.payt f/employee &
184 E Final payment date incorrect
185 E Entries are not stored that do not contain wage types
186 E Time/measurement unit and number are compulsory
187 E Time/measurement unit and number are exclusive
188 E Simulation terminated
189 E Mass simulation terminated
190 E In relation to personel action & reason &, wage type & not relevant
191 E Calendar type of wage type & is different to that of wage type &
192 E Valuation of daily wage or SDI only accepts wage types with &
193 E Average valuation only accepts wage types with &
194 E You will not perform settlement of savings fund
195 E Number of days of & must not exceed &
196 E &1 : Date of final payment prior to last date of payment
197 E Employee refused because recorded basis is zero.
198 E The year of payment must be greater than the year of calculation.
199 E No wage type has been specified
200 E No event for key & / & / & in infotype 0000
201 E No organizational assignment for & / & / & in infotype 0001
202 E No personnel information for & / & / & in infotype 0002
203 E No legal owner information & for & / & in infotype 0001
204 E No legal owner information & for & / & in infotype 0002
205 E No IMSS calendar has been specified
206 E No address for key & / & / & in infotype 0006
207 E &1 days are higher than the days of the period from &2 to &3
208 E No basic pay for key & / & / & in infotype 0008
209 E Employee & with no amount to be settled.
210 E Infonavit Housing Insurance amount & > constant T511P-& - & at date &
211 E It is not recommended to delete infotype 0372 data.
212 E Do you still want to delete them?
214 E No recurrent Profits/Deductions for & / & / & in infotype 0014
216 E No contract elements for & / & / & in infotype 0016
217 E You must not indicate IMSS affiliation number for this type of relation
221 E No persons assigned for & / & in infotype 0021 subtype & &
222 E First 4 CURP positions must be alphabetical '&'
223 E Incorrect date of birth in CURP '&' in &
224 E In & there are alphabetical characters '&'
225 E Gender in CURP does not coincide. Must be &, not &
226 E There are unauthorized characters '&' in the state
227 E There are unauthorized characters '&' in CURP
228 E Incomplete CURP format
229 E You need to specify state code
230 E You need to specify sex (H)male or (M)female
231 E State code in CURP '&', does not correspond to Mexican entities
232 E Specify municipality for selected region
233 E You need to specify internal consonants in CURP
234 E There are unauthorized characters '&' in the field for &
235 E There are unauthorized accents for the IMSS '&' in the field for &
236 E Wage type invalid for employee group/subgroup: &
237 E End date must be greater than start date
238 E Incomplete RFC format
239 E No state tax rate found for the state &
240 E Error while processing totals by state
241 E Unable to determine the state for this employee (cluster table TAX_IT)
242 E Unable to calculate taxes for two different cost centers
243 E The employee was rejected due to having a savings fund under zero
244 E Processing period could not be found for period: &
245 E No information found in tax base
246 E No tax results found
247 E Basic wages are different from wage type /493
248 E Infotype 0001 not found for date &
249 E State not found in payroll result in period: &
250 E Selection period could not be calculated
251 E No payroll results exist for the selection conditions
252 E No relevant settings found for & State (T7MX12)
253 E Company & (BUKRS) not chosen or not found
254 E No company code (BUKRS) or RFC chosen from T7MX01
255 E & status in CURP does not correspond to Birth federal area '&'
300 E Reserved for payroll results archiving
301 E Reserved for payroll results archiving
302 E Reserved for payroll results archiving
303 E Reserved for payroll results archiving
304 E Reserved for payroll results archiving
314 E There is no daily integrated wage for & / & in the infotype 0372
369 E there is no IMSS information for & / & / & in infotype 0369
370 E There is no INFONAVIT information for & / & / & in infotype 0370
371 E There is no identification number for & / & / & in infotype 0185
372 E It is not possible to open TemSe file
373 E Error on creating TemSe
374 E There is no balance for this credit in the last payroll
375 E In INFONAVIT credit you must specify FONACOT credit number
376 E There is no FONACOT information for & / & / & in infotype 0370
377 E There is no data in infotype 0169 for subtype & with date: & &
378 E The discount percentage is incorrect
379 E There is no basic wage for contributions in infotype 0372
380 E Specify number and or unit of time/measurement
381 E Number not necessary unit of time/measurement obligatory
382 E Process completed
383 E The wage type: & with number: & must not be negative
385 E There is no ident. document for & / & in infotype 0185 subtype & &
386 E Select at least one search option of Absences/Incapacities
401 E Receipt date must not be greater than the current date
402 E Receipt date must not be greater than the release date
403 E Release date not permitted
404 E You need to delete debt infotype
407 E Specify dividend and divisor or neither of them
408 E Unit does not correspond to type of discount for fixed amount
409 E Unit does not correspond to type of discount for percentage
410 E There are no data for the selection conditions
412 E Specify a discount percentage
413 E Delete fixed quota for percentage discount
414 E Specify an amount in fixed quota
415 E Delete percentage for discount by fixed quota
416 E Specify currency for fixed quota
418 E Specify a unit/interval
419 E In the case of special payt, no other payroll period is allowed
420 E Discount cannot be negative
421 E Specify a discount amount or percentage for the debt
422 E Delete the currency for discount by percentage
423 E Employee & already settled
440 E The date & is outside validity interval of IT 1 record
441 E Organizational assignation missing for the date &
442 E A grouping must be specified for quota type for &/& in T503
443 E A grouping must be specified for quota type for &/& in T001P
444 E Compensation class & non-existent for this organizational assignment
445 E You should not specify a rule for class & in table T556U
446 E A quota type must be specified for class & in table T556U
447 E Class & skipped due to problem with customizing of quota &
448 E Class & skipped, because quota & appears with other classes
500 E Name format incomplete for &
504 E There are no general date classes for all the persons & &
505 E Payment date & is previous to payment date of last payroll &
506 E Payment date & is previous to last payroll &
507 E Payment date & must be on or after & and on or before &
510 E There are no entries in the Control record table for &
511 E There are no entries in the Payroll period table for & & &
512 E The personnel action & reason & not recognized by the LFT
513 E There are no entries in Mexican causes for reason & pers. action &
514 E There are no entries in Mexican causes for termination action &
515 E The employee has left
516 E Quota & assigned to more than one subtype
600 E Reason &1 not allowed. A record with reason &3 already exists on date &2.
612 E IT 0003: The payroll date must be extended to &1
629 E Error when attempting to lock employee
630 E Error while determining currency on date &1
635 E IT 0003: Payroll date extended to &1
636 E IT 0003: Error when extending payroll date
639 E IT 0372: Record with date &1 for leaving has been created successfully
640 E IT 0372: Must create record with date &1 for leaving
641 E IT0372: Error when creating leaving record with date &1
642 E Official format generated
643 E Employee refused for being inactive at &1.
700 E Enter company RFC
701 E The new report for 2001 can only be printed as a template
702 E The company &1 has not been assigned an RFC
800 E Declaration & could not be generated for date &
801 E No implementation class defined in T5F99F0 for declaration & on the &
802 E No implementation class & defined in table T5F99F0
803 E Implementation class & defined in table T5F99F0 is abstract
804 E No payroll table & for period & - &
805 E No additional information for company code (BUKRS) &
806 E Error when mapping miscellaneous class
807 E No infotype & found for period & - &
808 E Method & not defined in implementation class &
809 E Reference period has to be (just) one complete month
810 E Reference period has to be (just) one day
811 E Reference period has to be (just) one complete year
812 E No payroll tax basis exists in period &
813 E Contract start date not specified in infotype 0041
814 E Contract limit date not specified in infotype 0041
815 E Error reading feature & in &.
816 E Error reading constant T511K-& in the &
821 E Processing declaration &
822 E Original declaration & has not been sent
823 E Original declaration & has alreday been sent
830 E Error during calculation for wage type & in group &
831 E Negative surplus (&) for period & - &
895 E Error on adding element to error list
896 E POP UP display error
897 E There is no payroll ID free on the date &1
898 E There is no free and unique payroll ID on the date &1
899 E & & & &
901 E No implementation class in T5F99F0 for declaration & in &