000 |
D |
000 bis 999 Bereich reserviert für HR: Spanien / España |
001 |
D |
Porcentaje calculado mayor que el aplicado. Indique un motivo. |
002 |
D |
Combinación de entradas no permitida & & |
003 |
D |
Entrada obligatoria & |
004 |
D |
Entrada innecesaria (& &). |
005 |
D |
No existe entrada en & para cód.reg. & y fecha & |
006 |
D |
No existe entrada en & para cód.reg. & |
007 |
D |
Falta código geográfico impositivo para & & & en T5E01. |
008 |
D |
No existe NIF para & & & en T5E02. |
009 |
D |
Dígito de control incorrecto & & |
010 |
D |
Estado civil fiscal no coincide con estado civil de datos personales. |
011 |
D |
Tipo de contrato muy largo para & & & & |
012 |
D |
Tipo de contrato & no disfruta de reducción/bonificación. |
013 |
D |
Fecha de concesión reducción & fuera del intervalo de validez. |
014 |
D |
No se permite realizar más de una entrada. |
015 |
D |
Marque indicador de reducción junto con fecha de concesión. |
016 |
D |
Fecha de concesión reduc./bonif. con contrato & sin reducción. |
017 |
D |
NIF: Dígito de control & incorrecto, correcto & |
018 |
D |
El NIF & es incorrecto. |
019 |
D |
Representación solicitada & no válida. |
020 |
D |
Defina código de empresa colab. en T5E01 para CC empresa & |
021 |
D |
La bonif./reducción tendrá efecto a partir de la fecha de inicio. |
022 |
D |
No se ha definido número de pagas en característica 'ESAPA'. |
023 |
D |
Modalidad seleccionada & no válida. |
024 |
D |
DISPLAY sólo válido dentro de un año de calendario & & & |
025 |
D |
El tipo de protocolo & no es válido. |
026 |
D |
No existe entrada en & para & & & & |
027 |
D |
Clave de percepción & no permitida en este infotipo. |
028 |
D |
Importe retenido & & superior a importe bruto & & |
029 |
D |
El código geográfico correspondiente al empleado es & |
030 |
D |
El N° de documento & existe en otro número de personal. |
031 |
D |
Porcentaje de retención según tabla. Indicar importe retenido. |
032 |
D |
REAL DECRETO 2189/1995: el ptje. mínimo de retención es & %. |
033 |
D |
Provincia y prefijo de código postal deben ser iguales: & &. |
034 |
D |
No está permitido entrar un año fiscal en el futuro (&). |
035 |
D |
Clv.país incorrecta (&) o inconsistente con país residencia &. |
036 |
D |
País de residencia (&) inconsistente con datos fiscales. |
037 |
D |
Imposible visualizar objeto TemSe. Consulte con su administrador. |
038 |
D |
No existen registros de tipo &. |
039 |
D |
Por favor, seleccione un registro de IT. |
040 |
D |
La empresa (o centro) indicada no existe en el grupo & |
041 |
D |
No existen datos de asignación organizativa para la fecha &. |
042 |
D |
La empresa (o centro) indicada no existe. |
043 |
D |
Error en la lectura del infotipo & |
044 |
D |
Error en la lectura del plan horario de trabajo |
045 |
D |
Error en update del infotipo & |
046 |
D |
No hay entrada para absentismo & en la tabla T511K. |
047 |
D |
Error al limitar la fecha final de ejecución de la nómina. |
048 |
D |
El valor & no está permitido para el parámetro & |
049 |
D |
No existe ninguna empresa con ese CCC |
050 |
D |
No existen datos personales de Seg.Social para la fecha &. |
051 |
D |
La moneda de ref. cambia a & en intervalo de & a &. (&) |
052 |
D |
No hay entrada en & con &. La nómina utilizará código 99. |
053 |
D |
Error en el cálculo de Antigüedad: Revise la parametrización |
054 |
D |
N° afil: Dígito de control & incorrecto, correcto & |
055 |
D |
RFC error: Module & not executable in RFC destination |
056 |
D |
No existe contrato de la Seg.Social con clave & |
057 |
D |
El contrato & no existe en & |
058 |
D |
El agrupador & no está definido. |
059 |
D |
No se ha(n) asignado método(s) de cálculo. |
060 |
D |
Generación errónea para el nº de personal & |
061 |
D |
Fecha límite contrato & excede los límites del infotipo. |
062 |
D |
Duración contrato inferior a duración mínima. Corrija fecha límite. |
063 |
D |
Duración contrato superior a duración máxima. Corrija fecha límite. |
064 |
D |
El responsable & no es válido. |
065 |
D |
El CG del empleado & no coincide con el de la empresa. |
066 |
D |
El tramo & no está definido. |
067 |
D |
El esquema de antigüedad '&' no está definido. |
068 |
D |
Si incluye un tramo, incluya una cantidad (y viceversa). |
069 |
D |
Rellene la lista de arriba a abajo sin dejar huecos |
070 |
D |
Existe otro empleado (&) con el mismo n° de afiliación |
071 |
D |
Contrato tiempo parcial. Indique los días o horas de trabajo. |
072 |
D |
El contrato & no tiene asignado contrato válido de Seg. Social. |
073 |
D |
El CCC asignado a & & no está mantenido. |
074 |
D |
Falta mantener CCC para contratos de aprendizaje para & &. |
075 |
D |
Falta mantener CCC para contratos a tiempo parcial para & &. |
076 |
D |
Mantenga en infotipo 41 la fecha a partir de la cual se está exento. |
077 |
D |
Por favor mantener entradas según la máscara & |
078 |
D |
Fecha no válida |
079 |
D |
Por favor mantenga la unidad para la jornada de trabajo |
080 |
D |
Coeficiente a tiempo parcial excede el valor máximo permitido |
081 |
D |
Sólo puede entrar uno de esos dos campos. Por favor borre un campo |
082 |
D |
Por favor entre el receptor |
083 |
D |
Por favor entre receptor y forma de pago |
084 |
D |
Cantidad convertida a moneda local. |
085 |
D |
Error en lectura ajuste |
086 |
D |
Error en la valoración indirecta de la Antigüedad |
087 |
D |
Por favor entre porcentaje y unidad conjuntamente |
088 |
D |
Por favor entre la cantidad y la unidad conjuntamente |
089 |
D |
No existe concepto de Antigüedad en el infotipo 8 en &. |
090 |
D |
Por favor entre el limite |
091 |
D |
Por favor entre una relación entre los dos límites |
092 |
D |
No existen entradas en la característica & |
093 |
D |
Indique solamente carácteres numéricos |
096 |
D |
La retención no puede ser negativa |
097 |
D |
Por favor entre una regla para el servicio de carga |
098 |
D |
Por favor entre la cantidad de pago en continuo |
099 |
D |
Por favor entre la unidad de pago en continuo |
100 |
D |
En caso de retención única, no debe entrarse el pago continuo |
101 |
D |
Por favor entre la cantidad para retención (retención única) |
102 |
D |
No se requieren datos adicionales. |
103 |
D |
No está permitido especificar tipo de pago. |
104 |
D |
El número de dependientes no es necesario. |
105 |
D |
Por favor inicialize ese campo |
111 |
D |
Por favor entre el lenguage correspondiente |
112 |
D |
Por favor entre el balance inicial |
113 |
D |
La orden de retención todavia es vigente. Por favor no entre fecha final. |
114 |
D |
Por favor fecha de recepción anterior a fecha actual |
115 |
D |
Por favor marque el indicador de cheque único si el pago es con cheque |
116 |
D |
Por favor entre un vendor |
117 |
D |
Por favor borre el balance inicial, input no es necesario |
118 |
D |
Por favor entre el pago en continuo o el tipo de pago |
119 |
D |
Por favor borre el pago en continuo o tipo pago, no es necesario input |
120 |
D |
El porcentaje será reducido al 100 por ciento |
122 |
D |
Por favor entre una cantidad |
123 |
D |
Por favor entre un tratamiento |
124 |
D |
La fecha de relevancia no deberia ser mayor que la fecha de ajuste |
126 |
D |
Por favor entre pago continuo o tipo de pago, pero no ambos |
127 |
D |
La unidad temporal de nómina ha cambiado. Ajuste la paga |
128 |
D |
Por favor borre entradas in la pantalla de suplemento |
129 |
D |
Cambios conciernen al tipo de pago. Entradas no usadas seran borradas |
130 |
D |
Por favor borre ajuste antes de borrar deuda |
132 |
D |
Elija por lo menos un tipo de salida |
140 |
D |
Elija una clave numérica |
141 |
D |
Código de convenio colectivo & no existe en la tabla & |
143 |
D |
No existe infotipo 62 |
150 |
D |
Atención: no se ha podido determinar modalidad cálculo IRPF |
151 |
D |
Modalidad de cálculo IRPF cambia durante validez del registro (&) |
152 |
D |
Error en el cálculo de la base liquidable |
153 |
D |
Error en la determinación de la moneda. |
154 |
D |
La base no puede ser negativa en este caso. |
200 |
D |
Error al determinar fecha de validez de los TC2 normalizados |
201 |
D |
Fecha de inicio de validez de los TC2 normalizados es incorrecta. |
202 |
D |
No es posible generar dos tipos distintos de formularios TC2 |
203 |
D |
TC2 normalizado aún no es válido |
204 |
D |
No se ha seleccionado ningún tipo de formulario |
205 |
D |
Parámetro sistema RED no válido & |
300 |
D |
El empleado no está activo dentro del período de regularización |
301 |
D |
El empleado fue rechazado en el cálculo de la nómina |
302 |
D |
Fecha de simulación posterior a fecha de regularización |
303 |
D |
Ejecute el programa RPC190E0 en lugar del actual |
304 |
D |
Parametrización errónea de la tabla T5EI5. Consulte Nota OSS 0331254 |
305 |
D |
Seleccione sólo Temses del Modelo 190 |
306 |
D |
Atención! Los datos del registro 1 existentes se sobreescribirán |
307 |
D |
Atención! Signos opuestos, posible inconsistencia |
308 |
D |
La operación seleccionada requiere Temse 2 del Modelo 190 |
309 |
D |
Error al realizar la operación seleccionada. |
000 |
E |
000 to 999 - Area reserved for HR Spain |
001 |
E |
Calculated percentage greater than applied percentage. Enter reason. |
002 |
E |
Combination of entries not allowed $ $ |
003 |
E |
Required entry & |
004 |
E |
Unnecessary input (& &) |
005 |
E |
No input in & for reg. code & and date & |
006 |
E |
No input in & for reg. code & |
007 |
E |
There is no regional tax code for & & & in T5E01 |
008 |
E |
There is no NIF for & & & in T5E01 |
009 |
E |
Check digit is incorrect & & |
010 |
E |
Fiscal marital status does not match personnel data marital status |
011 |
E |
Contract type too long for & & & & |
012 |
E |
Contract type & has no deduction/allowance. |
013 |
E |
Concession date reduction & outside validity interval |
014 |
E |
Only one entry is permitted |
015 |
E |
Flag reduction indicator and enter concession date |
016 |
E |
Concession date reduction/allowance with contract & without reduction |
017 |
E |
NIF: Check digit & incorrect, correct & |
018 |
E |
NIF & is incorrect. |
019 |
E |
Requested display & not valid |
020 |
E |
Define code of participant company in T5E01 for company & CC |
021 |
E |
Start date for allowance/reduction missing |
022 |
E |
The number of pays in feature 'ESAPA' was not defined. |
023 |
E |
Selected modality $ is not valid. |
024 |
E |
DISPLAY is only valid within one calendar year & & & |
025 |
E |
Log type $ is not valid. |
026 |
E |
There is no entry in $ for $ $ $ $ |
027 |
E |
Payment key $ is not allowed in this infotype. |
028 |
E |
Deducted amount & & greater than gross amount & & |
029 |
E |
The region code for the employee is $ |
030 |
E |
Document no. & already exists in another personnel number |
031 |
E |
Deduction percentage according to table. Enter amount deducted. |
032 |
E |
ROYAL DECREE 2189/1995: the minimum deduction percentage is & % |
033 |
E |
Province and postal code prefix must be the same: & &. |
034 |
E |
Entry to a future fiscal year (&) is not allowed. |
035 |
E |
Incorrect country key (&) or inconsistent with country of residence & |
036 |
E |
Country of residence (&) inconsistent with fiscal data. |
037 |
E |
Cannot display TemSe object. Contact your administrator. |
038 |
E |
No type & entries exist. |
039 |
E |
Please select an IT record |
040 |
E |
The specified company (or center) does not exist in group & |
041 |
E |
No organizational assignment data exist for the date &. |
042 |
E |
The specified company (or center) does not exist. |
043 |
E |
Error reading infotype & |
044 |
E |
Error reading work schedule plan |
045 |
E |
Error on updating infotype & |
046 |
E |
There is no entry for absence & in table T511K |
047 |
E |
Error on delimiting the payroll run end date. |
048 |
E |
Value & is not permitted for parameter & |
049 |
E |
There is no company with that CAC |
050 |
E |
There is no Social Insurance personal data for date & |
051 |
E |
The key currency change to & in interval from & to & (&) |
052 |
E |
There is no entry in & with &. The payroll uses code 99 |
053 |
E |
Error in seniority calculation: Check settings |
054 |
E |
Affil. no.: Check digit & incorrect, correct & |
055 |
E |
RFC error: Module & not executable in destination RFC |
056 |
E |
There is no Social Insurance contract with key & |
057 |
E |
Contract & is not in & |
058 |
E |
Grouper & is not defined |
059 |
E |
Calculation method(s) not been assigned |
060 |
E |
Incorrect generation for personnel no. & |
061 |
E |
Contract end date & exceeds the infotype limits. |
062 |
E |
Duration of contract less than minimum duration. Correct end date. |
063 |
E |
Length of contract greater than maximum length. Correct date limit. |
064 |
E |
Person responsible & is not valid. |
065 |
E |
Regional code of employee & differs from that of the company |
066 |
E |
Time period & not defined. |
067 |
E |
Seniority schema '&' is not defined. |
068 |
E |
If a time period is included, include an amount (and vice versa). |
069 |
E |
Fill out the list from top to bottom without leaving any gaps |
070 |
E |
There is another employee (&) with the same affiliation no. |
071 |
E |
Part-time contract. Specify working days or hours. |
072 |
E |
The contract & has not been assigned a valid Social Insurance contract. |
073 |
E |
Contrib.acc.code assigned to & & is not maintained. |
074 |
E |
Contrib. acc. code for apprenticeship contracts not maintained for & &. |
075 |
E |
Contr. acc. code for part-time contracts not maintained for & &. |
076 |
E |
Maintain the exempt from date in infotype 41 |
077 |
E |
Please maintain entries according to template & |
078 |
E |
Date not valid |
079 |
E |
Please maintain unit for working day |
080 |
E |
Part-time coefficient is greater than maximum value allowed |
081 |
E |
Enter one of the two fields only. Delete one field |
082 |
E |
Enter recipient |
083 |
E |
Enter recipient and payment form |
084 |
E |
Amount translated into local currency |
085 |
E |
Error on reading adjustment |
086 |
E |
Error in indirect valuation of seniority |
087 |
E |
Enter percentage and unit together |
088 |
E |
Enter amount and unit together |
089 |
E |
There is no seniority item in infotype 8 in & |
090 |
E |
Enter limit |
091 |
E |
Enter a relationship between the two limits |
092 |
E |
No entries exist in feature & |
093 |
E |
Enter numeric characters only |
094 |
E |
Amount multiplied by percentage not equal to deduction |
095 |
E |
Caution: Restricted functionality. See note no. & |
096 |
E |
Deduction cannot be negative |
097 |
E |
Authorization required to read payment items dated & |
098 |
E |
Enter on-going payment amount |
099 |
E |
Enter on-going payment unit |
100 |
E |
For one-off deduction, you must not enter on-going payment |
101 |
E |
Enter deduction amount (one-off deduction) |
102 |
E |
Additional data not necessary |
103 |
E |
You cannot specify payment type |
104 |
E |
Number of dependents is not necessary |
105 |
E |
Initialize this field |
106 |
E |
Keep collegiate number (I0376) for employee & on date & |
107 |
E |
Employee &: No entry in table & for value(s) & & & |
108 |
E |
No entry in table AB for field ABZNR - & of wage type & |
109 |
E |
Please note, no absence matches this record |
110 |
E |
IT entity change date posterior to confirmation report |
111 |
E |
Enter the appropriate language |
112 |
E |
Enter opening balance |
113 |
E |
Deduction order still valid. Do not enter end date |
114 |
E |
Reception date must be prior to current date |
115 |
E |
Flag single check indicator if payment is by check |
116 |
E |
Please enter a vendor |
117 |
E |
Delete opening balance, input not necessary |
118 |
E |
Enter on-going payment or payment type |
119 |
E |
Delete on-going payment or payment type, entry not necessary |
120 |
E |
Percentage will be reduced to 100% |
121 |
E |
Infotype date must be contained within method validity date |
122 |
E |
Please enter an amount |
123 |
E |
Please enter processing |
124 |
E |
Relevance date should not exceed adjustment date |
125 |
E |
Please enter a method |
126 |
E |
Enter either on-going payment or payment type, but not both |
127 |
E |
Time unit of payroll has changed. Adjust payment |
128 |
E |
Delete entries from supplementary screen |
129 |
E |
Changes affecting payment type. Unused entries will be deleted |
130 |
E |
Delete adjustment before deleting debt |
131 |
E |
Method &1 is not valid for contract &2, check entry |
132 |
E |
Choose at least one type of output |
133 |
E |
Multiple option selection for criterion for decision &1 |
134 |
E |
Wage type &1 not allowed in table &2 |
135 |
E |
Caution: If you have NOT entered method --> Old contract! |
136 |
E |
Caution: If you have entered method --> New contract! |
137 |
E |
Foreign national code missing |
138 |
E |
For non-industrial risks, do not report IA/ID date |
139 |
E |
The CAC you have entered (&) is different to the default CAC (&). |
140 |
E |
Choose a numerical key |
141 |
E |
Pay scale code & does not exist in table & |
142 |
E |
Entry non-compatible or not permitted |
143 |
E |
Infotype 62 does not exist |
144 |
E |
Professional catagory group &1 could not be determined. |
145 |
E |
Entered epigraph &1 does not exist, check entry. |
146 |
E |
For industrial risks, you must report IA/AD date |
147 |
E |
Entered legal regulation &1 does not exist, check entry. |
148 |
E |
The taxpayer's personal situation does not correspond to his/her tax data |
149 |
E |
INEM locality code for employee not found in table T5E35 |
150 |
E |
Caution: Could not specify employment tax (IRPF) calculation mode |
151 |
E |
Employment tax (IRPF) calc. mode changes during validity of record (&) |
152 |
E |
Error calculating settlement base |
153 |
E |
Error specifying currency |
154 |
E |
The basis cannot be negative in the current fiscal year |
155 |
E |
If you do not enter the previous rate, zero will be used. |
158 |
E |
Enter country of residence for non-resident expatriate |
159 |
E |
Infotype record 0015 cannot extend until the next period |
160 |
E |
&1 &2 &3 &4 |
161 |
E |
Country of residence must be SPAIN |
162 |
E |
Country of residence is obligatory and must be other than Spain |
163 |
E |
Foreigner code is obligatory for al expatriates. |
164 |
E |
Percentage in cluster (&1) does not match the current value (&2) |
168 |
E |
Overlapping of infotypes 0014, 0015 and 2001 is not allowed |
169 |
E |
Records of infotypes 0014, 0015 and 2001 cannot overlap |
170 |
E |
Error when reading limits of contribution bases for artist |
171 |
E |
Zero contribution days is not allowed |
172 |
E |
Error in TI processing |
173 |
E |
Contribution group & is not valid for CACTP & |
174 |
E |
A contribution of more days than the period calendar days is not allowed |
175 |
E |
Number of days in special payment record is higher than time frame |
176 |
E |
Form of address (Mr./Ms.) and gender do not match |
177 |
E |
No more percentages accepted in field PA0480-HORAS |
178 |
E |
Number and document type do not match |
200 |
E |
Error determining valid from date of scaled CT2s |
201 |
E |
Valid from date of scaled CT2s is incorrect |
202 |
E |
Unable to generate two different types of TC2 modes |
203 |
E |
Scaled T2T is not yet valid |
204 |
E |
No template type has been selected |
205 |
E |
RED system parameter not valid & |
207 |
E |
There is no valid ERE & number between & and & |
208 |
E |
ERE & not valid for CAC &. Check entry in table T5ER1 |
209 |
E |
Unable to find & calendar type between & and & |
210 |
E |
Contact your local support center by entering '&' |
211 |
E |
Absence collision |
212 |
E |
Call to form get_delta_month: end date less than start date |
213 |
E |
Partial maternity not supported in entry period in the company |
214 |
E |
System doesn't allow more than one reg.0015 w/ wage type & in interval & |
215 |
E |
Error in determining the reduction factor for part-time |
216 |
E |
Error when determining type of deduction |
217 |
E |
Date of change of Insurance Co. is obligatory if there is an Insurance Co |
218 |
E |
You must enter Insurance Co.if there is a Date of change of Insurance Co. |
219 |
E |
For risks 3, 4 or 5 there must be no Date of change or Ins. Co.or Ins.Co. |
220 |
E |
Before reporting a return to work you must report the corrspnding leaving |
221 |
E |
You cannot report a return to work if the leaving was not reported. |
222 |
E |
To report a return to work the reason for return should be indicated. |
223 |
E |
ATTENTION: the register contents should be marked 'do not report' |
224 |
E |
Membership Code is filled in automatically. |
225 |
E |
You must enter the Confirmation Report number and date. |
226 |
E |
The record end date will be used as the entry date |
227 |
E |
With report status 2 another absence report is filed. |
228 |
E |
With report status 3 another confirmation report is generated. |
229 |
E |
The confirmation report date is incorrect. Correct date: & |
230 |
E |
You cannot send an Entry Notif. without confirming Confirmation Reports. |
231 |
E |
Confirmation report number &, dated &, has not been confirmed |
232 |
E |
Only Confirmation report number &, dated &, will be confirmed |
233 |
E |
Unable to find file &. Please check your entry. |
234 |
E |
The Entry notification cannot be reported. Maintain status of this report |
235 |
E |
The last transaction sent is marked as processed correctly. |
236 |
E |
To report an Entry Notification, you must report the reason for entry. |
237 |
E |
NIF or NIE not found in infotype 2. |
238 |
E |
For cases of expatriates, enter employment tax manually |
250 |
E |
*Messages from 250 - 299 reserved for Delt@ |
251 |
E |
Specify company CIF |
252 |
E |
Province region missing |
253 |
E |
The province code must contain a 5 digit number |
254 |
E |
The telephone number contains invalid characters |
255 |
E |
There is already an open part for this date (&) |
256 |
E |
The accident date must not be a future date |
257 |
E |
The accident date is later than the leaving date |
258 |
E |
Notification already sent |
259 |
E |
Notification successfully created in TemSe &1 |
260 |
E |
Notification could not be created |
261 |
E |
The leaving date must not be a future date |
262 |
E |
Test notification successfully created in TemSe &1 |
263 |
E |
Test notification could no be created |
264 |
E |
The accident is locked for productive notifications |
265 |
E |
The municipality code does not match the province |
266 |
E |
&1 data must be completed by an authorised user |
267 |
E |
Error when generating the value of label <&1> in section <&2> |
268 |
E |
Error on searching for company data for section <&2> |
269 |
E |
The postal code does not match the province |
270 |
E |
Unable to create the TemSe file |
271 |
E |
The notification of &1 with accident date &2 is incorrect |
272 |
E |
Error on searching for section <&1> data |
273 |
E |
Infotype Delt@ has not been maintained. XML file is incorrect |
274 |
E |
The centre's CIF (tax ID number) cannot be the same as the company CIF |
275 |
E |
The place code cannot be &1 if it did not take place during work time |
300 |
E |
Employee not active within adjustment period |
301 |
E |
Employee rejected in payroll process |
302 |
E |
Simulation date later than adjustment date |
303 |
E |
Run program RPC190E0 instead of the current program |
304 |
E |
Incorrect settings in table T5EI5. Consult Note no. 0331254 |
305 |
E |
Select only TemSes of form 190 |
306 |
E |
Caution: The existing data in record 1 will be overwritten |
307 |
E |
Caution: Opposed signs, possible inconsistency |
308 |
E |
The selected transaction requires TemSe 2 of Form 190 |
309 |
E |
Error performing the selected transaction. |
310 |
E |
Incorrect settings in tables T544S, T544Q and T5ECP. |
311 |
E |
Simulation start date not specified for the employee |
312 |
E |
Unable to display payroll log if more than one employee is selected |
313 |
E |
No entry in table & for & & & |
314 |
E |
Adoption date cannot be earlier than date of birth |
315 |
E |
Spouse or legal owner NIF cannot be blank |
316 |
E |
Even if you deselect empl. tax, the system will take the challng. reduc. |
317 |
E |
Error when processing LNT |
318 |
E |
In repair modes you must enter a reason for reduction. |
319 |
E |
The reson for reduction chosen is not a legal reason. |
320 |
E |
The reson for reduction chosen is not a legal reason. |
321 |
E |
The substitution reason has been entered without a substituted SI no. |
322 |
E |
You must enter a substitution reason for the substituted SI no. |
323 |
E |
A relief contract has been entered without a substituted Si number. |
324 |
E |
There is no work contract assignment for employee &. |
325 |
E |
IT0061 not found for date entered, unemployment status not proposed |
326 |
E |
Order & already exists on date & for this employee. |
327 |
E |
You must enter an Order. The proposed value is &. |
350 |
E |
Reduction start-rate does not fall within the method's validity period |
383 |
E |
Value invalid |
400 |
E |
There is more than one ERE in the payroll period. |
401 |
E |
Collision of absence with ABP entry and ERE absence |
402 |
E |
There is no entry in table AB for day & entry in table ABP |
403 |
E |
There is no entry in the regulation calendar for day & |
404 |
E |
Employee regulation is not supported for the period of entry into company |
405 |
E |
There is no file & for CAC & |
406 |
E |
Cut record from & |
407 |
E |
The contents of field & will be deleted |
408 |
E |
Bonuses carryforward is not allowed (RED newsletter 2005/3) |
409 |
E |
CNAE is not maintained in V_T5E08 for CAC & |
410 |
E |
Employment B should not be registered for this CNAE (RED 2007/03) |
450 |
E |
Simulation date posterior to upper limit date |
451 |
E |
Enter message syntax version as field is compulsory in AFI |
452 |
E |
Enter Display time as field is compulsory in file AFI |
453 |
E |
Enter Display date as field is compulsory for file AFI |
455 |
E |
No user authorization |
456 |
E |
Total remunerations cannot be lower or equal to paid remunerations |
510 |
E |
*Messages from 510 to 539 reserved for Certific@2 |
511 |
E |
Could not obtain data from company with CAC & |
512 |
E |
No more than 31 activity interv. are possible in the same activity period |
513 |
E |
Error when reading payroll area for simulation & |
514 |
E |
Infotype 3231 updated for period from &1 to &2 |
515 |
E |
Error when saving to Infotype 3231, check reason in the message below |
516 |
E |
Infotype 3231 does not have to be updated in this period for the employee |
517 |
E |
No active periods entered for employee |
518 |
E |
No SI no. for employee with NIF or NIE & |
519 |
E |
No reference period for employee with NIF or NIE & |
520 |
E |
Error when assigning personnel number for SI no. & and NIF or NIE & |
521 |
E |
Employee processed with successful response |
522 |
E |
Error on conversion of response XML, read the message below |
523 |
E |
Error when creating XML file, check the reason in the message below |
524 |
E |
Error when reading the data in the Infotype 3231 of the employee |
525 |
E |
Employee w. communication status 'Sent' or 'Not relevant' in this period |
526 |
E |
The employee has no/more than one Infotype 3231 in the period (&1 - &2) |
527 |
E |
The dates in Infotype 3231 do not match the active period |
528 |
E |
The Infotype 3231 will be updated for the period from &1 to &2 |
529 |
E |
The XML file &1 is &2 KB, the limit is &3 KB |
530 |
E |
The date is later than the month when the Activity periods comm. was sent |
531 |
E |
More than one ERE exists for the selected period, please reduce selection |
532 |
E |
Error when creting DAQ application |
533 |
E |
Error when running the payroll simulation, see payroll log |
534 |
E |
Error when reading data from company code &1 and CAC &2 in XML creation |
535 |
E |
Error while reading employee contributions |
536 |
E |
The contribution base cannot contain a negative value |
540 |
E |
With family situation 1, the number of successors cannot be 0 |
541 |
E |
Spouse NIF required for family situation 2 |
542 |
E |
Year of birth is empty |
543 |
E |
Spouse NIF same as recipient NIF |
544 |
E |
It is not possible to force value adjustment due to house rental payments |
545 |
E |
No value has been entered for required field &1 |
546 |
E |
Reduction due to irregular income (sec. 18.2) cannot exceed &1 &2 |
580 |
E |
Specify a valid method for the infotype data range |
582 |
E |
Contribution reduction percentage must be 75% or 100% |
583 |
E |
Percentage of contract work schedule must lie between 50% and 75% |