
SAP Message Class 5E

Mensajes de error para modulpools de infotipos españoles

The Message Class 5E (Mensajes de error para modulpools de infotipos españoles) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB04.

Technical Information

Message Class 5E
Short Text Mensajes de error para modulpools de infotipos españoles
Package PB04


ID Language Text
000 D 000 bis 999 Bereich reserviert für HR: Spanien / España
001 D Porcentaje calculado mayor que el aplicado. Indique un motivo.
002 D Combinación de entradas no permitida & &
003 D Entrada obligatoria &
004 D Entrada innecesaria (& &).
005 D No existe entrada en & para cód.reg. & y fecha &
006 D No existe entrada en & para cód.reg. &
007 D Falta código geográfico impositivo para & & & en T5E01.
008 D No existe NIF para & & & en T5E02.
009 D Dígito de control incorrecto & &
010 D Estado civil fiscal no coincide con estado civil de datos personales.
011 D Tipo de contrato muy largo para & & & &
012 D Tipo de contrato & no disfruta de reducción/bonificación.
013 D Fecha de concesión reducción & fuera del intervalo de validez.
014 D No se permite realizar más de una entrada.
015 D Marque indicador de reducción junto con fecha de concesión.
016 D Fecha de concesión reduc./bonif. con contrato & sin reducción.
017 D NIF: Dígito de control & incorrecto, correcto &
018 D El NIF & es incorrecto.
019 D Representación solicitada & no válida.
020 D Defina código de empresa colab. en T5E01 para CC empresa &
021 D La bonif./reducción tendrá efecto a partir de la fecha de inicio.
022 D No se ha definido número de pagas en característica 'ESAPA'.
023 D Modalidad seleccionada & no válida.
024 D DISPLAY sólo válido dentro de un año de calendario & & &
025 D El tipo de protocolo & no es válido.
026 D No existe entrada en & para & & & &
027 D Clave de percepción & no permitida en este infotipo.
028 D Importe retenido & & superior a importe bruto & &
029 D El código geográfico correspondiente al empleado es &
030 D El N° de documento & existe en otro número de personal.
031 D Porcentaje de retención según tabla. Indicar importe retenido.
032 D REAL DECRETO 2189/1995: el ptje. mínimo de retención es & %.
033 D Provincia y prefijo de código postal deben ser iguales: & &.
034 D No está permitido entrar un año fiscal en el futuro (&).
035 D Clv.país incorrecta (&) o inconsistente con país residencia &.
036 D País de residencia (&) inconsistente con datos fiscales.
037 D Imposible visualizar objeto TemSe. Consulte con su administrador.
038 D No existen registros de tipo &.
039 D Por favor, seleccione un registro de IT.
040 D La empresa (o centro) indicada no existe en el grupo &
041 D No existen datos de asignación organizativa para la fecha &.
042 D La empresa (o centro) indicada no existe.
043 D Error en la lectura del infotipo &
044 D Error en la lectura del plan horario de trabajo
045 D Error en update del infotipo &
046 D No hay entrada para absentismo & en la tabla T511K.
047 D Error al limitar la fecha final de ejecución de la nómina.
048 D El valor & no está permitido para el parámetro &
049 D No existe ninguna empresa con ese CCC
050 D No existen datos personales de Seg.Social para la fecha &.
051 D La moneda de ref. cambia a & en intervalo de & a &. (&)
052 D No hay entrada en & con &. La nómina utilizará código 99.
053 D Error en el cálculo de Antigüedad: Revise la parametrización
054 D N° afil: Dígito de control & incorrecto, correcto &
055 D RFC error: Module & not executable in RFC destination
056 D No existe contrato de la Seg.Social con clave &
057 D El contrato & no existe en &
058 D El agrupador & no está definido.
059 D No se ha(n) asignado método(s) de cálculo.
060 D Generación errónea para el nº de personal &
061 D Fecha límite contrato & excede los límites del infotipo.
062 D Duración contrato inferior a duración mínima. Corrija fecha límite.
063 D Duración contrato superior a duración máxima. Corrija fecha límite.
064 D El responsable & no es válido.
065 D El CG del empleado & no coincide con el de la empresa.
066 D El tramo & no está definido.
067 D El esquema de antigüedad '&' no está definido.
068 D Si incluye un tramo, incluya una cantidad (y viceversa).
069 D Rellene la lista de arriba a abajo sin dejar huecos
070 D Existe otro empleado (&) con el mismo n° de afiliación
071 D Contrato tiempo parcial. Indique los días o horas de trabajo.
072 D El contrato & no tiene asignado contrato válido de Seg. Social.
073 D El CCC asignado a & & no está mantenido.
074 D Falta mantener CCC para contratos de aprendizaje para & &.
075 D Falta mantener CCC para contratos a tiempo parcial para & &.
076 D Mantenga en infotipo 41 la fecha a partir de la cual se está exento.
077 D Por favor mantener entradas según la máscara &
078 D Fecha no válida
079 D Por favor mantenga la unidad para la jornada de trabajo
080 D Coeficiente a tiempo parcial excede el valor máximo permitido
081 D Sólo puede entrar uno de esos dos campos. Por favor borre un campo
082 D Por favor entre el receptor
083 D Por favor entre receptor y forma de pago
084 D Cantidad convertida a moneda local.
085 D Error en lectura ajuste
086 D Error en la valoración indirecta de la Antigüedad
087 D Por favor entre porcentaje y unidad conjuntamente
088 D Por favor entre la cantidad y la unidad conjuntamente
089 D No existe concepto de Antigüedad en el infotipo 8 en &.
090 D Por favor entre el limite
091 D Por favor entre una relación entre los dos límites
092 D No existen entradas en la característica &
093 D Indique solamente carácteres numéricos
096 D La retención no puede ser negativa
097 D Por favor entre una regla para el servicio de carga
098 D Por favor entre la cantidad de pago en continuo
099 D Por favor entre la unidad de pago en continuo
100 D En caso de retención única, no debe entrarse el pago continuo
101 D Por favor entre la cantidad para retención (retención única)
102 D No se requieren datos adicionales.
103 D No está permitido especificar tipo de pago.
104 D El número de dependientes no es necesario.
105 D Por favor inicialize ese campo
111 D Por favor entre el lenguage correspondiente
112 D Por favor entre el balance inicial
113 D La orden de retención todavia es vigente. Por favor no entre fecha final.
114 D Por favor fecha de recepción anterior a fecha actual
115 D Por favor marque el indicador de cheque único si el pago es con cheque
116 D Por favor entre un vendor
117 D Por favor borre el balance inicial, input no es necesario
118 D Por favor entre el pago en continuo o el tipo de pago
119 D Por favor borre el pago en continuo o tipo pago, no es necesario input
120 D El porcentaje será reducido al 100 por ciento
122 D Por favor entre una cantidad
123 D Por favor entre un tratamiento
124 D La fecha de relevancia no deberia ser mayor que la fecha de ajuste
126 D Por favor entre pago continuo o tipo de pago, pero no ambos
127 D La unidad temporal de nómina ha cambiado. Ajuste la paga
128 D Por favor borre entradas in la pantalla de suplemento
129 D Cambios conciernen al tipo de pago. Entradas no usadas seran borradas
130 D Por favor borre ajuste antes de borrar deuda
132 D Elija por lo menos un tipo de salida
140 D Elija una clave numérica
141 D Código de convenio colectivo & no existe en la tabla &
143 D No existe infotipo 62
150 D Atención: no se ha podido determinar modalidad cálculo IRPF
151 D Modalidad de cálculo IRPF cambia durante validez del registro (&)
152 D Error en el cálculo de la base liquidable
153 D Error en la determinación de la moneda.
154 D La base no puede ser negativa en este caso.
200 D Error al determinar fecha de validez de los TC2 normalizados
201 D Fecha de inicio de validez de los TC2 normalizados es incorrecta.
202 D No es posible generar dos tipos distintos de formularios TC2
203 D TC2 normalizado aún no es válido
204 D No se ha seleccionado ningún tipo de formulario
205 D Parámetro sistema RED no válido &
300 D El empleado no está activo dentro del período de regularización
301 D El empleado fue rechazado en el cálculo de la nómina
302 D Fecha de simulación posterior a fecha de regularización
303 D Ejecute el programa RPC190E0 en lugar del actual
304 D Parametrización errónea de la tabla T5EI5. Consulte Nota OSS 0331254
305 D Seleccione sólo Temses del Modelo 190
306 D Atención! Los datos del registro 1 existentes se sobreescribirán
307 D Atención! Signos opuestos, posible inconsistencia
308 D La operación seleccionada requiere Temse 2 del Modelo 190
309 D Error al realizar la operación seleccionada.
000 E 000 to 999 - Area reserved for HR Spain
001 E Calculated percentage greater than applied percentage. Enter reason.
002 E Combination of entries not allowed $ $
003 E Required entry &
004 E Unnecessary input (& &)
005 E No input in & for reg. code & and date &
006 E No input in & for reg. code &
007 E There is no regional tax code for & & & in T5E01
008 E There is no NIF for & & & in T5E01
009 E Check digit is incorrect & &
010 E Fiscal marital status does not match personnel data marital status
011 E Contract type too long for & & & &
012 E Contract type & has no deduction/allowance.
013 E Concession date reduction & outside validity interval
014 E Only one entry is permitted
015 E Flag reduction indicator and enter concession date
016 E Concession date reduction/allowance with contract & without reduction
017 E NIF: Check digit & incorrect, correct &
018 E NIF & is incorrect.
019 E Requested display & not valid
020 E Define code of participant company in T5E01 for company & CC
021 E Start date for allowance/reduction missing
022 E The number of pays in feature 'ESAPA' was not defined.
023 E Selected modality $ is not valid.
024 E DISPLAY is only valid within one calendar year & & &
025 E Log type $ is not valid.
026 E There is no entry in $ for $ $ $ $
027 E Payment key $ is not allowed in this infotype.
028 E Deducted amount & & greater than gross amount & &
029 E The region code for the employee is $
030 E Document no. & already exists in another personnel number
031 E Deduction percentage according to table. Enter amount deducted.
032 E ROYAL DECREE 2189/1995: the minimum deduction percentage is & %
033 E Province and postal code prefix must be the same: & &.
034 E Entry to a future fiscal year (&) is not allowed.
035 E Incorrect country key (&) or inconsistent with country of residence &
036 E Country of residence (&) inconsistent with fiscal data.
037 E Cannot display TemSe object. Contact your administrator.
038 E No type & entries exist.
039 E Please select an IT record
040 E The specified company (or center) does not exist in group &
041 E No organizational assignment data exist for the date &.
042 E The specified company (or center) does not exist.
043 E Error reading infotype &
044 E Error reading work schedule plan
045 E Error on updating infotype &
046 E There is no entry for absence & in table T511K
047 E Error on delimiting the payroll run end date.
048 E Value & is not permitted for parameter &
049 E There is no company with that CAC
050 E There is no Social Insurance personal data for date &
051 E The key currency change to & in interval from & to & (&)
052 E There is no entry in & with &. The payroll uses code 99
053 E Error in seniority calculation: Check settings
054 E Affil. no.: Check digit & incorrect, correct &
055 E RFC error: Module & not executable in destination RFC
056 E There is no Social Insurance contract with key &
057 E Contract & is not in &
058 E Grouper & is not defined
059 E Calculation method(s) not been assigned
060 E Incorrect generation for personnel no. &
061 E Contract end date & exceeds the infotype limits.
062 E Duration of contract less than minimum duration. Correct end date.
063 E Length of contract greater than maximum length. Correct date limit.
064 E Person responsible & is not valid.
065 E Regional code of employee & differs from that of the company
066 E Time period & not defined.
067 E Seniority schema '&' is not defined.
068 E If a time period is included, include an amount (and vice versa).
069 E Fill out the list from top to bottom without leaving any gaps
070 E There is another employee (&) with the same affiliation no.
071 E Part-time contract. Specify working days or hours.
072 E The contract & has not been assigned a valid Social Insurance contract.
073 E Contrib.acc.code assigned to & & is not maintained.
074 E Contrib. acc. code for apprenticeship contracts not maintained for & &.
075 E Contr. acc. code for part-time contracts not maintained for & &.
076 E Maintain the exempt from date in infotype 41
077 E Please maintain entries according to template &
078 E Date not valid
079 E Please maintain unit for working day
080 E Part-time coefficient is greater than maximum value allowed
081 E Enter one of the two fields only. Delete one field
082 E Enter recipient
083 E Enter recipient and payment form
084 E Amount translated into local currency
085 E Error on reading adjustment
086 E Error in indirect valuation of seniority
087 E Enter percentage and unit together
088 E Enter amount and unit together
089 E There is no seniority item in infotype 8 in &
090 E Enter limit
091 E Enter a relationship between the two limits
092 E No entries exist in feature &
093 E Enter numeric characters only
094 E Amount multiplied by percentage not equal to deduction
095 E Caution: Restricted functionality. See note no. &
096 E Deduction cannot be negative
097 E Authorization required to read payment items dated &
098 E Enter on-going payment amount
099 E Enter on-going payment unit
100 E For one-off deduction, you must not enter on-going payment
101 E Enter deduction amount (one-off deduction)
102 E Additional data not necessary
103 E You cannot specify payment type
104 E Number of dependents is not necessary
105 E Initialize this field
106 E Keep collegiate number (I0376) for employee & on date &
107 E Employee &: No entry in table & for value(s) & & &
108 E No entry in table AB for field ABZNR - & of wage type &
109 E Please note, no absence matches this record
110 E IT entity change date posterior to confirmation report
111 E Enter the appropriate language
112 E Enter opening balance
113 E Deduction order still valid. Do not enter end date
114 E Reception date must be prior to current date
115 E Flag single check indicator if payment is by check
116 E Please enter a vendor
117 E Delete opening balance, input not necessary
118 E Enter on-going payment or payment type
119 E Delete on-going payment or payment type, entry not necessary
120 E Percentage will be reduced to 100%
121 E Infotype date must be contained within method validity date
122 E Please enter an amount
123 E Please enter processing
124 E Relevance date should not exceed adjustment date
125 E Please enter a method
126 E Enter either on-going payment or payment type, but not both
127 E Time unit of payroll has changed. Adjust payment
128 E Delete entries from supplementary screen
129 E Changes affecting payment type. Unused entries will be deleted
130 E Delete adjustment before deleting debt
131 E Method &1 is not valid for contract &2, check entry
132 E Choose at least one type of output
133 E Multiple option selection for criterion for decision &1
134 E Wage type &1 not allowed in table &2
135 E Caution: If you have NOT entered method --> Old contract!
136 E Caution: If you have entered method --> New contract!
137 E Foreign national code missing
138 E For non-industrial risks, do not report IA/ID date
139 E The CAC you have entered (&) is different to the default CAC (&).
140 E Choose a numerical key
141 E Pay scale code & does not exist in table &
142 E Entry non-compatible or not permitted
143 E Infotype 62 does not exist
144 E Professional catagory group &1 could not be determined.
145 E Entered epigraph &1 does not exist, check entry.
146 E For industrial risks, you must report IA/AD date
147 E Entered legal regulation &1 does not exist, check entry.
148 E The taxpayer's personal situation does not correspond to his/her tax data
149 E INEM locality code for employee not found in table T5E35
150 E Caution: Could not specify employment tax (IRPF) calculation mode
151 E Employment tax (IRPF) calc. mode changes during validity of record (&)
152 E Error calculating settlement base
153 E Error specifying currency
154 E The basis cannot be negative in the current fiscal year
155 E If you do not enter the previous rate, zero will be used.
158 E Enter country of residence for non-resident expatriate
159 E Infotype record 0015 cannot extend until the next period
160 E &1 &2 &3 &4
161 E Country of residence must be SPAIN
162 E Country of residence is obligatory and must be other than Spain
163 E Foreigner code is obligatory for al expatriates.
164 E Percentage in cluster (&1) does not match the current value (&2)
168 E Overlapping of infotypes 0014, 0015 and 2001 is not allowed
169 E Records of infotypes 0014, 0015 and 2001 cannot overlap
170 E Error when reading limits of contribution bases for artist
171 E Zero contribution days is not allowed
172 E Error in TI processing
173 E Contribution group & is not valid for CACTP &
174 E A contribution of more days than the period calendar days is not allowed
175 E Number of days in special payment record is higher than time frame
176 E Form of address (Mr./Ms.) and gender do not match
177 E No more percentages accepted in field PA0480-HORAS
178 E Number and document type do not match
200 E Error determining valid from date of scaled CT2s
201 E Valid from date of scaled CT2s is incorrect
202 E Unable to generate two different types of TC2 modes
203 E Scaled T2T is not yet valid
204 E No template type has been selected
205 E RED system parameter not valid &
207 E There is no valid ERE & number between & and &
208 E ERE & not valid for CAC &. Check entry in table T5ER1
209 E Unable to find & calendar type between & and &
210 E Contact your local support center by entering '&'
211 E Absence collision
212 E Call to form get_delta_month: end date less than start date
213 E Partial maternity not supported in entry period in the company
214 E System doesn't allow more than one reg.0015 w/ wage type & in interval &
215 E Error in determining the reduction factor for part-time
216 E Error when determining type of deduction
217 E Date of change of Insurance Co. is obligatory if there is an Insurance Co
218 E You must enter Insurance Co.if there is a Date of change of Insurance Co.
219 E For risks 3, 4 or 5 there must be no Date of change or Ins. Co.or Ins.Co.
220 E Before reporting a return to work you must report the corrspnding leaving
221 E You cannot report a return to work if the leaving was not reported.
222 E To report a return to work the reason for return should be indicated.
223 E ATTENTION: the register contents should be marked 'do not report'
224 E Membership Code is filled in automatically.
225 E You must enter the Confirmation Report number and date.
226 E The record end date will be used as the entry date
227 E With report status 2 another absence report is filed.
228 E With report status 3 another confirmation report is generated.
229 E The confirmation report date is incorrect. Correct date: &
230 E You cannot send an Entry Notif. without confirming Confirmation Reports.
231 E Confirmation report number &, dated &, has not been confirmed
232 E Only Confirmation report number &, dated &, will be confirmed
233 E Unable to find file &. Please check your entry.
234 E The Entry notification cannot be reported. Maintain status of this report
235 E The last transaction sent is marked as processed correctly.
236 E To report an Entry Notification, you must report the reason for entry.
237 E NIF or NIE not found in infotype 2.
238 E For cases of expatriates, enter employment tax manually
250 E *Messages from 250 - 299 reserved for Delt@
251 E Specify company CIF
252 E Province region missing
253 E The province code must contain a 5 digit number
254 E The telephone number contains invalid characters
255 E There is already an open part for this date (&)
256 E The accident date must not be a future date
257 E The accident date is later than the leaving date
258 E Notification already sent
259 E Notification successfully created in TemSe &1
260 E Notification could not be created
261 E The leaving date must not be a future date
262 E Test notification successfully created in TemSe &1
263 E Test notification could no be created
264 E The accident is locked for productive notifications
265 E The municipality code does not match the province
266 E &1 data must be completed by an authorised user
267 E Error when generating the value of label <&1> in section <&2>
268 E Error on searching for company data for section <&2>
269 E The postal code does not match the province
270 E Unable to create the TemSe file
271 E The notification of &1 with accident date &2 is incorrect
272 E Error on searching for section <&1> data
273 E Infotype Delt@ has not been maintained. XML file is incorrect
274 E The centre's CIF (tax ID number) cannot be the same as the company CIF
275 E The place code cannot be &1 if it did not take place during work time
300 E Employee not active within adjustment period
301 E Employee rejected in payroll process
302 E Simulation date later than adjustment date
303 E Run program RPC190E0 instead of the current program
304 E Incorrect settings in table T5EI5. Consult Note no. 0331254
305 E Select only TemSes of form 190
306 E Caution: The existing data in record 1 will be overwritten
307 E Caution: Opposed signs, possible inconsistency
308 E The selected transaction requires TemSe 2 of Form 190
309 E Error performing the selected transaction.
310 E Incorrect settings in tables T544S, T544Q and T5ECP.
311 E Simulation start date not specified for the employee
312 E Unable to display payroll log if more than one employee is selected
313 E No entry in table & for & & &
314 E Adoption date cannot be earlier than date of birth
315 E Spouse or legal owner NIF cannot be blank
316 E Even if you deselect empl. tax, the system will take the challng. reduc.
317 E Error when processing LNT
318 E In repair modes you must enter a reason for reduction.
319 E The reson for reduction chosen is not a legal reason.
320 E The reson for reduction chosen is not a legal reason.
321 E The substitution reason has been entered without a substituted SI no.
322 E You must enter a substitution reason for the substituted SI no.
323 E A relief contract has been entered without a substituted Si number.
324 E There is no work contract assignment for employee &.
325 E IT0061 not found for date entered, unemployment status not proposed
326 E Order & already exists on date & for this employee.
327 E You must enter an Order. The proposed value is &.
350 E Reduction start-rate does not fall within the method's validity period
383 E Value invalid
400 E There is more than one ERE in the payroll period.
401 E Collision of absence with ABP entry and ERE absence
402 E There is no entry in table AB for day & entry in table ABP
403 E There is no entry in the regulation calendar for day &
404 E Employee regulation is not supported for the period of entry into company
405 E There is no file & for CAC &
406 E Cut record from &
407 E The contents of field & will be deleted
408 E Bonuses carryforward is not allowed (RED newsletter 2005/3)
409 E CNAE is not maintained in V_T5E08 for CAC &
410 E Employment B should not be registered for this CNAE (RED 2007/03)
450 E Simulation date posterior to upper limit date
451 E Enter message syntax version as field is compulsory in AFI
452 E Enter Display time as field is compulsory in file AFI
453 E Enter Display date as field is compulsory for file AFI
455 E No user authorization
456 E Total remunerations cannot be lower or equal to paid remunerations
510 E *Messages from 510 to 539 reserved for Certific@2
511 E Could not obtain data from company with CAC &
512 E No more than 31 activity interv. are possible in the same activity period
513 E Error when reading payroll area for simulation &
514 E Infotype 3231 updated for period from &1 to &2
515 E Error when saving to Infotype 3231, check reason in the message below
516 E Infotype 3231 does not have to be updated in this period for the employee
517 E No active periods entered for employee
518 E No SI no. for employee with NIF or NIE &
519 E No reference period for employee with NIF or NIE &
520 E Error when assigning personnel number for SI no. & and NIF or NIE &
521 E Employee processed with successful response
522 E Error on conversion of response XML, read the message below
523 E Error when creating XML file, check the reason in the message below
524 E Error when reading the data in the Infotype 3231 of the employee
525 E Employee w. communication status 'Sent' or 'Not relevant' in this period
526 E The employee has no/more than one Infotype 3231 in the period (&1 - &2)
527 E The dates in Infotype 3231 do not match the active period
528 E The Infotype 3231 will be updated for the period from &1 to &2
529 E The XML file &1 is &2 KB, the limit is &3 KB
530 E The date is later than the month when the Activity periods comm. was sent
531 E More than one ERE exists for the selected period, please reduce selection
532 E Error when creting DAQ application
533 E Error when running the payroll simulation, see payroll log
534 E Error when reading data from company code &1 and CAC &2 in XML creation
535 E Error while reading employee contributions
536 E The contribution base cannot contain a negative value
540 E With family situation 1, the number of successors cannot be 0
541 E Spouse NIF required for family situation 2
542 E Year of birth is empty
543 E Spouse NIF same as recipient NIF
544 E It is not possible to force value adjustment due to house rental payments
545 E No value has been entered for required field &1
546 E Reduction due to irregular income (sec. 18.2) cannot exceed &1 &2
580 E Specify a valid method for the infotype data range
582 E Contribution reduction percentage must be 75% or 100%
583 E Percentage of contract work schedule must lie between 50% and 75%