
SAP Message Class 5N

HR-NL: foutmeldingen voor Nederlandse infotype-modulepool

The Message Class 5N (HR-NL: foutmeldingen voor Nederlandse infotype-modulepool) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB05.

Technical Information

Message Class 5N
Short Text HR-NL: foutmeldingen voor Nederlandse infotype-modulepool
Package PB05


ID Language Text
000 D 000 t/m 999: Gereserveerd voor HR-NL
001 D Ongeldig gegeven in tabel & key-veld &
002 D De opgegeven tabelsoort is ongeldig
003 D Geen gegeven in tabel & voor & bij &
004 D Afstand is niet ingevuld
005 D Report is pas geldig vanaf 1992
006 D Voer de soort en het nummer slechts samen in
007 D ZKV-groep/premieklasse slechts mogelijk voor partners en/of kinderen
008 D ZKV-groep is ongeldig voor dit soort familielid
009 D Vul zowel ziektekostenverzekeringsgroep als premieklasse in
010 D ZKV-groep '01' is gereserveerd voor de werknemer zelf
011 D U mag niet meer dan 9 verschillende pensioenen per persoon creëeren
012 D Aantal dagen is niet ingevuld
013 D & niet gevonden in tabel &
014 D Waarde & niet geldig
016 D & & & &
020 D Voor tijdvak 0 moet RPCLWBNA worden gebruikt
021 D Voor tijdvak 0 moet RPCLGBNA worden gebruikt
022 D Adres is gecontroleerd en in orde
023 D Personeelsnr: &1 Subtype &2 - Adres onjuist volgens CAM gegevens
024 D Er zijn geen adresgegevens ingevuld, verander uw ingave.
025 D Te weinig gegevens aanwezig voor verificatie in CAM. Verander uw ingave.
050 D Geen gegeven in tabel &
051 D IT0177: Geen gegevens ingevuld!
401 D Als leeftijd gevuld is, dan moet ook leeftijdbepalingsmoment gevuld zijn!
402 D Als pensioengevendsal. gevuld is, dan moet ook bepalingsmeth. gevuld zijn
403 D Bij jaarberekening en Per.ber.met jaargrondslag aanvangsperiode vullen!
404 D Combinatie van SV-berekeningsmethode en parttime correcties is onlogisch
405 D Cumulatieve herberekening niet mogelijk bij jaarberekening
406 D Bij cumulatieve herberekening is routinecode noodzakelijk
407 D Routinecode cumulatieve herberekening heeft geen nut zonder cum. herber.
408 D Indien grondslag BB mogelijk --> looncomponent premie WN BB noodzakelijk
409 D Indien premie WN BB mogelijk --> looncomponent grondslag BB noodzakelijk
410 D Geef minstens één looncomponent voor premies op
600 D U hebt meer dan & dagen ingevuld
601 D U mag niet meer dan & dagen invullen
605 D De waarde moet groter dan 0 zijn
700 D Waarde moet tussen 0 % en 100 % liggen
801 D Geen geldige vertegenwoordigende rechtspersoon gevonden op datum &1!
802 D Geen geldige vertegenw. rechtspers. voor pers.-nr. &2 op datum &1
803 D MSV met terugwerkende kracht: geen geldige REPER voor pers.-nr. &2 op &1
804 D Geen geldige vertegenwoordigende rechtspersoon gevonden!
805 D Vertegenwoordigende rechtspersoon &1 is niet gedefinieerd in tabel T5N9P.
806 D Kenmerk &1 niet (actief) voorhanden.
807 D Vertegenwoordigende rechtspersoon &1 heeft geen geldige relatie.
808 D Vert. rechtspersoon &2: meerdere relaties van type &1 niet toegestaan.
809 D MSV met terugwerkende kracht op &2 uit tabel T5N1T verwijderd.
810 D Foutief MSV met terugwerkende kracht op &2 uit tabel T5N1T verwijderd
811 D Geen MSV met terugwerkende kracht op &2 ingetrokken.
812 D MSV (correctie, intrekking) met terugwerkende kracht aangemaakt op &2
813 D MSV (wijziging) met terugwerkende kracht aangemaakt op &2
814 D MSV (indienst) met terugwerkende kracht aangemaakt op &2
815 D MSV (uitdienst) met terugwerkende kracht aangemaakt op &2
816 D MSV (overlijden) met terugwerkende kracht aangemaakt op &2
850 D Voor afrekeningseenheid & geen periode met begindatum &
851 D Deze combinatie is niet geldig (zie velddocumentatie)
852 D Speciale aanduiding is niet bekend in tabel T5N2S
853 D Werkgeversbijdrage is groter dan totale premie
854 D Het loonbelastingnummer is fout
855 D Het sofinummer is fout
856 D Afwijkende tariefgroep is gelijk aan tariefgroep
857 D Periodebedrag is groter dan jaarbedrag
858 D Tariefgroepen 4 en 5 niet toegestaan voor getrouwden
859 D Tariefgroep 4 en leeftijd < 18 jaar is niet mogelijk
860 D De opgegeven SV-wet is niet toegestaan
861 D De opgegeven deelnamecode is niet toegestaan
862 D Geboortedatum kan niet worden gevonden
863 D Combinatie van tariefgr. &, ber.tabel & en herl.regel & niet toegestaan
864 D Herleidingsregel '&' alleen toegestaan bij 65 jaar of ouder
865 D Bedrag en valuta altijd samen opgeven
866 D Aantal en eenheid altijd samen opgeven
867 D Bij deze speciale regeling is geen bedrag toegestaan
868 D Bij deze speciale regeling is geen valuta toegestaan
869 D Bij deze speciale regeling aantal opgeven
870 D Bij deze speciale regeling is geen aantal toegestaan
871 D Bij deze speciale regeling eenheid opgeven
872 D Bij deze speciale regeling is geen eenheid toegestaan
873 D Begin- en einddatum vallen in verschillende afrekeningsperiodes
874 D Begindatum speciale regeling valt buiten alle afrekeningsperiodes
875 D Einddatum speciale regeling voor begin huidige afrekeningsperiode
876 D U hebt een ongeldig teken ingevuld
877 D Waarde is kleiner dan 0 periodes of groter dan 60 periodes
878 D Voordeelregel niet compatibel met onkos. reg. met voordeel WG
879 D Er is geen premiebedrag of premieklasse opgegeven
880 D De code speciale groepen werknemers is niet het gehele tijdvak geldig
881 D De ingevulde heffingsk. code is niet vanaf de begindatum geldig
882 D De ingevulde heffingsk. code is niet tot aan de einddatum geldig
883 D Combinatie van tariefgroep & en ber.tabel groen is niet toegestaan
884 D Combinatie van tariefgroep & en spec. groepen code is niet toegestaan
885 D Herleidingsregel & is niet meer geldig na &
886 D Herleidingsregel & is pas vanaf & geldig
887 D Herleidingsregel & is geldig tot &
888 D Combinatie van herleidingsregel & en groene tabel niet toegestaan
889 D Berekeningstabel & is niet meer geldig na &
890 D Berekeningstabel & is pas vanaf & geldig
891 D Berekeningstabel & is geldig tot &
892 D Overlijden werknemer is niet gekoppeld aan een maatregel(reden)
893 D Heffingskortingscode & is vanaf 01.01.2001 niet meer toegestaan
894 D Fout opgetreden bij de conversie naar euro's, foutcode &
895 D SoFi-nummer & ligt buiten domein [001000006 .. 299999994]
896 D Combinatie code basis verzek. & en code SV & niet toegestaan
897 D Onbestaanbaar aansluitingsnummer &1 tussen REPER &2 en UVI(&4) &3.
898 D Onbestaanbaar loonbelastings-nr &1 tussen REPER &2 en belastingdienst &3.
899 D Het SoFi-nummer &1 is ongeldig.
000 E Numbers 000 - 999: Reserved for HR-NL
001 E Invalid entry in table & key field &
002 E Specified table type is invalid
003 E No entry in table & for & for &
004 E No distance specified
005 E Report not valid until 1992
006 E Both type and number must be entered together
007 E HI group/contribution scale ony valid for partners and children
008 E HI group is invalid for the type of family/related person entered
009 E Please enter both health insurance group and contribution scale
010 E HI group '01' is reserved specifically for the employee
011 E No more than 9 different pensions are valid per person
012 E Number of days not specified
013 E & not found in table &
014 E Value & not valid
015 E Transaction terminated, no further processing of &1
016 E & & & &
017 E Insurer end date & (&) not valid on infotype end date (&)
018 E &
019 E Value &1 in field &2 is invalid
020 E RPCLWBNA must be used for period 0
021 E RPCLGBNA must be used for period 0
022 E Address checked and correct
023 E Personnel No.: &1 Subtype &2 - Address incorrect according to CAM data
024 E No address data specified, change your entry
025 E Insufficient data for verification in CAM, change your entry
026 E Enter a house number
027 E Combination of period parameter &2 and payroll area &1 is invalid
028 E All address data missing
029 E Mandatory data missing: &1, &2, &3
030 E Street and city not filled in. Correct street and city are: &1, &2
031 E Street not filled in. Correct street is: &1
032 E City not filled in. Correct city is: &1
033 E Postcode not filled in. Correct postcode is: &1
034 E The infortype records has not been processed, no amendment made
035 E No valid country indicator found for the Netherlands in table T005
036 E Country indicator missing
037 E Supplement has been filled, house number is missing
038 E Street Missing
039 E City Missing
040 E Error while processing function module HR_NL_VULLEN_TABEL_BB
041 E Invalid indicator in house number &1
042 E Postal code is missing
043 E Specify the value with which to replace SI group &1
044 E SI group &1 does not exist in table T5N12
045 E You have entered a character that does not exist in code page &1
046 E Invalid code page &1
047 E HCIB ID contains disallowed characters: &1: field will be emptied
048 E HCIB ID contains disallowed characters: &1
049 E &1: invalid postal code (&2)
050 E No entry in table &
051 E IT0177: No data specified
052 E Employee does NOT belong to target group, this selection is invalid
053 E Employee belongs to target group, this selection is invalid
054 E Employee does NOT belong to target group, this selection is invalid
055 E Employee belongs to target group, this selection is invalid
056 E Field 'PERID' contains other information than citizen serv. number [BSN]
057 E &1 is not a valid citizen service number [BSN]
058 E Invalid character in initials &1
059 E The house number is too long
060 E 060 up to and including 069: Reserved for RPLWBAN0
061 E No country of birth registration for: &
062 E No valid REPER or relationship for: &
070 E 070 up to and incl. 079: Reserved for RPIBBLN0
071 E Employee has income code 43, check if it should be replaced by 44
072 E Weekly work days in IT7 is empty, part-time EE in IT0060 not entered
073 E Conversion rule cannot be updated, field has already been completed
080 E 080 up to and incl. 084: Reserved for RPIISVN0
081 E Infotype 0264 record with subtype &1, start date &2, objps &3 converted
100 E Next 30 messages for RPCJWNN0, RPCJLON0, RPCBJON0 and RPCCJON0
101 E No SoFi number available
102 E Invalid special indicator &1
103 E Person has obsolete table for payroll results
104 E No payroll results available for period
105 E Amount found without special indicator, indicator &1 entered
106 E No wage type found in T5N2S for indicator &1, indicator deleted
107 E No amount found for indicator &1, indicator deleted
108 E Employee annual statement created successfully
109 E No data available for creating annual statement
110 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
111 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
112 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
113 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
114 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
115 E Following fields are reqd. entry fields f. REPERS: Name, address and city
116 E Person has value 888 for 'Special Employee Groups' in IT 0060
131 E Application not valid
132 E No entry in table T5N5V for application &1 &2, &3, &4
133 E More than one entry in table T5N5V for application &1, &2, &3, &4
134 E Entry in table T5N5V not valid for whole selection period &1, &2, &3, &4
150 E * Next 10 messages reserved for reports RPLAKHN0
151 E Infotype occurrence low earnings.............: &1
152 E Infotype occurrence long-term unemployed.....: &1
153 E Infotype occurrence education/training.......: &1
154 E Infotype occurrence paid parental leave: &1
155 E No. of persons with premium reduction
156 E No. of persons with premium reduction 'Low Earnings'
157 E No. of persons with premium reduction 'Long-Term Unemployed'
158 E No. of persons with premium reduction 'Education/Training'
159 E No. of persons with premium reduction 'Paid Parental Leave'
171 E The imported version of cluster RN is not up-to-date
172 E The imported version of cluster CD is not up-to-date
173 E No payroll results available (cluster CD not found)
200 E 30% cafeteria margin is being exceeded
210 E Car ruling type &1 not in combination with taxable benefit
211 E Do not enter a car ruling for this subtype
212 E If no taxable benefit is applicable, then enter reason for car ruling
213 E Car ruling &1 may only be used from &2
214 E Car ruling &1 may not be used after &2
250 E Messages 251 to 319 reserved for 'Eigib.f.Perm.Invalid.Benef.(Restr.)Act'
251 E With this processing, a unit and a number must be filled in
252 E Error reading 'Permanent Invalidity Benefit' attribute (NLWPA)
253 E Error reading 'Perm. Inv. Benefit case manager groups' attribute (NLWPB)
254 E You have changed the case manager, include activity 002
255 E Person not Welfare claimant acc. to infotype Executive Authorities (0409)
256 E Person is not Welfare claimant (IT0409), but identification is filled in
257 E The processing date is in the future
258 E A future date is not allowed for this activity
259 E Text mandatory for activity &1, date not yet allowed
260 E Text mandatory for activity &1, confirmation not yet allowed
261 E Activity &1 is not a free activity, deletion not allowed
262 E Activity &1 is confirmed, deletion not allowed
263 E Activity &1 is processed, deletion not allowed
264 E Activity &1 is documented, deletion not allowed
265 E IT 0764 may not be deleted because activity &1 is processed
266 E IT 0764 may not be deleted because activity &1 is confirmed
267 E IT 0764 may not be deleted because activity &1 is documented
268 E Sickness is shorter than the PW days, IT does not yet need to be created
269 E There are no related sicknesses on &1, creation not allowed
270 E The first related sickness is before 01.04.2002, creation not required
271 E This new infotype record is obsolete, regenerate the previous record
272 E There is an existing, valid PW plan on &1 for this person
273 E Delete the present PW plan, then regenerate the previous plan
274 E Start date of &1 will become &2 and end date of &3 will become &4
275 E The case manager &1 that you have selected is not valid
276 E Text can only be created when the last date is filled in
277 E Activity &1 may not be confirmed with this checkbox
278 E Copying infotype 'Permanent Invalidity Benefit' (0764) is not supported
279 E Infotype 0764 must be regenated
280 E Person has been sick for &1 days or longer, create a new infotype 0764
281 E Infotype 0764 does not correspond with sickness, modify data
282 E Person is no longer sick, infotype 0764 may be regenerated
283 E Person is expected to stay sick for a long time, regenerate infotype
284 E No sickness found with infotype 0764, delete the IT record
285 E Delete the next record 0764 and regenerate this record
286 E 'Permanent Invalidity Benefit' infotype must be regenerated
287 E Delete a PW record, regenerate another PW record
288 E Delete the PW record, data are inconsistent
289 E Error reading infotype 2001
290 E Regenerate the PW record with start date &1 and end date &1
291 E There are no related sicknesses, delete this infotype record
292 E You may not fill in a date that is earlier than &1
293 E Regeneration not required
294 E Infotype 2001 Delimited, also Delimit PW-Infotype (0764)
295 E Person has been sick again, regenerate the infotype
296 E Person has been better for at least &1 days, regenerate the PW record
297 E Person is sick again, reopen the infotype
298 E Person is no longer sick, close the infotype record
299 E Start date changed from &1 to &2
300 E End date changed from &1 to &2
301 E Start date changed from &1 to &2, regenerate this infotype record
302 E End date changed from &1 to &2, regenerate this infotype record
303 E Delimiting infotype 'Perm. Invalidity Benefit Act' (0764) is not allowed
304 E Processing date &1 is before start date &2 of infotype 0764
305 E You have marked more than one activity, this is not allowed
306 E Activity &1 does not exist
307 E Activity &1 is not allowed, select the activity via input help
308 E Deleting latest date not allowed: text available
309 E There is an existing activity &1 with latest date &2
310 E Activity &1 must first be confirmed via the checkbox
311 E Eligib.f.Perm.Invalid.Benef.(Restrictns) Act infotype lock not supported
312 E Different deferment periods may not overlap
313 E Start date must lie before end date
314 E Text must be available for deferment
315 E Deferment start and end date must be filled
316 E Activity &1 already exists
317 E Select a valid activity
318 E Choose an activity
319 E No activity permitted
320 E Messages 320 to 329 are reserved for infotype 'Adjustment Procedure'
321 E Date in field CORST, CORSV or CORLA is put on &1
322 E Date for field &1 must be before start date &2 of infotype
323 E Old infotype records may not be deleted
324 E Start date of the infotype must be &1
325 E End date of the infotype must be &1
326 E Date &1 for field &2 before earliest change date &3 in IT0003
327 E The old record may not be changed, create a new record
328 E The old record may not be changed, change the current record
329 E Infotype 0879 may not be delimited
330 E Messages 331 to 349 reserved for infotype 'Wage Return'
331 E Error reading feature 'Default Values for Infotype Wage Return'/NNLAG
332 E Value &1 invalid in field 'F&S Phase Categorization Code' (P0808-CFIZZ)
333 E Value &1 invalid in field 'Work Relationship Type Code' (P0808-CAARD)
334 E Value &1 invalid in field 'CAO Code' (P0808-CAOCL)
335 E Infotype start date lies before effective date of wage return
336 E No income reduction for unpaid leave, expected end date will be deleted
337 E Value &1 invalid in field 'F&S Phase Categorization Code' (P0808-CFIFZ)
338 E Value &1 invalid in field 'Circumst. Affecting Obligation To Insure Code'
339 E This action will delete system transfer data. Continue?
340 E Logical form name & could not be found
350 E Messages 351 to 369 reserved for infotype 'SI Data'
351 E Sector not filled in table T5N14 on &1
352 E Risk group not filled in table T5N12 on &1
353 E Legal person &1 set up in table T5N14 on &2
354 E SI group &1 not set up in table T5N12 on &2
355 E Sector risk group &1 invalid on &2
365 E Messages 365 through 399 reserved for infotype 'Savings Schemes'
366 E Payroll-relevant data cannot be changed using TWK
370 E Messages 371 to 389 reserved for infotype 'Savings Schemes'
371 E Rights data contradictory
372 E Payee exists: Enter a savings or an interest amount
373 E Savings or interest amount exists: Specify a payee
374 E Payee exists: Enter a payment amount
375 E Payment amount exists: Specify a payee
376 E Payment amount exists: Specify a payment reason
377 E Reason for payment exists: Enter a payment amount
378 E Inconsistent data: Life-course savings scheme amount exists
379 E Enter all payee data
380 E Inconsistent data: Employee savings amount data exists
381 E Specify a lower number of years for the life-course leave tax credit
382 E Parameter LLSHK not found in table T511K
383 E Life-course leave tax credit amount set off is too high
384 E Specify a financial institution for the ER contribution saved
385 E Error reading feature 'Default Values for Infotype Savings Schemes'
386 E Bank details must not be changed retroactively
387 E Inconsistent data: Life-course savings amount exists
388 E Employee group & does not exist
389 E Changes in the payroll past will be ignored
390 E Infotype may not be deleted retroactively
391 E Infotype may not be limited retroactively
392 E Infotype may not be delimited retroactively
393 E For EE savings amount no withdrawal for unpaid leave poss.: code changed
394 E Control record payment unit &1 not found
395 E Group Emp. contrib. is completed, Emp. contrib and Emp perc. to be empt'd
396 E Employee savings account withdrawal not allowed
397 E Infotype can not be created retroactively
398 E Infotype cannot be extended retroactively
401 E If age is filled, also fill age determination date
402 E If pensionable salary is filled, also fill determination method
403 E Enter start per. f. ann. calc. and per. calc. w/ ann. pensionable salary
404 E Combination SI calculation method and part-time corrections is illogigal
405 E Cumulative retroactive accounting not possible for calc. of ann. amount
406 E Routine indicator required for cumulative retroactive accounting
407 E Routine ind. for cum. retro. acc. is pointless without cum. retro. acc.
408 E If pensionable salary SP applicable --> WT EE contribution SP required
409 E If EE contribution SP applicable --> WT pensionable salary SP required
410 E Enter at least one contribution wage type
411 E Only fill wage type annual basis with per.calc. with annual basis
420 E * Following 10 messages reserved for reports RPICDSN0
421 E Persons who fall under the UWV Cadans (ex-Detam)
422 E Persons who fall under UWV Cadans (ex-BVG)
423 E Persons not registered with UWV Cadans
424 E The Professional Group Code has already been converted
425 E The selected Professional Group Code is not valid
426 E The selected special indicator (Cadans) is not valid
427 E Persons registered with UWV Cadans with no Professional Grp Code
428 E The Professional Group Code field is not filled
429 E Infotype records included in batch input session
500 E Messages 500 to 599 reserved for payroll log (operation XMES)
501 E Commuter allowance is not being paid due to long-term sickness
600 E You have entered more than & days
601 E Please do not enter more than & days
605 E Value must be greater than 0
610 E Messages 610 through 630 reserved for RPTZKMN2
611 E IT2001 period &1 - &2 skipped: period contains old status &3
612 E No address found for &1 &2 in relationship management (VC_T5N9R)
613 E No address found for contact person &1 &2 in relationship mgt. (VC_T5N9R)
614 E No relationship found between &1 and &2 in table T5N9R between &3 en &4
615 E No name exists for &1 &2 in relationship management (VC_T5N9R)
616 E No &3 exists in relationship mgt. for contact person of &1 &2 (VC_T5N9R)
617 E No connection number found for &1 in relationship management (VC_T5N9R)
618 E Previous illness found in the selection period
650 E Messages 650 to 699 reserved for master records
651 E Disabled Young Persons' Tx Crdt checked w/o Disabled Persons' Tx Crdt
652 E CSN unknown, anonymity tax applied
653 E Status of illness is not 'Notification of Sickness Created'
680 E Form of address is male, but gender has been specified as female
681 E Form of address is female, but gender has been specified as male
700 E Value must be between 0 % and 100 %
801 E No valid representing legal person found on date &1
802 E No valid representing legal persons for pers. no. &2 on date &1
803 E Retroactive NSI: No valid REPER for pers. no. &2 on &1
804 E No valid representing legal person found
805 E Representing legal person &1 not defined in table T5N9P
806 E Feature &1 not available or active
807 E Representing legal person &1 has no valid relationship
808 E Repr. legal person &2: More than one type &1 relationship not valid
809 E Retroactive NSI deleted from table T5N1T on &2
810 E Incorrect NSI retroactively deleted from table T5N1T on &2
811 E No retroactive NSI recalled on &2
812 E NSI (correction, cancellation) created retroactively on &2
813 E NSI (change) created retroactively on &2
814 E NSI (hiring notification) created retroactively on &2
815 E NSI (leaving notification) created retroactively on &2
816 E NSI (notification of decease) created retroactively on &2
817 E Technical Leaving, include in personnel action
818 E Recall of NSI (Retroactive), include in personnel action
819 E Technical Hiring, include in personnel action
820 E An SI notification with type '1 - Leaving' is being created
821 E Invalid special indicator &1 for UVI &2 on &3
822 E Person &1 already LEFT, adjust the data in table T5N1T
823 E Person &1 already HIRED, adjust the data in table T5N1T
824 E Retroactive notification for person &1 is inconsistent
825 E Invalid path name &1, change your entry
826 E Invalid path or file name &1, file will not be created
827 E No relationship defined in T5N9R for repr. legal person &1 on &2
828 E Error during download, error number &1
829 E Error while adding EOF!
830 E If Disab.Pers.Tax Credit is filled --> Also fill date
831 E If Disab.Pers.Tax Credit is not filled --> Do not fill date
847 E Quarterly table must not be adjusted for part-time employees
848 E Citizen Service Number not the same as SoFi number, save again
849 E Anonymity tax must not be changed retroactively
850 E No period with begin date & for payroll area &
851 E Invalid combination, see field documentation
852 E Special indicator not defined in table T5N2S
853 E ER contribution exceeds the total contribution amount
854 E Employment tax no. [LB-nummer] is incorrect
855 E Dutch tax and social insurance no. (sofinummer) is incorrect
856 E Different tax class is same as tax class
857 E Period amount exceeds annual amount
858 E Tax classes 4 and 5 not valid for married persons
859 E Tax class 4 not valid for persons under 18
860 E Specified social security scheme [SV-wet] is not valid
861 E Specified participation code is not valid
862 E Date of birth not found
863 E Comb. of tax class &, calc. table & and conversion rule & is not valid
864 E Conversion rule '&' only valid for persons aged 65 or over
865 E Please enter both amount and currency
866 E Please enter both number and unit
867 E Any amount entered for this special provision is invalid
868 E Any currency entered for this special provision is invalid
869 E Please enter a number for this special provision
870 E Any number entered for this special provision is invalid
871 E Please enter a unit for this special provision
872 E Any unit entered for this special provision is invalid
873 E Start and end date fall in different payroll periods
874 E Start date of special provision falls outside all payroll periods
875 E End date of special provision is before start present payroll period
876 E You have entered an indicator that is not supported by the 'UWV'
877 E Value is smaller than 0 periods or greater than 60 periods
878 E Advantage rule not compatible with expense allowance with ER advantage
879 E No contribution amount or scale entered
880 E Special employee group code is not valid for the whole period
881 E Tax class entered not valid as of start date
882 E Tax class entered not valid to end date
883 E Combination of tax class & and green calc. table is not valid
884 E Combination of tax class & and special group indicator is invalid
885 E Conversion rule & is not valid after &
886 E Conversion rule & is not valid until &
887 E Conversion rule & is valid until &
888 E Combination of conversion rule & and green table is not valid
889 E Calculation table & is not valid after &
890 E Calculation table & is not valid until &
891 E Calculation table & is valid until &
892 E Employee's decease is not linked to a personnel action (reason)
893 E Tax credit indicator & is not valid as of 01.01.2001
894 E Error during conversion to euros, error code &
895 E SoFi number & not in domain [001000006 .. 299999994]
896 E Combination primary insurance cover & and SI indicator & not valid
897 E Invalid registration number &1 between REPER &2 and UVI(&4) &3
898 E Invalid employment tax no. &1 between REPER &2 and tax authority &3
899 E SoFi number &1 is not valid