
SAP Message Class 5Y

Messaggi d´errore per info-type modulepools italiani

The Message Class 5Y (Messaggi d´errore per info-type modulepools italiani) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB15.

Technical Information

Message Class 5Y
Short Text Messaggi d´errore per info-type modulepools italiani
Package PB15


ID Language Text
000 E Master data messages 001 - 099 for Italy (Payroll infotypes)
001 E Carry out entries in the selected fields
002 E Income FROM greater than income TO
003 E Compulsory amounts
004 E Not meaningful percentage
005 E The next pay scale jump date senior.& must follow the initial date &
006 E Income from employment < &% of total income
007 E The seniority pay scale jump percentage & cannot be greater than 100
008 E The blocked pay scale jump percentage & cannot be greater than 100
009 E The number of components cannot be greater than & or smaller than &
010 E The number of components cannot be higher than 20
011 E The number of components must be greater than 0
012 E The current date must be included between & and &
013 E Seniority months for SevInd cannot be greater than 11
014 E At least one compulsory lowest rate
015 E At least one cumpulsory calculation type
016 E Only one lowest rate can be entered
017 E Attention - The INITIAL DATE cannot be subsequent to the FINAL DATE!
018 E Attention The INITIAL DATE must be between the VALIDITY DATES
019 E Attention The FINAL DATE must be included between the VALIDITY DATES
020 E The gender is changed according to the entries
021 E The entry in the field 'Tax payer's code' is incorrect.
022 E The total income is smaller than the employment income
023 E The selected mode '&' is not valid
024 E IRPEF taxation indicator does not exist
025 E Print type '&' not allowed
026 E Attention - The 3 selected fields must be filled in!
027 E Irrelevant amounts
028 E Taxation indicator, inexistent contribution & &
030 E Family member ind.descr.for family allowance & doesn't exist in T5ITAX
031 E Descript.of family member ind.for tax deduct.& does not exist in T5ITDX
032 E The percentage cannot be higher than 100
034 E The region indicator & does not exist in T005U
035 E Compulsory incomes
036 E Income FROM greater than income TO
038 E Municipality key & not existing in table T5ITM4 on date &
040 E Inbound file has double keys.
047 E & taxation not valid throughout whole period
048 E PAT description not found
049 E Wage type description not found
050 E Employee subgroup description not found
051 E Enter company name
052 E No employee to be updated
053 E Updated data
054 E Enter a valid company name
055 E Configure address correctly for company name
056 E Configure address correctly for personnel area
057 E To calculate rec. G it is mandatory to enter a TemSe with CUD data
058 E Enter TemSe file name to be corrected
059 E Enter TemSe file name o request the generation of record G
060 E In case of overwriting, request the generation of rec. G or J as well
061 E TemSe file & has been saved successfully
065 E The process was sent in background
066 E Adv.Sev.Pay from Employer for INPS TrFund: clear.with acc.INPS(PF20/PA20)
067 E Insuff.Cap. for Clearing on Advance Severance Pay for INPS Treasury Fund
080 E An entry with the same key already exists!
081 E Not valid date for the selected period: &/&
099 E The combination between city and region is not valid
100 E Payroll messages for Italy 101 - 199
101 E Maximum & wage types can be saved
102 E The validity start and end date must be included in the same year
103 E The validity end date cannot be the 31st December
104 E The employee is active (employed) between & and &.
105 E The leaving reason & does not exist in T5ITMC
106 E If Payment not entered, the field can only have '&' as a value
107 E If the payment ind. is entered, the field can have '&' or '&' as value
108 E Sev.ind.withdrawal form is comp.if registration type is '&' or '&'
109 E SevInd.withdr.percentage is compulsory if SevInd.withdr.form is '&'
110 E SevInd withdr.amount is compulsory if SevInd withdr.form is '&'
111 E SevInd withdr.perc. must be smaller than 100 if SevInd withdr.form is '&'
112 E SevInd withdr.amount cannot be entered if SevInd withdr.form is not '&'
113 E SevInd withdr.perc.cannot be entered if SevInd withdr.form is not '&'
115 E Enter payment code value
116 E Enter Social Security Fund enrollment type value
117 E Entered value does not exist in table T5ITO2
118 E Entered value does not exist in table T5ITOC
119 E Fund enrollment date subsequent to & not allowed
120 E Fund suspension date prior to & not allowed
121 E New Fund enrollment date prior to & not allowed
122 E Fund enrollment fee payment date prior to & not allowed
123 E Enter of suspension date not allowed
124 E Enter of new enrollment date not allowed
125 E No supplementary Fund eligible: check customizing
126 E E: SI1 or SI2 form filing date must be entered
127 E Value & of SP choice not allowed for SP Destination
128 E Value & of SP substatus not allowed for SP choice and/or situation
129 E Subtype &1 may not be created for selected period
130 E At least one subtype record 1,2 or 3 existing for selected period: & - &
140 E E: There is more than one & document indicator
141 E Family member master record not entered
142 E The document & is not allowed for family member &
143 E There are no family members for personnel number &
144 E & subtype management is not allowed for personnel number &
145 E Contract not handled by feature &
146 E Multiple pay scale jump date not allowed for pers.No. & (Feature ITSCA)
147 E Single pay scale jump date not allowed for pers.No. & (Feature ITSCA)
150 E Sickness seq.number and/or 'Subseq.sickness indicator' not allowed
151 E Already existing program
152 E Inexisting program !
153 E The data will be lost. Continue?
154 E Compulsory sign
155 E The current pers.action does not follow the previous one (& days diff.)
156 E The diff.(days) between the pers.act(&) is greater than the adm.range(&)
157 E Not foreseen error
200 E Post payroll programs for Italy 201 - 299
201 E For period & there are only extra monthly pay results: use RPCCMEI0
202 E For period & there are no extra monthly pay results: use RPCEDTI0
203 E Trigger print with parameter 'Print current period' equal to FA
204 E Trigger print with parameter 'Print retroactive calculation' - ' '
300 E Time Management and others for Italy 300 - 399
401 E ATTENTION - The selected MONTH is not admitted
402 E ATTENTION - The selected YEAR is not admitted
403 E ATTENTION - selected MONTH not admitted - (APRIL and OCTOBER allowed)
404 E ATTENTION - The month is not considered in this form
405 E Attention - The selected COMPANY does not exist in T5IT1P
406 E Attention - The selected CONTRIBUTION PLACE does not exist in T5ITND
407 E Attention - The selected INPS Registration No. does not exist in T5ITNB
409 E INPS registration No.for COMPANY not admitted in T5ITNB
411 E Attention - Master data relevant to COMPANY have not been entered
412 E Attention - Rounding indicator does not exist - & &
413 E The selected INPS INDICATOR does not exist in T5ITNB
415 E Attention - INPS Registration No.does not exist for INPS INDIC. in T5ITNB
416 E Attention - INPS INDICATOR does not exist for COMPANY in T5ITND
418 E Attention - Data is inconsistent for the selected COMPANY
421 E Enter also the LEAVING DATE!
422 E The LEAVING END DATE must follow the START DATE!
424 E Enter the leaving date!
428 E Attention ! Wage type assignment can only be used in form 01/M!
429 E Attention! The selected year must not be subsequent to the date on form
430 E ATTENTION ! FILE NAME to be entered only for FORM DM10/M
432 E ATTENTION ! Selected form does not exist
433 E ATTENTION ! Select required form
435 E The selected form cannot be used in this report
451 E The recalculation indicators for current/previous year must be different!
500 E Indirect evaluation with module ICOMP 501 - 520
501 E Field & does not belong to infotype &
502 E Infotype & does not exist
503 E Do not assign default value and indicator simultaneously
504 E Assign a value to the infotype field
505 E Assign a value to the field 'infotype field'
506 E Assign an amount or a quantity
507 E Do not enter a difference in months. Enter a date
508 E Do not enter a date. Enter a difference in months
509 E Do not enter a default and a comparison indicator simultaneously
510 E Enter a comparison type indicator
511 E Comparison not allowed for fields other than DATE
512 E The pay scale ind., pay scale area and contr.type currency is selected
513 E Amount not displayed with the new currency & due to overflow
514 E Compulsory wage type
515 E Compulsory brackets
516 E Compulsory rounding indicator
517 E Not evaluated calculation type
518 E Compulsory monthly and annual amount
519 E The percentage must not be evaluated
520 E Monthly and annual amounts not compulsory
521 E Wage type for compulsory condition operand
522 E Compulsory payroll driver table
523 E Logical operator for cumpolsory comparison
531 E A batch mode run is not possible
532 E It is necessary to choose Fund code first
533 E Assign a value to field & of infotype/table &
534 E No data related to attendance/absence
535 E Import error in cluster &
536 E Export error in cluster &
537 E Table entry & is incorrect
538 E Employee without time data within selected period
539 E No data available for cluster LU
540 E TM data both in cluster B2 and interface file
541 E Cluster RI does not exist, and no data is available for cluster LU
542 E No data related to payroll and time management
543 E Interface files without any other data
544 E Data on interface file & with period different from selected
545 E Items & of interface file & without entry in table T512W
546 E Data in cluster LU already frozen
547 E No data related to payroll
548 E No data available for cluster LU with shifted month
549 E Table & empty
550 E Freeze data cancelled
551 E The file path for PDF file is initial
552 E Check the PDF check box to generate the file
553 E The form specified in the form parameter does not exist
555 E CID not selected. Reason &
556 E CID selected for & reason, hire date &
557 E Employee not sel. Reason 08, Leaving: &
558 E Former DM10 data have already been consolidated
559 E No deletion occurred because there are no data for the INPS position
560 E Accrual for F24 correctly run
561 E Former DM10 data for period have been deleted
562 E Run the corrections of social insurance data monthly
563 E Select at least one option: former DM10 data or UniEmens
564 E The company report has already been sent (see long text)
565 E Former DM10 data already calculated, personnel number rejected
566 E Error in XML order, Section: & Field: &
567 E Perform monthly company cumulation only
568 E Declaration was already sent: no relevant differences for new adjustment
569 E Customizing in table T5IT35 for key: BUKRS: &INPSC:& is missing
570 E Adjustment was generated for data variations of UniEmens elements
571 E Adjustment was generated for forced ricalculation of ex DM10 data
572 E Delete generated declaration, check details in UE cluster viewer
573 E Deletion is not necessary, declaration was not sent.
574 E The Company declaration sent has been deleted
575 E View 'ALV details DM10' could be too long (prob. performance)
576 E Company Data not Available Yet
577 E Company Report not Available for Creating the XML File
578 E Inconsistent Data for XML File Composition
579 E TemSe file to generate cannot be consolidated
580 E No 'Individual Report' was created
581 E Declaration sent
582 E The declaration was already sent
583 E Declaration cannot be sent
584 E TemSe is a test file and cannot be sent
585 E Authorization missing for grouping processing: & - &
586 E Cluster UniEmens sequence no. & cannot be deleted
587 E Ex-DM10 data for INPS pos. are not consolidated yet (exec. Test)
588 E Error during Cluster Uniemens PCL1-I0/I1 export
589 E Employee has no original payresult for period &1 - &2 (no DM10 codes)
601 E Client: &
602 E Update T5ITR1: & & & &
603 E Error updating T5ITR1: & & & &
604 E Update T5ITRX: & & & &
605 E Error updating T5ITRX: & & & &
606 E Conversion error - Failed update !
607 E T5ITR1, T5ITRX inconsistent, update manually !
608 E Please set only fields valid for iron workers
609 E Please set only fields valid for insurance employees
702 E Batch Input section created succesfully. ID: &
703 E Batch Input sections not created. Error.
704 E Batch Input sections already created.
801 E Fund code & is not eligible for this employee
802 E Payment code & is not eligible for this Fund code
803 E Taxation type & is not eligible for this Fund code
804 E Pair &1/&2 is not eligible for this Fund code
805 E Select a taxation type before the contribution type
806 E Choose a Fund code first!
807 E Choose a taxation type first!
808 E Choose a contribution code first!
809 E Specify a percentage!
810 E Calculation group &1 is not eligible for pair &2/&3
811 E Specify a number between 0 and 100 for percentage!
812 E In case of customized percentage, specificy a calculation group!
813 E Start date must always be the first day of the month
814 E Choose a Fund code!
815 E Withdrawal percentage must be lower than 100
816 E Validity date cannot be prior hiring date: &
826 E Country and region not compatible (check table T005S)
829 E Entry in field City is missing
857 E & & - Data import failed. PersNo rejected
858 E & & - Table MDTYPE is inconsistent. PersNo rejected
859 E & & - Error in string conversion. PersNo rejected
860 E & & - No character data exist in table MD. PersNo not processed
861 E & & - Conversion unnecessary (Data Codepage - System Codepage)
862 E & & - Converted data
863 E & & - Error in data export
864 E T5F99FC: the condition & is not managed in T5F99FD and/or T5F99FS.
865 E The field & is not managed in T5F99FD.
866 E The field & of T5F99FD is not managed in T5F99FF
867 E The field DAQ & is not managed in T5ITUD mapping and does not use std. FM
868 E The section DAQ & is not managed in T5F99FS
869 E The section &, defined in T5ITUS, is not used in T5ITUD/T5ITUG
870 E The section DAQ & is not used in T5F99FD
871 E The element & / &, defined in T5ITUG, is not parameterized in T5ITUD
872 E In T5ITUP exist references to FM duplicates for the same element
873 E The section & of T5ITUP is not managed in T5ITUD
874 E The element & / & of T5ITUP is not managed in T5ITUD
875 E The code DM10 & , element: & / & is codified and must be of type Text
876 E The code DM10 & , element: & / & must be of type NUMBER-LIKE
877 E The element & / & of T5ITNP is not managed in T5ITUD
878 E To the code DM10 & VALUETYPE & is not associated any XML tag in T5ITUD
879 E For the code DM10 &, the customizing is missing in T5ITNT
880 E The section &, existing in T5ITUD, is not managed in T5ITUS
881 E The element & / & is not managed in T5ITUG
882 E The element DAQ & / & is not managed in T5F99FD
883 E The element DAQ & is not managed in T5F99FF
884 E The element & / & is managed both in DAQ and in DM10
885 E Element & / & expected but not managed (optional)
886 E SP processing general data
887 E Accrued SP: &1
888 E Contribution processing for SPF
889 E Contribution processing for Treasury Fund
890 E SP choice definition
891 E Suspended SP search
892 E No suspended SP for arrears' generation
893 E SP choice is not defined
894 E Suspended SP accumulation
895 E Suspended SP amount: &1
896 E Employee belonging to a company with less than 50 employees
897 E SP generation constant for Treasury Fund is active