
SAP Message Class 8H

THRF: Thai retrofit 46C: Message class for Thai objects

The Message Class 8H (THRF: Thai retrofit 46C: Message class for Thai objects) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package J1HF.

Technical Information

Message Class 8H
Short Text THRF: Thai retrofit 46C: Message class for Thai objects
Package J1HF


ID Language Text
002 E WT seq.number:Required number group for company & & form type &
003 E WT numbering:Required reference key 3 for w/tax certificate number
004 E No Withholding tax form type
011 E Num.grp for input tax code & not found for & (CC/BP/Yr/Mo)
012 E Num.grp for output tax doc.type & not found for & (CC/BP/Yr/Mo)
013 E Error with rc-& in tax numbering for &,no.range(Month)&
020 E You can change the tax invoice informtion for only one 0% tax document
021 E No tax numbering assigned. Transfer not allowed
022 E Update error
023 E Invalid WT data for Thailand on check '& & & &'
024 E Missing base item for one-cycle grossing up
025 E No w/tax cert-no.(XREF3) or w/tax amount is zero
026 E No credit w/tax item to generate sequential number
027 E Invalid posting key or spec.GL indicator or document was reversed
028 E Do not clear any documents belonging to different business areas
030 E Actual Tax difference & exceed the tolerance limit '& &'