

DMFA messages

The Message Class HRPAYBE_DMFA (DMFA messages) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC12.

Technical Information

Message Class HRPAYBE_DMFA
Short Text DMFA messages
Package PC12


ID Language Text
001 E Employer data found for NOSS &1 of employee &2
002 E Could not create company instance for &1
003 E Could not find active persons at june 30th &1 for &2
004 E Employee, &1, with identical worker records in the declaration
005 E Employee has an Occupation Record without remuneration, time or deduction
006 E Employee has a Worker Record without any records belonging to it
007 E Student worked more than max. number of days and is not included in file.
008 E Total of declared hours is not equal to planned working hours
009 E Remuneration code &1 is negative for occupation &2. Ignored in report.
010 E Service code &1 has negative hours for occupation &2. Ignored in report.
011 E Student has not worked any day. It is not included in file
012 E Update declaration date should start a month later then original one
013 E Employee records already written to database
014 E Employer record not in database
015 E Field 00048 (MWHWK) - value too big - automatically limited to 4800
016 E Unable to update Justification field of employee &1
017 E Error in OPEN DATASET with file &1: &2.
018 E Fill out the Company ID / RSZNr / Company Code field
019 E Fill the quarter and/or the year for which you want the CR
020 E Fill the reference of the original DMFA declaration
021 E Could not find persons requiring Justification for employer &1
022 E Student worked more than max. number of days
023 E Employer with RSZ number &1 : check Public Sector indicator
024 E Start date dismissal contributions &1 before entry date
025 E Employee has empty NOSS number --B2A errors may occur
026 E Employees &1 and &2 have no NOSS number and identical worker records
027 E No Remuneration code defined for Contribution 851
028 E No personnel area found for social insurance number &1
029 E No differences found between selected employer data and SI database