

Published Interfaces for Development Class ACID

The package ACID_IF (Published Interfaces for Development Class ACID) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL_TOOLS.

Technical Information

Package ACID_IF
Short Text Published Interfaces for Development Class ACID
Parent Package APPL_TOOLS

Function Groups

SAP Package ACID_IF contains 1 function groups.

ACAS RW: ALE Modules for Asynchronous Update


SAP Package ACID_IF contains 26 structures.

E1ACC_ACT_ALLOC Header Segment
E1ACC_MAN_ALLOC Header Segment
E1ACC_PRIM_COSTS Header Segment
E1ACC_REVENUES Header segment
E1ACC_STAT_KEY_FIG Header segment
E1BPAAITM Line Items: Activity Allocation - BAPI's Actual Postings
E1BPACAP06 Posting to Accounting: Payroll (Vendor)
E1BPACAR05 Posting to Accounting: Payroll (Customer)
E1BPACCR04 Posting in Accounting: Payroll (Currency Fields)
E1BPACGL04 Posting in accounting: General Ledger HR (Item)
E1BPACGL05 Posting in accounting: General Ledger HR-AR (item)
E1BPACGL06 Posting in Accounting: General Ledger HR-AP (item)
E1BPACHE04 Posting in Accounting: Payroll (Header)
E1BPACHE05 Posting in Accounting: HR Settlement with AR (Header)
E1BPACHE06 Posting in Accounting: HR Settlement with AP (Header)
E1BPACHE07 Posting in FI/CO: Purchase Order (Header)
E1BPACKECR2 Posting in Accounting: CO-PA 2 Account Assignment Chars
E1BPACTR00 Posting in Accounting: Trips (Line Item)
E1BPDOCHDRP Document Header: Post Act. Alloc. - BAPI's Actual Postings
E1BPDOCHDRU12P Document Header: Post Costs/Revenues- BAPI's Actual Postings
E1BPIAITM Line Items: Activity Allocation - BAPI's Actual Postings
E1BPMAITM Line Items: Manual Cost Allocation - BAPIs Actual Postings
E1BPRCITM Line Items: Repost Primary Costs - BAPI's Actual Postings
E1BPRRITM Line items: repost revenues - BAPI's actual postings
E1BPSKFITM Line items: statistical key figures - BAPI's actual postings