
SAP Package CACS2D

ICM: DDIC for ICM Basis Framework

The package CACS2D (ICM: DDIC for ICM Basis Framework) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package CACS20.

Technical Information

Package CACS2D
Short Text ICM: DDIC for ICM Basis Framework
Parent Package CACS20

Function Groups

SAP Package CACS2D contains 23 function groups.

CACS_AC A/C Assgmt/Remuneration/Settlement Type
CACS_ACTAGR_SGN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_ACTIV_GR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_AGRROL Participation Agreement
CACS_CONS Constellations
CACS_CONTRACT General Partner Contract
CACS_CONTRACTC_V Generated Maintenance Views
CACS_CTRTST Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_DELPV Delete Parked Versions
CACS_F4_SH_EXITS Search Help Exits
CACS_FILTER Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_INSTAL_PLAN Legal Right to Commission/Due Dates
CACS_ISCS_CNT_T Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_ISIS_APPL Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_KORRES Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
CACS_MAINTAIN_MD Views for Master Data Maintenance
CACS_OBJTYPES Definition of Obj. Types in Hierarchy
CACS_RESP Cancellation Liability
CACS_ROLE Commissions: Participant Roles
CACS_STD_CONTR Standard Commission Components
CACS_STD_RU Std.Remun.: Settlement/Reversal/Reserve
CACS_VIEWS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package CACS2D contains 4 transactions.

CACS_CSCITITLE CSC Cust.: Internal Title
CACS_CSCTERMD CSC Cust.: Cancellation Date
CACS_CSCTOFN CSC Cust.: Period of Notice

Database Tables

SAP Package CACS2D contains 98 database tables.

CACS_AGRROL Participant Roles in Participation Agreement
CACS_CHRETY Accountable Remuneration Types
CACS_CONTR Standard/Individual (or Obsolete) Commission Contracts
CACS_CTCOREX Correspondence Enhancement
CACS_CTRTPAR Individual Contract Participation
CACS_CTRTST Standard Commission Contract
CACS_CTRTSTI Elements of Standard Commission Contract
CACS_CTRTSTT Standard Commission Contract: Texts
CACS_REMARU Flat-Rate Remuneration Rule
CACS_REMSTM Remuneration settlement
CACS_RESRULE Reserves Rule
CACS_STCAGR Standard agreement for commission contract
CACS_STCAGRT Name: Standard Agreement for Commission Contract
CACS_STRERU Standard Ruling for Flat-Rate Remunerations
CACS_STRERUT Name: Standard Ruling for Flat-Rate Remunerations
CACS_STSTMRU Standard Settlement Ruling
CACS_STSTMT Name: Standard Settlment Ruling
CACS_STTCRU Standard Rules for Commission Case Triggers
CACS_STTCRUT Name: Standard Rules for Commission Case Triggers
CACS_STWARRU Standard Ruling for Guarantee Agreements
CACS_STWART Name: Standard Ruling for Guarantee Agreements
CACS_TRIGCAS Rule for Cause of Additional Commission Case
CACS_WARRU Guarantee Agreement Ruling
TCACS_AC Activity
TCACS_ACT_CHAR Comn.: Activity Type Characteristic
TCACS_ACTAGR_SGN Comn.: Activity Agreement Assignment
TCACS_ACTGRP_T Activity Groups Text
TCACS_ACTT Activity: Text
TCACS_ADD Additional Indicator
TCACS_ADDT Additional Indicator Text
TCACS_ASSGN2 Assignment Table - Contract Type <-> Activity Filter
TCACS_AVAD1 Type of AVAD message
TCACS_AVAD1T Type of AVAD message: Text
TCACS_CONPOS Constellation Element
TCACS_CONS Constellations
TCACS_CONS_T Name of Constellations
TCACS_CTROL Assignment: Commission Contract Types to Participation Roles
TCACS_CTRTP Commission Contract Type
TCACS_CTRTPT Commission Contract Type: Texts
TCACS_CVGRB Grouping for Version Comparison - Contract Bundle
TCACS_CVGRBT Grouping for Version Comparison Contract Bundle: Texts
TCACS_CVGRP Grouping for Version Comparison
TCACS_CVGRPT Grouping for Version Comparison: Texts
TCACS_CVHDB Settings for Version Comparison in Contract Bundle
TCACS_CVHDL Settings for Version Comparison in Commission Contract
TCACS_CVOGRB Grouping for Version Comparison - Contract Bundle
TCACS_CVOGRP Grouping for Version Comparison
TCACS_DELPV Function Modules Delete Parked Versions: Contract
TCACS_DISWAY Dispatch Methods
TCACS_DISWAYT Dispatch Methods
TCACS_FILTER0 Commission System Filter
TCACS_FILTER0_T Commission System Filter
TCACS_FILTER1 Commission System Filter
TCACS_FILTER10 Filter: Std Agreements of Performance-Related Remunerations
TCACS_FILTER11 Filter: Remuneration Types
TCACS_FILTER2 Exception Procedure for Filtering
TCACS_FILTER2_T Exception Handling for Filtering
TCACS_FILTER20 Filter: Activity Types
TCACS_FILTERTY Allowed Subfilter Types for Filter Types
TCACS_FLDCHB Table: Fields with Special Handling for 'Field Changes'
TCACS_FLDCHG Table: Fields with Special Handling for 'Field Changes'
TCACS_INPL_T Comn: Rule for Legal Right to Fut.Comn (Installments) - Name
TCACS_INPLAN Comn: Rule for Legal Right to Future Commission (Instllmts)
TCACS_ITITLE Internal Title
TCACS_ITITLET Internal Title: Texts
TCACS_KOART Correspondence Type
TCACS_KOARTT Correspondence Type: Texts
TCACS_NRRBD Contract Bundle: Assign Number Ranges
TCACS_NRRBDT Contract Bundle - Number Ranges: Texts
TCACS_NRRCT Commission Contract: Assign Number Ranges
TCACS_NRRCTT Texts: Commission Contract Number Ranges
TCACS_OFFCLCRULE Comn: Calculation Rules in Remuneration Clearing
TCACS_OFFGRPFLDS Comn: Grouping Characteristics
TCACS_OFFGRPRULE Comn: Grouping Rule in Remuneration Clearing
TCACS_OFFRULE Comn: Remuneration Clearing Rule
TCACS_OFFRULING Comn: Remuneration Clearing Regulation
TCACS_OFFSELRULE Comn: Selection Rule in Remunation Clearing
TCACS_OTHPOB Function Modules for Importing External Items
TCACS_OTHPOS Function Modules for Importing External Items
TCACS_REM Commission Remuneration Types
TCACS_REM_T Commissions: Remuneration Types
TCACS_REMC_T Commissions: Name of Remuneration Group
TCACS_REMCLA Commissions: Remuneration Group
TCACS_REMF Commissions: Remuneration Form
TCACS_REMFT Commissions: Form of Remuneration
TCACS_ROLE Possible Roles of Commission Contract Partner in Comn Case
TCACS_ROLE_T Possible Roles of Commission Contract Partner in Comn Case
TCACS_SENDTYPE Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters
TCACS_SENDTYPET Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters
TCACS_TERMD Cancellation date
TCACS_TERMDT Notice Date: Texts
TCACS_TOFN Period of notice
TCACS_TOFNT Period of Notice: Texts
TCACS_TRCAS Cause of Additional Commission Case
TCACS_TRCAST Name: Cause of Additional Commission Case
TCACS_WORKAT Work Region: Texts


SAP Package CACS2D contains 142 views.

MCACS_S Generated Code for Matchcode ID Standard Contract
MCACS_VA Contract Type
MCACS_VA_NEU Contract Type
V_ACTAGR_SGN Activity Agreement Allocation Settings
V_CACS_AGRROL Settings for Particip. Roles in the Participation Agreement
V_CACS_CHRETY Settings for Accountable Remuneration Types
V_CACS_CONTR Creating a Standard Commission Contract
V_CACS_CTRTST Commission: Maintain Standard Contract
V_CACS_CTRTST_AL Commission: Maintain Standard Contract
V_CACS_CTRTSTI Settings for Standard Commission Contract Elements
V_CACS_CTRTSTI_A Settings for Standard Commission Contract Elements
V_CACS_REMSTM Remuneration Settlement Settings
V_CACS_STCAGR Settings - Standard Agreement for Commission Contract
V_CACS_STRERU Standard Flat-Rate Remuneration Rule Settings
V_CACS_STSTMRU Settings for Standard Settlement Rules
V_CACS_STTCRU Maintain Standard Commission Case Trigger Rule
V_CACS_STWARRU Settings for Standard Guarantee Agreement Rules
V_OFFGRPFLDS Maintain Grouping Characteristics
V_OFFGRPRULE Maintain Grouping Rule in Remuneration Clearing
V_STCAGR_24AKT Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr. Cat. 24 (Active)
V_STCAGR_24ALL Maint. Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr. Cat. 24 (All)
V_STTCRU_24AKT Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Rules, Agreemnt Cat. 24 (Active)
V_STTCRU_24ALL Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Rules, Agreement Cat. 24 (All)
V_TCACS_AC Maintain Activity
V_TCACS_ACT_CHAR Settings for Activity Type Characteristic
V_TCACS_ACTGRP Activity Group Settings
V_TCACS_ADD Maintain Additional Indicators
V_TCACS_ASSGN2 Maintain Assignment of Contract Type to Activity Filter
V_TCACS_AVAD1 Settings for AVAD message type
V_TCACS_CONPOS Constellation Position Settings
V_TCACS_CONS Settings for Constellations
V_TCACS_CONTRACT Settings for Partner Contract Categories
V_TCACS_CTROL Setting for Participant Roles-Commission Type - Assignment
V_TCACS_CTRTP Contract Type Settings
V_TCACS_CTRTP1 Contract Type, Maintain Entries
V_TCACS_CVGRB Settings: Grouping for Version Comparison
V_TCACS_CVGRP Settings: Grouping for Version Comparison
V_TCACS_CVHDB Settings for Version Comparison in Contract Bundle
V_TCACS_CVHDL Settings for Version Comparison in Commission Contract
V_TCACS_CVOGRB Maintain Grouping for Version Comparison of Contract Bundle
V_TCACS_CVOGRP Grouping Settings for Version Comparison
V_TCACS_DELPV Define Function Module for Deleting Parked Versions
V_TCACS_DISWAY Maintain Dispatch Channels
V_TCACS_FILTER01 Filters of the Commission System (Filter Type 1)
V_TCACS_FILTER1 Maintain Filters
V_TCACS_FILTER10 Maintain Filters for Std. Agreement Perf.-Rel. Remunerations
V_TCACS_FILTER11 Maintain Filters for Remuneration Types
V_TCACS_FILTER2 Exception Handling for Filtering
V_TCACS_FILTER20 Maintain FS Items
V_TCACS_FLDCHB Maintain Fields with Special Processing for 'Field Changes'
V_TCACS_FLDCHG Maintain Fields with Special Processing for 'Field Changes'
V_TCACS_INPLAN Settings for Rules on Legal Right to Future Comn(Installmts)
V_TCACS_ITITLE Internal Title Settings
V_TCACS_KOART Maintain Correspondence Type
V_TCACS_NRRBD Contract Bundle: Assign Number Ranges
V_TCACS_NRRCT Commission Contract: Assign Number Ranges
V_TCACS_OFFCLCRU Calculation Rules in Remuneration Clearing
V_TCACS_OFFRULE Comn: Maintain Remuneration Clearing Rules
V_TCACS_OFFRULG Comn: Maintain Remuneration Clearing Rules
V_TCACS_OFFSELRU Maintain Selection Rules in Remuneration Offsetting
V_TCACS_OTHPOB Maintain Function Modules for Importing External Items
V_TCACS_OTHPOS Maintain Function Modules for Importing External Items
V_TCACS_REM Settings for Remuneration Types
V_TCACS_REMCLA Settings for Remuneration Groups
V_TCACS_REMF Setting for Remuneration Form
V_TCACS_RESP Settings for Liability Types
V_TCACS_ROLE Settings for Participant Roles
V_TCACS_SENDTYPE Define Dispatch Types for Letters
V_TCACS_TERMD Settings for Cancellation Date
V_TCACS_TOFN Settings for Notice Period
V_TCACS_TRCAS_AK Define Cause for Additional Commission Case (Active)
V_TCACS_TRCAS_AL Display Trigger for Additional Commission Case (All)
V_TCACS_VAL Valuation Type Settings
V_TCACS_WORKA Work Region Maintenance
V_TISIS_APPL Application Maintenance
V_TISIS_CNT_TYPE Maintain Contract Category
VV_CACS_AGRROL View Variants of V_CACS_AGRROL Active Versions
VV_CACS_AGRROL2 View Variants of V_CACS_AGRROL All Versions
VV_KOART_AKT View Variant of V_TCACS_KOART Active Versions
VV_KOART_ALL View Variant of V_TCACS_KOART All Versions
VV_STCAGR_01AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 01 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_01ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 01 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_02AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 02 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_02ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 02 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_03AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 03 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_03ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 03 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_06AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 06 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_06ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 06 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_07AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 07 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_07ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 07 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_08AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 08 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_08ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 08 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_09AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 09 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_09ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 09 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_10AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 10 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_10ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 10 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_12AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 12 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_12ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 12 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_16AKT View Variants of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 16 (current)
VV_STCAGR_17AKT View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 17 Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_17ALL View Variant of V_CACS_STCAGR AGR_TYP 17 All Versions
VV_STCAGR_25AKT Sttngs for Std Agreement for CommCtct AGRTYP 25 Active Vers
VV_STCAGR_25ALL Sttngs for Std Agreement for CommCtct AGR_TYP 25 (ALL)
VV_STCAGR_27AKT Payment Release Agreements - Active Versions
VV_STCAGR_27ALL Payment Release Agreements - All Versions
VV_TCACS_ASG2_AK Maintain Assignt Contract Type to Activity Filter (Act.Ver)
VV_TCACS_ASG2_AL Maintain Assignt Contract Type to Activity Filter (All Ver)
VV_TCACS_CONPOS View Variants of V_TCACS_CONPOS Active Versions
VV_TCACS_CONPOS2 View Variants of V_TCACS_CONPOS All Versions
VV_TCACS_CONS View Variants of V_TCACS_CONS Active Versions
VV_TCACS_CONS2 View Variants of V_TCACS_CONS All Versions
VV_TCACS_CTROL View Variants of V_TCACS_CTROL Active Versions
VV_TCACS_CTROL2 View Variants of V_TCACS_CTROL All Versions
VV_TCACS_CTRTP View Variant of V_TCACS_CTRTP Active Versions
VV_TCACS_CTRTP2 View Variant of V_TCACS_CTRTP All Versions
VV_TCACS_FI110AK Maintain Filter Types (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FI110AL Maintain Filter Types (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FI111AK Maintain Filter Types (11) (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FI111AL Maintain Filter Types (11) (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FI120AK Filter Types of the Commission System (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FI120AL Filters in the Commission System (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL01AK Maintain Remuneration Filters (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL01AL Maintain Remuneration Filters (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL02AK Maintain Activity Filters (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL02AL Maintain Activity Filters (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL10AK Maint. Filter Std. Agreement Perf-Reld Remuns Active Vers.)
VV_TCACS_FIL10AL Maint. Filter Std. Agreement Perf.-Rel. Remuns(All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL11AK Maintain Filters for Remuneration Types (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL11AL Maintain Remuneration Type Filters (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL20AK Maintain Positions (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_FIL20AL Maintain Positions (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_INPL_AK Settings for Rule: Legal Right to Future Commn (Act. Vers)
VV_TCACS_INPL_AL Settings for Rule: Legal Right to Future Commn (All Vers.)
VV_TCACS_INPLAN View Variants of V_TCACS_INPLAN Active Versions
VV_TCACS_INPLAN2 View Variants of V_TCACS_INPLAN All Versions
VV_TCACS_RESP View Variants of V_TCACS_RESP Active Versions
VV_TCACS_RESP_AK Settings for Liability Types (Active Versions)
VV_TCACS_RESP_AL Settings for Liability Types (All Versions)
VV_TCACS_RESP2 View Variants of V_TCACS_RESP All Versions
VV_TCACS_ROLE View Variants of V_TCACS_ROLE Active Versions
VV_TCACS_ROLE2 View Variants of V_TCACS_ROLE All Versions


SAP Package CACS2D contains 27 structures.

CACS_S_ALLCBDL_UPDT Like CACS_ALLCBDL table, plus status information
CACS_S_CHAR80 Auxiliary Structure: char80
CACS_S_CHGDATES_1 Structure for change data at a fixed technical time-spot
CACS_S_CONTRACTS Help Structure Organizational Units
CACS_S_CORR Commissions: Correspondence Agreement
CACS_S_CSDTCODES Dispatcher for Commission Interface: Transaction Codes
CACS_S_CTRTBU_EVAL01 Comm.: Interface Structure for Evaluation (Comm. Contracts)
CACS_S_CTRTBU_ID Commission Contracts
CACS_S_DOCU Commissions: General Data Elements
CACS_S_FITAB Structure for Transfer of Filter Information Table
CACS_S_FLDCHANGES Display Structure - Field Changes - Table Control Field
CACS_S_FLDCHANGESWA Work Structure: Field Changes
CACS_S_OFFSETTING_CONTRACT_MAP Comn: Assigning Contract to 'Rule' Contract
CACS_S_PRAGR_DI Compare Table CACS_PRAGR, Direct Input
CACS_S_REMAGR_RG Auxiliary Structure - Standard Agreements (Selection Option)
CACS_S_REPVB_STMRU Check settlement
CACS_S_REPVB_WARRU Check Guarantee
CACS_S_SESAGR_DI Compare Table CACS_SESAGR, Direct Input
CACS_S_STMTY_INFO Settlement Type for Agreement
CACS_S_TEMPL_EXCL Fields That are not Transferred to Contract Template
CACS_S_USR_GRP Contains Users and Related Authorization Groups
CACS_S_VERSCOMP Structure: Version Comparison
CACS_S_VERSCOMPWA Work Structure: Version Comparison
CACS_T_ROLE Roles and Constellations for a Contract


SAP Package CACS2D contains 2 programs.


Search Helps

SAP Package CACS2D contains 12 search helps.

CACS_CASE_BUPA Central Business Partner
CACS_OFFRULE Remuneration Clearing Rule
CACS_OFFSET_RULE_ID F4 Help Offsetting Type
CACS_PKEY Payment Plan
CACS_REM Search Help for Remuneration Type
CACS_REMUNERATION_ALLOWED F4 for Remuneration Types not Excluded From Target System
CACS_TCACS_OFFS Search Help for Offsetting Type
CACSS Standard Contract Number
CACST Standard Contract
CACSV Commission Contract Partner by Contract Number
CACSVA Commission Contract Type

Message Classes

SAP Package CACS2D contains 1 message classes.

CACS_RES Hinweistexte Beteiligungsrollen