
SAP Package CMX_CR

Manufacturing Execution: Control Recipe

The package CMX_CR (Manufacturing Execution: Control Recipe) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-SCM.

Technical Information

Package CMX_CR
Short Text Manufacturing Execution: Control Recipe
Parent Package EA-SCM

Function Groups

SAP Package CMX_CR contains 13 function groups.

0C52 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
CMX_CR_CP_SRV_DST_PCS External Systems: XStep Destination PCS
CMX_CR_CP_SRV_SIM_PCS External System: Simulation Control Rec.
CMX_CR_F4 Control Recipes: Value Help (F4)
CMX_CR_LOG Control Recipes: Application Log
CO52 Control Recipe Monitor
COC7 PI-PCS: RFC Modules for Control Recipes
COC7B BABIs: PI-PCS Interface, Control Recipes
COCB Process Management-CtrlRecipe Functions
COCB1 Service Fct. for Decentral. Process Mgmt
COCG Message Destination for Control Recipe
COCV Control Recipe Posting
COCY Central Cntrol Recipe Functions


SAP Package CMX_CR contains 4 transactions.

CO53 Control Recipe Monitor
CONC No.Range for CtrlRecipes: COCB_CRID
O10C Assig. Ctrl Rec. Dest./Proc. Instr.
O12C Assign Charact. / Proc. Instr. Cat.


SAP Package CMX_CR contains 2 views.

V_TC52A Automatically Generated Process Instructions
V_TC57 Assign Process Instructions to Control Recipe Destinations


SAP Package CMX_CR contains 3 structures.

CMX_CR_W_CTRL_REC_GEN Control Recipe Destination:Creation Type for Control Recipes
CMX_CR_W_RANGE_NID Range Structure for NID in xStep


SAP Package CMX_CR contains 3 programs.

RCOCB006 Sending Created Control Recipes
RCOCB007 Request Control Recipes
RCOCB015 Send Plant-Dependent Control Recipes

Search Helps

SAP Package CMX_CR contains 2 search helps.

CRID Control recipe
CRIDA Process order, material, plant, destination

Message Classes

SAP Package CMX_CR contains 1 message classes.

CMX_CR Manufacturing Execution: Steuerrezept

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CMX_CR contains 2 authorization objects.

C_CREC_WRK PP-PI: Control Recipe - Plant
C_CREX_WRK PP-PI: External Control Recipe Execution (PI-PCS)