The package CPE_BASIS (Commodity Pricing Engine: Basic Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-CPE-BASIS.
Package | CPE_BASIS |
Short Text | Commodity Pricing Engine: Basic Objects |
Parent Package | PI-CPE-BASIS |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 69 function groups.
CPE_APPLSETTING_CB | CPE_C - CPE Application Setting - Buffer |
CPE_BASIS_CD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CPE_BLOCKING_CB | CPE_C - Billing Block - Buffer |
CPE_CALCRULE_CB | CPE_C - Calculation Rule - Buffer |
CPE_CALCRULE_DU | CPE_C - Calculation Rule - DB Upd. |
CPE_CHNGCONTROL_CB | CPE_C - Action on Data Change - Buffer |
CPE_CHNGCONTROL_DU | CPE_C - Action on Data Change - DB Upd. |
CPE_CNVSRCUSED_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Source - Buffer |
CPE_CNVSRCUSED_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Source - Update DB |
CPE_CONVERSION_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Rule - Buffer |
CPE_CONVERSION_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Rule - Update DB |
CPE_CONVPLACE_CB | CPE_C - Conversion Place - Buffer |
CPE_CONVPLACE_DU | CPE_C - Conversion Place - DB Upd. |
CPE_F4_HELP_EXITS | CPE - F4 Help for CPE Routines |
CPE_FILTER_CB | CPE_C - Filter - Buffer |
CPE_FORMCONV_CB | CPE_C - Formula Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_FORMCONV_DU | CPE_C - Formula Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_FORMROUND_CB | CPE_C - Formula Rounding - Buffer |
CPE_FORMROUND_DU | CPE_C - Formula Rounding - Update DB |
CPE_FORMULA_CB | CPE_C - Formula - Buffer |
CPE_FORMULA_DU | CPE_C - Formula - Update DB |
CPE_IF_DATA_CONVERSION | CPE_D -Data Conversion for CPE Interface |
CPE_LOGSUBMOD_CB | CPE_C - Log Submodules - Buffer |
CPE_LOGSUBMOD_DU | CPE_C - Log Sub Module - DB Update |
CPE_MAP_CUSTOMIZING | CPE: Mapping for customizing synchroniz. |
CPE_MAP_PRICEQUOT_BAPI | CPE_M - Mapping Price Quot. and BAPI |
CPE_MAPPING_CB | CPE_C - Mapping - Buffer |
CPE_PERIODDET_CB | CPE_C - Period Determination - Buffer |
CPE_PERIODDET_DU | CPE_C - Period Determination - Update DB |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_DB | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulat. - DB Access |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_DU | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulation - DB Upd. |
CPE_PRCQUOT_SIM_OB | CPE_M - Price Quot. Simulat. - O. Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_AC | CPE Price Quotations: Archiving |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_CD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_DB | CPE Price Quotations: Database Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_DU | CPE Price Quotations: Database Update |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_OB | CPE Price Quotations: Object Buffer |
CPE_PRICEQUOT_REMOTE | CPE Price Quotations: Remote Update |
CPE_QUANCONV_CB | CPE_C - Quantity Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_QUANCONV_DU | CPE_C - Quantity Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_QUOTGROUP_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Group - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTGRPPOS_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Group Position Buffer |
CPE_QUOTNAME_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Name - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTSRC_CB | CPE_C - Quotation Source - Buffer |
CPE_QUOTTYPE_CB | CPE_C - Quotation TYPE - Buffer |
CPE_REFDATEROUT_CB | CPE_C - Reference Date Routine - Buffer |
CPE_REFDATEROUT_DU | CPE_C - Reference Date Routine - DB Upd. |
CPE_RFCDEST_CB | CPE_C - RFC Destination - Buffer |
CPE_ROUNDRULE_CB | CPE_C - Rounding Rule - Buffer |
CPE_ROUNDRULE_DU | CPE_C - Rounding Rule - Update DB |
CPE_ROUTINE_CB | CPE_C - Routiness - Buffer |
CPE_ROUTINE_DU | CPE_C - Log Sub Module - DB Update |
CPE_SURCHARGE_CB | CPE_C - Surcharge - Buffer |
CPE_SURCHARGE_DU | CPE_C - Surcharge - Update DB |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_DB | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - DB Access |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_DU | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - DB Upd. |
CPE_TCURR_SIM_OB | CPE_M - Exchange rate Simul. - O. Buffer |
CPE_TERM_CB | CPE_C - Term - Buffer |
CPE_TERM_DU | CPE_C - Term - Update DB |
CPE_TERMCONV_CB | CPE_C - Term Conversion - Buffer |
CPE_TERMCONV_DU | CPE_C - Term Conversion - Update DB |
CPE_TERMGRP_CB | CPE_C - Term Group - Buffer |
CPE_TERMGRP_DU | CPE_C - Term Group - Update DB |
CPE_TERMROUND_CB | CPE_C - Term Rounding - Buffer |
CPE_TERMROUND_DU | CPE_C - Term Rounding - Update DB |
CPE_TERMRULE_CB | CPE_C - Term Rule - Buffer |
CPE_TERMRULE_DU | CPE_C - Term Rule - Update DB |
CPE_TERMTYPEFLD_CB | CPE_C - Field Control Term Type - Buffer |
CPE_VMC_BUFFER_CB | CPE_C - CPE Handling of VMC Cust.Buffers |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 7 transactions.
SCPE_PQ_SIM | Define Price Quotation f. Simulation |
SCPE_PQ1 | Maintain Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_PQ2 | Maintain Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_PQ3 | Display Price Quotations for CPE |
SCPE_TCURR_SIM | Define Exchange Rates for Simulation |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 55 database tables.
CPEC_APPLSETTING | CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEC_BLOCKING | CPE Billing Block to be set for Document Items |
CPEC_BLOCKING_T | CPE Billing Block - Description |
CPEC_CALCRULE | CPE Term - Calculation Rule |
CPEC_CALCRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Calculation Rule |
CPEC_CHNGCONTROL | CPE - Control of Reaction to Data Change |
CPEC_CNVSRCUSED | CPE - Quantity Conversion Sources used per Document Categ. |
CPEC_CONVERS_T | CPE - Description of Conversion Rule |
CPEC_CONVERSION | CPE - Conversion Rule |
CPEC_CONVPLACE | CPE Conversion Place |
CPEC_CONVPLACE_T | CPE Conversion Place: Description |
CPEC_FILTER | CPE Caller - Filter for Pricing Fields to Be Sent |
CPEC_FORMCONV | CPE Formula - Input for Conversion |
CPEC_FORMROUND | CPE Formula - Input for Rounding |
CPEC_FORMULA_T | CPE Formula - Description |
CPEC_LOGSUBMOD | CPE Sub Module for Log |
CPEC_LOGSUBMOD_T | CPE Log Sub Module: Description |
CPEC_MAPPING | CPE Caller - Mapping of Business Data |
CPEC_PERIODDET | CPE Term - Period Determination Rule |
CPEC_PERIODDET_T | CPE Term - Description of Period Determination Rule |
CPEC_QTYCNVSRC | CPE - Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEC_QTYCNVSRC_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEC_QUANCONV | CPE - Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEC_QUANCONV_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEC_QUOTGROUP | Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTGROUP_T | Description of Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTGRPPOS | CPE Term - Position in Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTNAME | Quotation Name |
CPEC_QUOTNAME_T | Description of Quotation Name |
CPEC_QUOTSRC | Quotation Source |
CPEC_QUOTSRC_T | Description of Quotation Source |
CPEC_QUOTTYPE | Quotation Type |
CPEC_QUOTTYPE_T | Description of Quotation Type |
CPEC_REFDATEROUT | CPE Term - Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEC_REFDATERT_T | CPE Term - Description of Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEC_RFCDEST | CPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call |
CPEC_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Rounding Rule |
CPEC_ROUNDRULE_T | CPE - Description of Rounding Rule |
CPEC_ROUTINE_T | CPE Routine: Description |
CPEC_SETTINGS | CPE - General Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEC_SURCHARGE | CPE Term - Surcharge Rule |
CPEC_SURCHARGE_T | CPE-Term - Description of Surcharge Rule |
CPEC_TERM_T | CPE Term - Description |
CPEC_TERMCONV | CPE Term - Conversion |
CPEC_TERMGRP | CPE Term - Grouping of Terms |
CPEC_TERMROUND | CPE Term - Rounding |
CPEC_TERMRULE | CPE Term - Term Rule |
CPEC_TERMRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Term Rule |
CPEC_TERMTYPEFLD | CPE - Field Control Dependent on Term Type |
CPED_PRCQUOT_SIM | CPE - Price Quotation Simulation |
CPED_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
CPED_TCURR_SIM | CPE - Exchange Rate Simulation |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 33 views.
CPEV_APPLSETTING | CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPEV_BLOCKING | CPE Billing: Blocking Reason to be set for Document Items |
CPEV_CALCRULE | CPE Term - Calculation Rule |
CPEV_CHNGCONTROL | CPE - Control of Reaction to Data Change |
CPEV_CNVSRCUSED | CPE - Quantity Conversion Sources used per Document Category |
CPEV_CONVERSION | CPE - Conversion Rule |
CPEV_CONVPLACE | CPE Conversion Place |
CPEV_FILTER | CPE Caller- Filter for Pricing Fields to Be Sent |
CPEV_FORMCONV | CPE Formula - Input for Conversion |
CPEV_FORMROUND | CPE Formula - Input for Rounding |
CPEV_LOGSUBMOD | CPE Submodule for Log and Analysis |
CPEV_MAPPING | CPE Caller - Mapping of Business Data |
CPEV_PERIODDET | CPE Term - Period Determination Rule |
CPEV_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
CPEV_QTYCNVSRC | CPE - Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEV_QUANCONV | CPE - Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEV_QUOTGROUP | Quotation Group |
CPEV_QUOTGRPPOS | Position in Quotation Group |
CPEV_QUOTNAME | Quotation Name |
CPEV_QUOTSRC | Quotation Source |
CPEV_QUOTTYPE | Quotation Type |
CPEV_REFDATEROUT | CPE Term - Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEV_RFCDEST | CPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call |
CPEV_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Rounding Rule |
CPEV_SURCHARGE | CPE Term - Surcharge Rule |
CPEV_TERMCONV | CPE Term - Conversion |
CPEV_TERMGRP | CPE Term - Grouping of Terms |
CPEV_TERMROUND | CPE Term - Rounding |
CPEV_TERMRULE | CPE Term - Term Rule |
CPEV_TERMTYPEFLD | CPE - Field Control dependant on Term Type |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 51 structures.
BAPI_CPE_CALCRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Calculation Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CALCRULE_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Calculation Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CONVERSION_IN | CPE - Input for Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_CONVERSION_OUT | CPE - Result of Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_FORMULA_IN | CPE Formula - Input for General Data |
BAPI_CPE_PERIODDET_IN | CPE Term - Input for Period Determination Rule |
BAPI_CPE_PERIODDET_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Period Determination Rule |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT | Price Quotation |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_DAT | Data Part of Price Quotation Table |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_ISO | Price Quotation in ISO Format |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_KEY | Key Part of Price Quotation Table without Client |
BAPI_CPE_PRICEQUOT_USER | User-Defined Fields for Price Quotation |
BAPI_CPE_QUANCONV_IN | CPE - Input for Quantity Conversion Rule |
BAPI_CPE_ROUND_IN | CPE - Input for Rounding Rule |
BAPI_CPE_SURCHARGE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Surcharge Rule |
BAPI_CPE_SURCHARGE_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Surcharge Rule |
BAPI_CPE_TERM_IN | CPE Term - Input for General Data |
BAPI_CPE_TERM_OUT | CPE Term - General Result |
BAPI_CPE_TERMGROUP_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Grouping |
BAPI_CPE_TERMRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Term Rule |
CPET_CALCRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Calculation Rule |
CPET_COND_TYPE_F4_COM | CPE - Communication Structure for Condition Type F4 Help |
CPET_CONVERSION_IN | CPE - Input for Conversion Rule |
CPET_CONVERSION_OUT | CPE - Result of Conversion Rule |
CPET_FORMULA_COM_OUT | CPE - Communication Structure with Formula Result Fields |
CPET_FORMULA_IN | CPE Formula - Input for General Data |
CPET_JAVA_OBJECTS | CPE - Interface for JAVA Objects (Field, Key, Text) |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_10 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 10 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_40 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 40 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEATTR_50 | CPE Caller - Name Value Attributes with Length = 50 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_10 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 10 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_255 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 255 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_40 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 40 |
CPET_NAMEVALUEPAIRS_50 | CPE Caller - Name Value Pair with Length = 50 |
CPET_PERIODDET_IN | CPE Term - Input for Period Determination Rule |
CPET_PERIODDET_OUT | CPE Term - Result of Period Determination Rule |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_DAT | Data Part of Price Quotation Table |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_KEY | Key Part of Price Quotation Table |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_LIST | Price Quotation in List Format for Consistence Check |
CPET_PRICEQUOT_WRK | Work Structure for Price Quotation |
CPET_QUANCONV_IN | CPE - Input for Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPET_ROUND_IN | CPE - Input for Rounding Rule |
CPET_SURCHARGE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Surcharge Rule |
CPET_TCURR_SIM_KEY | CPE - Key Part of Exchange Rate Simulation |
CPET_TCURR_SIM_WRK | Work Structure for Exchange Rate Simulation |
CPET_TERM_IN | CPE Term - Input for General Data |
CPET_TERMGROUP_IN | CPE Term - Grouping |
CPET_TERMNO_S | CPE Term - Structure including Term Number |
CPET_TERMRULE_IN | CPE Term - Input for Term Rule |
CPET_USER_FIELDS | CPE - Communication Structure for User Field List |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 7 programs.
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_DELETE | Archiving price quotations: Deletion program |
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_READ | Archiving price quotations: Read program |
CPE_ARC_PRICEQUOT_SAVE | Archiving price quotations: Write program |
CPE_BASIS_FM_TESTING | Report is only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff (CPE FM Tests) |
RCPE_CHKPRICEQUOT | Check Integrity of CPE Price Quotations |
RCPE_CHKPRICEQUOT_ALV | Check Integrity of CPE Price Quotations |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 37 search helps.
CPE_CALCROUT | CPE - Search Help for Calculation Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_CALCRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Calculation Rule |
CPE_COMBROUT | CPE - Search Help for Combination Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_COND_TYPE | CPE - Search Help for Condition Type |
CPE_CONVERSIONROUT | CPE - Search Help for Conversion Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_CONVERSIONRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Conversion Rule |
CPE_CONVPLACE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Routine |
CPE_COV_MOVEREASON | CPE - F4 Help for Coverage Movement Reason |
CPE_DATELISTROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date List Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_DATEOFFSETROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date Offset Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_DATESUBSTROUT | CPE - Search Help for Date Subst. Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!! |
CPE_FORMID | CPE - Search Help for CPE Formula ID |
CPE_ID | To be deleted: CPE - Search Help for CPE ID |
CPE_PERDETROUT | CPE - Search Help for Period Determ.Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE |
CPE_PERDETRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Period Determination Rule |
CPE_QUANCONVROUT | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Conv. Rout.: Use CPE_ROUTINE! |
CPE_QUANCONVRULE | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPE_QUANSPLITROUT | CPE - Search Help for Quantity Split Rout.: Use CPE_ROUTINE! |
CPE_QUOTGROUP | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Group |
CPE_QUOTNAME | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Name |
CPE_QUOTSRC | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Source |
CPE_QUOTTYPE | CPE - Search Help for Quotation Type |
CPE_READUNTILROUT | CPE - Search Help for Read Until Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_REFDATEROUT | CPE - Search Help for CPE Reference Date Routine |
CPE_ROUNDROUT | CPE - Search Help for Rounding Routine: : Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_ROUNDRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Rounding Rule |
CPE_ROUTINE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Routine |
CPE_RULE | To be deleted: CPE - Search Help for CPE Rule |
CPE_SOURCEROUT | CPE - Search Help for Source Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_SUBMODULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Sub Module |
CPE_SURCHARGEROUT | CPE - Search Help for Surcharge Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_SURCHARGERULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Surcharge Rule |
CPE_TERMID | CPE - Search Help for CPE Term Key |
CPE_TERMRULE | CPE - Search Help for CPE Term Rule |
CPE_TERMTYPE | CPE - Search Help for Term Type Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
CPE_TIMESTAMP | CPE Search Help for Timestamp |
CPE_TIMEUOMROUT | CPE - Search Help for Time Unit Routine: Use CPE_ROUTINE!!! |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 1 message classes.
CPE | Commodity Pricing Engine |
SAP Package CPE_BASIS contains 3 authorization objects.
CPE_COVER | Coverages for Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPE_PRICEQ | Price Quotation for Commodity Pricing Engine |
CPE_SETTIN | Commodity Pricing Engine: General Settings |