SAP Package FERC

IS-U/FERC: Regulatory Reporting

The package FERC (IS-U/FERC: Regulatory Reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FERC.

Technical Information

Package FERC
Short Text IS-U/FERC: Regulatory Reporting
Parent Package EA-FERC

Function Groups

SAP Package FERC contains 8 function groups.

FE00 Periodical view maintenance functions
FE01 Reading the regulatory parameter tables
FE02 Find regulatory documents
FE03 Drill down procedure
FE05 Update General Ledger plan data
FE06 Time independent table maintenance pool
FE08 Extractor function modules
FEFDK Value help for logical database FDK


SAP Package FERC contains 50 transactions.

FEC14 Clearing groups
FEC6 Regulatory indicator assignment
FEC7 Regulatory indicators
FEC8 CO transaction type handling
FECA Customizing Archiving
FECC Control of messages by the user
FECG General regulatory parameters
FECJ Create job for multiple periods
FECM Online manual
FECP Copy regulatory parameters
FECV Clearing cost element variants
FEOD Drill down (Old version)
FEOT Flow of cost trace (Old version)
FEP4 Plan versions
FEP5 Fiscal year dep. version parameters
FEP6 Plan versions
FEP7 Fiscal year dep. version parameters
FER0 Standard cost adjustment
FER1 Trace flow of primary costs
FER2 Post primary costs
FER3 Post variance allocations
FER4 Direct postings
FER5 Prepare drill down
FERA Administration
FERC Regulatory reporting
FERD Drill down
FERE Transport periodic parameters
FERH Processing history
FERN Release notes
FERO Process actuals for current period
FERP Process plan for current period
FERQ Process plan
FERR Reverse regulatory procedure
FERS Process actual
FERT Flow of cost trace
FERV Validate regulatory configuration
FESA Summarized final objects
FEV1 Controlling area dependent parameter
FEV10 Secondary cost elem. to be ignored
FEV11 Regulatory indicator assignmnt field
FEV13 Clearing cost elements
FEV13A Cost element variants
FEV2 Company code dependent parameters
FEV3 Regulatory accounts for traced costs
FEV3A Regulatory indicator variants
FEV4 Specific Std. Cost. Adj. assignments
FEV5 Specific clearing COEl assignments
FEV6 Regulatory indicator assignments
FEV9 Regulatory accounts for direct post.
FEVF6 Organizational assignment of objects

Database Tables

SAP Package FERC contains 33 database tables.

FERC_C0 General regulatory parameters
FERC_C1 Controlling area dependent parameters
FERC_C10 Special cost elements
FERC_C11 Regulatory indicator assignment field
FERC_C12 Cost element variants
FERC_C12T Cost element variant texts
FERC_C13 Clearing cost element categories
FERC_C13A Cost element variant assignments
FERC_C14 Clearing groups
FERC_C14T Clearing group texts
FERC_C2 Company code dependent parameters
FERC_C3 Regulatory accounts for traced costs
FERC_C3A Regulatory indicator variants
FERC_C4 Specific standard cost adjustment assignments
FERC_C5 Specific clearing cost object assignments
FERC_C6 Regulatory indicators of CO objects
FERC_C7 Regulatory indicators
FERC_C7T Regulatory indicator names
FERC_C8 Exceptional handling of CO business transaction types
FERC_C9 Regulatory accounts for direct postings
FERC_D0 Regulatory table statistics
FERC_D1 Paths per account, sender and receiver
FERC_D2 Documents per sender and account
FERC_D4 Totals per natural and regulatory account
FERC_D5 Totals per reg. account and final object
FERC_F1 Detailed audit trace file
FERC_F2 Compact audit trace file
FERC_F3 Totals per source object, transaction type, and CO element
FERC_F4 Variances on CO objects
FERC_F5 Total actual costs on regulatory objects
FERC_F6 Organizational assignments of CO objects
FERC_L1 Message log
FERC_R0 Execution history


SAP Package FERC contains 22 views.

H_FE_R0 Execution history
H_FERC_C7 Regulatory indicators
M_FERCI Generated view for matchcode ID FERC -I
M_FERCT Generated view for matchcode ID FERC -T
V_FERC_C1 Controlling area dependent parameters
V_FERC_C10 Exceptional cost elements
V_FERC_C11 Regulatory indicator assignment field
V_FERC_C13 Clearing cost categories
V_FERC_C13A Cost element variants
V_FERC_C2 Company code dependent parameters
V_FERC_C3 Regulatory accounts for traced costs
V_FERC_C3A Regulatory indicator variants
V_FERC_C3R Resolved regulatory account assignments for cost elements
V_FERC_C3W Regulatory account assignments for traced costs
V_FERC_C4 Specific standard cost adjustment assignments
V_FERC_C5 Specific clearing cost object assignments
V_FERC_C6 Regulatory indicators of CO objects
V_FERC_C7 Regulatory indicators
V_FERC_C8 Exceptional handling of CO business transaction types
V_FERC_C9 Regulatory accounts for direct postings
V_FERC_C9W Regulatory account assignments for direct postings
V_FERC_F6 Organizational assignments of CO objects


SAP Package FERC contains 36 structures.

FERC_AFVUI Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_AUFK Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_CBPR Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_CKPH Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_CSKS Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_D1_EXTRACT Extract data for sender and receiver
FERC_D2_EXTRACT Extract data for sender documents
FERC_D3 Totals per sender and natural account
FERC_D6 Totals per clearing cost element
FERC_I3 Structure with regulatory account & proportional factor
FERC_IMPR Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_IO Input/Output fields
FERC_PROJ Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_PRPS Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_SCA ALV structure for standard cost adjustment
FERC_SDAA ALV structure for direct account assignments
FERC_SDD ALV structure for drill down reports
FERC_SDD1 Structure for documents in drill down reports
FERC_SDD2 Structure for documents in drill down reports
FERC_SDF2 Drill down reporting structure for final paths
FERC_SDF3 Totals per object and transaction type
FERC_SDOC Structure for documents in drill down reports
FERC_SFA ALV structure for regulatory account postings
FERC_SFP ALV structure for final paths
FERC_SFT ALV structure for table statistics
FERC_SFV ALV structure for variance postings
FERC_SLID ALV structure for line item display settings
FERC_SOBJ Ranges table for CO objects
FERC_SOTY ALV structure for order types
FERC_SPR ALV structure for plan data resets
FERC_SVAR ALV structure for variance allocation check
FERC_VBAP Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_VSAUFK_CN Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_VSPROJ_CN Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_VSPRPS_CN Append structure for Regulatory Reporting
FERC_VSVBAP_CN Append structure for Regulatory Reporting


SAP Package FERC contains 47 programs.

FERCA000 Call the Archiving Customizing View
FERCA010 List All Records of a Regulatory Archive File
FERCC000 Online Manual
FERCC001 Development Class FERC
FERCC002 Maintain FI plan versions for G/L and FI-SL
FERCC010 Maintain regulatory configuration parameters
FERCM000 Regulatory Reporting Status of Current Period
FERCMENU Leave to the Regulatory Reporting Menu
FERCR000 Standard Cost Adjustment
FERCR010 Trace Flow of Primary Costs
FERCR015 Correct Flow of Cost Trace With Errors
FERCR020 Post Traced Costs
FERCR030 Post Variances
FERCR040 Direct Postings
FERCR050 Prepare Drill Down
FERCR060 Archive regulatory data
FERCR070 Delete archived regulatory data
FERCR075 Reload archived data
FERCR100 Reversal of Regulatory Procedure
FERCR150 Deletion of drill down data
FERCR200 Processing history
FERCR200_OLD Processing History
FERCR210 Flow of cost trace
FERCR210_OLD Flow of cost trace
FERCR210C Flow of cost trace
FERCR220 Drill down from regulatory or natural accounts
FERCR220_OLD Drill Down From Regulatory or Natural Accounts
FERCR220C Drill down from regulatory to natural accounts
FERCR230 Drill Down From a Regulatory Account to the Natural Accounts
FERCR230_OLD Drill Down From a Regulatory Account to the Natural Accounts
FERCR240 Drill Down to Source or Final Objects
FERCR240_OLD Drill Down to Source or Final Objects
FERCR250 Drill Down From a Source or Final Object to the Natural Accounts
FERCR250_OLD Drill Down From a Source or Final Object to the Natural Accounts
FERCR260 Document line items
FERCR260_OLD Drill Down to Documents
FERCR270 Drill Down From Natural Accounts to Virtual Primary Cost Elements
FERCR280 Analyze summarized final objects
FERCR290 Drill down reporting
FERCR300 Check the Regulatory Configuration
FERCR300_OLD Check the Regulatory Configuration
FERCR310 Create a Background Job for Multiple Periods or Procedures
FERCT000 Transport Regulatory Parameters
FERCT010 Import Periodic Regulatory Parameters
FERCT020 Copy Regulatory Parameters
FERCVIEW Call View Maintenance
MENUFERC Call View Maintenance

Search Helps

SAP Package FERC contains 5 search helps.

FERC Regulatory indicator
FERC_R0 Run ID by period, version, and controlling area
FERCI Indicator number
FERCT Indicator name
H_FERC_C7 Regulatory indicators

Message Classes

SAP Package FERC contains 1 message classes.

F= Regulatory reporting