
SAP Package FI_LA_LC

Lease Accounting Classification

The package FI_LA_LC (Lease Accounting Classification) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FI_LA.

Technical Information

Package FI_LA_LC
Short Text Lease Accounting Classification
Parent Package FI_LA

Function Groups

SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 2 function groups.

FILA01 Extended Table Mainten. Classification
FILA99 Gen. Maint. Views Lease Class. (temp.)


SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 5 transactions.

0FILALC001_1 Definition Financing Classif.Group
0FILALC002TO_1 Upgrade Specifications
0FILALC003_1 Assign Structure for Classification
0FILASTRUC_LCS_PARAM Param. Classification Financing
FILA_LC_TEST Lease Classification

Database Tables

SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 7 database tables.

TFILA_LC_001 Class Groups
TFILA_LC_001T Class Groups
TFILA_LC_002 Financing Classes
TFILA_LC_002AK Assignment of Access Keys to Financing Classes
TFILA_LC_002T Texts for Financing Classes
TFILA_LC_002TO Specification Asset Values Copied for Following Business
TFILA_LC_003 Assignmt of Value IDs to Fields of FILA_LCS_PARAM Structure


SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 10 views.

FILA_GB01_BOOLCL Maintenance of the Field List of a Boolean Class
FILA_GB011 Maintenance of Boolean Classes for Matrix Validations
FILA_GB02 Definition of a Boolean Class
FILA_GB03 Define Application
FILA_GB31 Definition of Event, Associated with a Boolean Class
V_TFILA_LC_001 Financing Classification Groups
V_TFILA_LC_002 Financing Classes
V_TFILA_LC_002TO Specifications for Value Transfer with Following Business
V_TFILA_LC_003 Assignmt of Val. ID to Structure Fld for Financing Classif.
V1_TFILA_LC_002 Financing Classes


SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 3 structures.

FILA_LCS_CLASS Leasing Classification for RFC CRM
FILA_LCS_PARAM Paramters for Financing Classification
FILA_LCS_PARAM_E Lease Class Export Parameters


SAP Package FI_LA_LC contains 3 programs.

RGGBRLA0 Exit Routines for Rules
RGGBSLA0 Exit Routines for Substitutions
RLALCBR0 Substitution Maintenance