
SAP Package FMBP_E

New Budgeting: generic part

The package FMBP_E (New Budgeting: generic part) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT.

Technical Information

Package FMBP_E
Short Text New Budgeting: generic part

Function Groups

SAP Package FMBP_E contains 7 function groups.

BUCC_CC_DEF Consistency checks - Def. of lib/rules
BUCC_CC_PROTOCOL Consistency Check Protocol
BUCU_SERVICE Access customizing for budgeting
BUKF_VIEWS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
BUKU General budgeting utilities
BURB_TOOLS Tools for RIB (generic part)
BURB_VIEWS RIB (generic part): Customizing views


SAP Package FMBP_E contains 3 transactions.

BUKFBATCH Key Figures - Batch Processing
FMDMR1 Display Assignment Rules for Process
FMDMR2 Display Assignmt. Rules for Val.Type

Database Tables

SAP Package FMBP_E contains 26 database tables.

BUBUDCAT List of budget category instances
BUCC_LIB Consistency Checks - Library
BUCC_RULE Consistency Checks - Rules
BUCC_RULE_MSG Consistency Checks - Message of the rule
BUCC_RULE_OPD Consistency Checks - Operands
BUFIELDS Control allowed Field Names - Field Status Management
BUKF_CAT Key Figures - Category
BUKF_CATDSRC Key Figures - Category/Data source relation
BUKF_DSRC Key Figures - Data source
BUKF_DSRC_FIELD Key Figures - Data source field
BUKF_FG Key Figures - Field group
BUKF_FG_FIELD Key Figures - Fields of field group
BUKF_FIELD_VALUE Key Figures - Data source fields checks per category
BUKF_KF Key Figures - Key Figure
BUKF_KFCAT Key Figures - Key Figure/Category relation
BUKF_KFDSRC Key Figures - Key Figure Datasources relation
BUPROCESS Internal budgeting process
BUPROCESS_UI User Interface Process
BURBBLEDGERS Ledgers for Revenue Increasing the Budget
BURBCALCRULES Calculation Formulas for Revenues Increasing the Budget
BUTECHORG Table of original Transactions (Technical)
BUVALTPRO Valid Combinations Between Process and Value Type
BUVALTYPE List of budgeting value type instances
BUVORGA Mapping rules for migration from FBS to BCS - Field VORGA
BUWRTTP Mapping rules for migration from FBS to BCS - Field WRTTP
FMMIGOV Overview of Migration Status


SAP Package FMBP_E contains 13 views.

H_BUMANAGER View for search help BUCU_VERSION
V_BUKF_CAT Key Figures - View for categories
V_BUKF_CAT_FIELD Key Figures - Checks data source terms fields values per cat
V_BUKF_CATDSRC Key Figures - View for categories/Data sources
V_BUKF_DSRC Key Figures - View for data source
V_BUKF_DSRC_FIEL Key Figures - View for data source fields
V_BUKF_FG Key Figures - View for field group
V_BUKF_FG_FIELD Key Figures - View for field group fields
V_BURBCALCRULES Maintain Calculation Formulas for RIB
V_BUVERSION Budgeting versions
V_BUVORGA Assignment Rules for Budgeting Process
V_BUWRTTP Assignment Rules for Value Type


SAP Package FMBP_E contains 53 structures.

APPEND_VALTYPE Append structure - BCS Value type scenario
BUCC_S_LIB_HEADER Consistency Checks - Library header
BUCC_S_LIB_INSTANCE Consistency checks - Instance of a library
BUCC_S_MSG_DSP Consistency checks - Message with text
BUCC_S_RULE_HEADER Consistency Checks - Rule header
BUCU_S_BUCAT Budget category / Time horizon
BUCU_S_STATUS_CONTENT Budgeting status contents
BUCY_S_BLOCKCTRL Control settings for a dimension for block processing
BUCY_S_BLOCKMODE Basic settings for a dimension for block processing
BUCY_S_GENERALCTRL General settings for copy
BUCY_S_INDICES Parameters needed to determine the next processing block
BUCY_S_SCREEN Screen fields for coping budget data
BUCY_S_SOURCECTRL Source specific settings for copy
BUCY_S_TARGETCTRL Target specific settings for copy (except dimension values)
BUKF_S_CAT Key Figures - Category
BUKF_S_CAT_GRID_SEL Key Figures - Category selection
BUKF_S_DSRC Key Figures - Data source
BUKF_S_DSRC_FIELD Key Figures - Data source field
BUKF_S_DSRC_GRID_SEL Key Figures - Data sources selection
BUKF_S_FG Key Figures - Field group and text
BUKF_S_FILTER Key Figures - Filter
BUKF_S_KF_EVAL Key Figures - Key Figure evaluation parameters
BUKF_S_KF_GRID_COLOR Key Figures - Struture to display 1 Key Figure with color
BUKF_S_KF_HEADER Key Figures - Key Figure header
BUKF_S_MVAL Key Figure - Meta value
BUKF_S_PARAM Key Figures - Output parameters of the evaluation
BUKF_S_PARAME Key Figures - Output parameter from the evaluation
BUKF_S_PARAMH Key Figures - Output parameter of the handler
BUKF_S_PERIOD Key Figures - Periods (From ... To ...)
BUKU_S_BADI_TVALXXPART Budget value fields in transaction currency
BUKU_S_GENKEYPART Generic key part
BUKU_S_MSG Budgeting - Message
BUKU_S_PTCOMB_AUTHGR Structure for combinations + authorization group
BUKU_S_PTCOMBINATION Combination of process and budget type
BUKU_S_SELCRITTABS Selection criteria tables for generic budgeting fields
BUKU_S_SIGN_PROCESS Sign convention for process (Database <-> User Interface )
BUKU_S_TVALXXPART Budget value fields in transaction currency
BUKU_S_USERLOG Kernel Utilities - User Log
BUKU_S_VALBUD_TYPE Value type - Budget type
BUMP_S_DOCREV_LIST List structure for mass reversal of documents
BUMP_S_ENTRYDOCCTRL Entry document settings for mass posting
BUMP_S_GENERALCTRL General settings for mass posting
BUMP_S_RECEIVERCTRL Receiver settings for mass postings
BUMP_S_SCREEN Screen fields for mass data posting
BUMP_S_SENDERCTRL Sender settings for mass postings
FMKU_S_TECHORG_FLAGS Structure of flags linked to TECHORG
FMLI_S_HEADER Line Items Header Structure
FMMP_S_HEADER FM list structure for MP proposals (header)
RANGE_S_YEAR Range table for Year field (NUMC4)


SAP Package FMBP_E contains 2 programs.

BUKF_BATCH Budgeting - Key Figures - Batch Processing
SEUCBUCC Cluster EMU Conversion Table (KEKO), KEPH

Search Helps

SAP Package FMBP_E contains 9 search helps.

BUCU_VERSION Version for budgeting
BUCU_VERSION_FREEZE Version for budgeting
BUKF_F4_FG Key Figures - F4 for field groups
BUKU_F4_BUDCAT Kernel Utilities - F4 for Budget category
BUKU_F4_PROCESS Kernel Utilities - F4 for processes
BUKU_F4_PROCESS_UI Search Help for User interface Process
BUKU_F4_VALTYPE Kernel Utilities - F4 for value types
BURB_F4_CALCRULE Select a RIB Calculation Rule
BURB_F4_RBBLDNR Select a Budget Category for RIB

Message Classes

SAP Package FMBP_E contains 3 message classes.

BUCC Message class for Consistency checks
BUKF Message class for Key Figures
BURB Message for Revenue Increasing the Budget (generic part)