
SAP Package FTVV

TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas

The package FTVV (TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.

Technical Information

Package FTVV
Short Text TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas
Parent Package EA-FINSERV

Function Groups

SAP Package FTVV contains 22 function groups.

0FV9 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FV06 VV: Maintain condition items
FV81 Application/FinMath. interface functions
FV91 Alternative calculations (
FV92 Create flow records
FVHD Value_request_function modules
FVSS FVV: Read position and flow data
FVTR General Treasury Auxiliary Modules
FVVA Sec.prices(temporary)
FVVB Valuation and price gain detemination
FVVC ISIS: Currency problem
FVVF Screen functions
FVVK ISIS: Cross-sec.acct adjustm./PrGL
FVVM Determine acct assignment references
FVVO Overflow functions
FVWD Acct determination, market values
FVWH Functions for the list display
FVWT Securities Deadline Monitoring
FVZJ VV: Centr.funct., plaus.chcks KOKO/KOPO
FVZR Condition header processing
TIS_LISTED_DERIVATIVES Drilldown: Listed Options and Futures


SAP Package FTVV contains 5 transactions.

FNKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator
FZ5A AWV statement Z5 and Z5a page 1
FZD4 VV Plausibility Checks
FZW9 Display monitoring table
S_PLN_16000399 Sec. Info.: Display Sec. Acct Pos.

Database Tables

SAP Package FTVV contains 44 database tables.

TDXBL Documents not updated which are sent to the R/2 system
TFKY3 Serves as check table (for issuer help-view structure)
TFKY4 Serves as check table for depos. bank help-view structure
TWL1 List sort sequence (Position/Trend/Revenue lists)
TWL1T Texts for TWL1 (Sort sequence)
TWL2 Sort sequence lists + control parameters
TWL2S Special group key sort sequence
TWL3 List Display Sequence (Position List)
TWL3T Texts for TWL3 (Position list output sequence)
TWL4 Output sequence lists + control parameters
TWL5 Display sequence (check table)-previously only revenue list
TWL5T Texts for TWL5 (Revenue list output sequence)
TWL6 Display sequence (formerly only revenue list, now all)
TWZ03 Result types text table, texts for summarization types
TWZ10 Event groups (summarization of values (temporary))
TZBK Financial Assets Management valuation areas
TZDEA Trader register
TZPLP Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks
TZRCL Treasury: Valuation Classes
TZRPR Treasury: Valuation Principles
TZRPT Valuation principle description
TZRR0 Treasury: Valuation Areas
TZRR1 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level
TZRR2 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level
TZRRT Treasury: Name of Valuation Areas
TZSBW Valuation methods
TZST Reasons for reversal
TZST1 Reasons for reversal (Text table)
TZT01 Derivation rules for tax flows
TZWR0 Valuation in cross-depot
TZWR1 Valuation in sec.acct position
VVWKN1 OBSOLETE - Fields as factors for secondary data
VVWKN2 Allocation of values to value groups
VVWKN6 Alloc. of to second.term via the invoice no.
VVWKN7 - Secondary values alloc. (via the
VVWL7 Context
VVWL8 Output sequence
VVZSFELD Internal transfer structure for VZSFELD
VZDFELD Attributes for output fields
VZDTXT Attributes for display fields: Country texts
VZSFELD Sort field ID's: Version 2.0
VZSTXT Sort field names: Texts
VZWVA Check table for deadline monitoring
VZZKOKO Table condition header


SAP Package FTVV contains 11 views.

H_TFKY3 Display issuer via modified help view program
H_TFKY4 Display depository bank
H_TWH01 Help-view twh01 (Exchange)
H_TWL1 Help-view for TWL1 (sort sequence + text), do not activate
H_TWL3 Context-display sequence/ long text, do not activate
H_TWL5 Context-display sequence/ long text, do not activate
V_TW18 Customizing view for maintaining SCB indicator
V_VVWL7 Customizing sort field setting
V_VVWL8 Customizing output field setting
V_VZWVA Monitoring table for deadline monitoring
VDBEVI Loan transaction record header and item


SAP Package FTVV contains 34 structures.

CVWPWPKU Extended VWPWPKU for update program (func.mod.ref.structure)
EXBESTAND_DE Drilldown: Export Position Data for Listed Options/Futures
EXBESTAND_EXBEWEG_DE Position and Flows for Listed Derivatives
EXBWG_DE Drilldown: Export Flow Data for Listed Options/Futures
FTVV_STR_PARTNER Structure Partner Number for Application Log
IDLOPC Structure of screen loop parameters
IDYSTAT Structure status on screen
ITZKN1 Enhancement Tzkn1
ITZKN2 Enhancement TZKN2
REVALC Market values
RFGRF01 Includes graphical elements
RFGRF02 Includes graphical elements
RFVDLSP Report parameter structure
RFVFKY2 Report input fields (issuer,
RFVWLSP Parameters statement in lists for documentation
RFVWT1 Screen fields
RFVWT2 Screen fields (Part II)
RFVWWAF Select-Options for LDB WAF
RFVWWTF Extension of LDB WTF: Selection fields
RFVZPDO Report select options and parameters (DARWIN)
RMF69T Internal fields module pool MF69T
RMF69T1 Internal fields module pool MF69T
RMF69T2 Internal fields screen 2690 (module pool MF69T)
RMF69T5 Internal fields module pool MF69T, screen 2400, ..
RPROF Profit and loss (for BAV)
RVZWVA Image of monitoring table for deadline monitoring
SPROT_VW Error log structure for deadline monitoring (securities)
VZBEST Treasury general portfolio structure
VZBEWEG General structure of treasury transactions
VZKOPF General header structure Treasury
VZSUMME General totals fields Treasury
VZTRDAT General transaction data structure Treasury


SAP Package FTVV contains 11 programs.

RFVDKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator
RFVDKWGO Reference List GBA Para.14 Securities and Loans
RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC XPRA Customizing: Flow Types per Application Function
RFVDXPRAABGCUST40C XPRA Customizing Accruals/Deferrals 4.5A LO/SE
RFVTWB08 Generation of Entries in Table TWB08
RFVUKP01 Conversion
RFVWSELT Maintain Selection Texts Centrally
RFVZ5AWV AWV Statement (German Foreign Trade Regulations), Z5 and Z5a, Page 1
RFVZB0A0 XPRA Conversion Program for Table TZB0A
RFVZSAL2 Cross-Application Balance Reconciliation (LOANS and SECURITIES)

Search Helps

SAP Package FTVV contains 7 search helps.

H_TFKY3 Display issuer via modified help view program
H_TFKY4 Display depository bank
H_TWH01 Help-view twh01 (Exchange)
H_TWL1 Help-view for TWL1 (sort sequence + text), do not activate
H_TWL3 Context-display sequence/ long text, do not activate
H_TWL5 Context-display sequence/ long text, do not activate

Message Classes

SAP Package FTVV contains 1 message classes.

FTVV_MESSAGES Meldungen Vermögensverwaltung