
SAP Package J1AI

Extended Inflation (FI)

The package J1AI (Extended Inflation (FI)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package J1AI
Short Text Extended Inflation (FI)
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package J1AI contains 6 function groups.

J1A5 Customizing: Inflation
J1A7 Inflation Kernel Functions
J1A8 Inflation Kernel (Customizing)
J1AJ Customizing/master data views Infl. MM
J1AL Inflation MM: Replacement Cost Valuation
J1AM MM Inflation - Material Master


SAP Package J1AI contains 14 transactions.

FJA1 Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts
FJA2 Change Last Adjustment Dates
FJA3 Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation
FJA4 Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC)
FJA5 Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC)
FJA6 Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC)
J1A3 MM goods issue revaluation
J1A5 MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.)
J1A7 Average cost valuation
J1AQ Display Index definition
J1AR Display Index Data
J1AS Display Composite Index
J1AX Market price determination program
J1AZ MM index adjustment program

Database Tables

SAP Package J1AI contains 36 database tables.

J_1A030IF Account Determination for Inflation Revaluation Postings
J_1AIFSKVZ Inflation Revaluation G/L Account - Transaction Figures
J_1AIMMLOG Replacement Cost Valuation : Logging Table
J_1AINFINV Inflation: Invoices for Replacement Value Determination
J_1AINFMBW Material Master - Inflation
J_1AINFMET Inflation Methods
J_1AINFMTX Inflation Methods: Description
J_1AINFPCL FI Inflation adjustment: Process control
J_1AINFSKS Inflation Keys - G/L Account
J_1AINFSKT Text Table: Inflation Keys - G/L Account
J_1AINFT01 Inflation: Index Definition
J_1AINFT02 Text for table J_1INFT01
J_1AINFT03 Inflation: definitive index ( values )
J_1AINFT04 Time base definition
J_1AINFT05 Name table for table J_1AINFT04
J_1AINFT06 Time base and exposure to inflation values
J_1AINFT08 Composed index
J_1AINFT09 Date lock table for inflation indexes
J_1AINFT12 Posting variant definition
J_1AINFT13 Name table for table j_1ainft12
J_1AINFT14 Valid posting dates
J_1AINFT15 Inflation: index version ( reference table )
J_1AINFT16 Warehouse report ( data of previous fiscal years )
J_1AINFT20 Inflation: Index Definition
J_1AINFT21 Text for Table J_1INFT01
J_1AINFT22 Index Versions
J_1AINFT23 Inflation: Index Versions (Reference Table)
J_1AINFT24 Index Values
J_1AINFT25 Composite Indexes
J_1AINFT26 Date Lock Table for Inflation Indexes
J_1AINFW_FILES Foreign Currency Inflation Adjustment: File Management
J_1AMINFCL Material Inflation Class
J_1AMINFCT Material inflation class texts
J_1AOIFWVL Open item foreign currency valuation: temp. storage
J_1ASKCLS Account class
J_1ASKCLST Account class text table


SAP Package J1AI contains 21 views.

J_1AIMMICL Material inflation class
J_1AINFMEV Inflation Methods
J_1AINFV01 Maintenance view Index definition
J_1AINFV04 Time Base and Exposure to Inflation Variants
J_1AINFV06 Time Bases and Exposure to Inflation Values
J_1AINFV08 Specification of composed indexes
J_1AINFV09 Help view for index versions
J_1AINFV11 Index values
J_1AINFV12 Posting variant definition
J_1AINFV14 Posting Variants
J_1AINFV20 Inflation Indexes
J_1AINFV22 Index Versions
J_1AINFV24 Index Values
J_1AINFV25 Composite Indexes
J_1AMBEW MBEW and Inflation Enhancement
J_1AVSKCLS Define account classes for inflation adjustment
J_1AVT001K Activation of index table for invoices
J_1AVT156I Transaction Types for Inflation
V_1A030IF G/L Accounts for Inflation Postings
V_1AINFSKS Inflation Keys
V_1AMINFCL Material Inflation Classes


SAP Package J1AI contains 20 structures.

J_1ACUSIFI Customizing fields for inflation FI
J_1AEMSG Message table
J_1AGETMP Result of get market price
J_1AIFALVDET Calculation Detail Structure ALV Inflation Adjustment
J_1AIFALVHDR Header Structure ALV Inflation Adjustment
J_1AIFALVITM Item Structure ALV Inflation Programs
J_1AIFALVMES Message Output Structure ALV Inflation Adjustment
J_1AIMMIPC Argentina : Replacement Cost Valuation - Infl. price calcul.
J_1AIMMPAR Replacement Cost Valuation MM - Report-Parameter
J_1AINALVHDR Header structure ALV inflation - open items / customer
J_1AINALVITM item structure ALV inflation - open items / customer
J_1AINFT10 Lock Table for Inflation
J_1AMSGM2 Message Parameters
J_1AMSGM3 Messages
J_1AMSGMM Message parameter
J_1AMSGTAB Message table
J_1ARBWKEY Ranges structure (valuation area)
J_1ARBWTAR Ranges structure (valuation area)
J_1ARMTART Ranges structure (material type)
J_1ASINFF Selection fields for inflation adjustmet


SAP Package J1AI contains 15 programs.

J_1AC001 Check Inflation Index Table
J_1ACKMI Subsequent filling of index table for invoices (for market price det.)
J_1ACONV Conversion of material master inflation data (split valuated mat.)
J_1AIDX1 Replacement Cost Valuation (Inflation Index Adjustment)
J_1AINFD Inflation Adjustment of Open Receivables in Local Currency
J_1AINFG Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts
J_1AINFK Inflation Adjustment of Open Payables in Local Currency
J_1AINFR Change Last Adjustment Dates
J_1AINFW Inflation Adjustment of Open Items in Foreign Currency
J_1AMCIP Replacement Cost Valuation (Inflation Index Adjustment)
J_1AMCOM Goods Issue Revaluation
J_1AMGIP Replacement Cost Valuation (Goods Issue Revaluation)
J_1AMGMC Replacement Cost Valuation (Colombia)
J_1AMLBS Display Warehouse Stock
J_1ARCVM Replacement Cost Valuation (Market Price Determination)

Search Helps

SAP Package J1AI contains 2 search helps.

J_1AINFV09 Versions
SH_1AINFW_FILES Foreign Currency Inflation Adjustment: Display w. File Name

Message Classes

SAP Package J1AI contains 1 message classes.

8Z Nachrichten f.Inflationsanpassung