


The package LEINT (Interface) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-LWMEH.

Technical Information

Package LEINT
Short Text Interface
Parent Package EA-LWMEH

Function Groups

SAP Package LEINT contains 7 function groups.

LEINT_BDMTH Badi methods
LEINT_CUST Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
LEINT_EXT_USAGE Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
LEINT_LDSRV Logistic execution interface - services
LEINT_LVSRV LXVAS Interface - services
LEINT_LYSRV Yard management - services
LEINT_VSPCK HU Packing interface

Database Tables

SAP Package LEINT contains 1 database tables.

LEXUS Extension 2.0 usage


SAP Package LEINT contains 35 views.

H_PACK_MAT_LEINT Help View for packaging materials
H_T006_LEINT Help View for T006
H_VEHIC_TY_LEINT Help View for packaging materials
LALRT_V Alert value mapping (threshold) - description
LATCT_V Attribute catalog
LATPR_V Object's Attributes to present
LATTM_V Attributes' value mapping
LDPRF_V Define Display Profile
LEINT_HUPAST_T_V Value-Added Service (VAS) Work center profile
LEINT_VAS_LQUA Selection of material from Work center
LEINT_VAS_WC_HU HU selection for VAS Work ceneter
LEINT_WCNTR_PACK Select the relation between Work center and Pack instruction
LEINT_WCNTR_V Value-Added Service (VAS) Work center profile
LEXTP_V External process - activity mapping
LFCPR_V Function Profile
LFCTX_V Function Code Text
LIVPR_V Verification Profiles
LMENU_V Menu Tree
LMNCT_V Menu Catalog
LMOBD_V Object class ID
LMOCD_V Object class definitions for monitoring
LMOCH_V Object class hierarchy for monitoring
LMOCM_V Object class permitted movements
LMTHD_V Method Catalog
LOCMD_V Object class methods
LPAPS_V Application parameters
LPDVC_V Presentation device
LPRSN_V Personalization
LRF_WKQU_V Mobile additional presentation definitions
LRF_WKQUY_VV Yard presentation definitions
LSTLN_V Step Flow
LSTSC_V Physical Screens
LTRCT_V Transaction Catalog
LVVOR_WCNTR_V VAS Order with actual work center details
V_LEXUS Extension 2.0 usage


SAP Package LEINT contains 88 structures.

LEINT_CMVHUPO Common Work Area for Maintenance of Packing Objects
LEINT_CMVHUPODB Common Work Area for Maint.of Packing Obj.(Database Interf.)
LEINT_DECTO Decision link to transfer order - transmission structure
LEINT_DLDAT Delivery Data
LEINT_GROUP_S Definition of WM Groups for TRM Monitor
LEINT_HU_OBJ HU object key and type
LEINT_HUDAT Handling unit data
LEINT_HUM_EXIDV Handling Unit Identification
LEINT_HUM_HU_ITEM Table Type for Handling Unit Items
LEINT_HUM_OBJECT Object Description of the Handling Units to be Processed
LEINT_HUM_S_V51H Communication Structure Delivery <-> Handling Unit
LEINT_HUM_VENUM Internal handling unit ID structure
LEINT_HUMAN HU managed storage location
LEINT_HUOBJ_S Handling Unit Managment object reference
LEINT_INBLIKP_SLOPT Delivery attributes
LEINT_KOMGP Condition communication structure for Paccking and VAS
LEINT_KOND_T683S Condition technique Communication
LEINT_KONDP Condition key table for Packing instructions (PACKNR)
LEINT_LDOCV_ALERT_HEADER Logistic document view header
LEINT_LDOCV_HEADER Logistic document view header
LEINT_LDOCV_ITEM Logistic document view item
LEINT_LESHP_DATA Delivery Segments That Are To Be Selected/Buffered
LEINT_LESHP_DELIVERY_S Delivery, All Data for the Delivery Header
LEINT_LFA1 Bussines partner data
LEINT_LGNUM_S LXVAS warehouse ALV for monitoring
LEINT_LGTYP_GLCGR Storage type & Location group
LEINT_LIKP Delivery header
LEINT_LIKP_MON Delivery attributes
LEINT_LIKP_SLOPT Delivery attributes
LEINT_LIKPVB Reference structure for XLIKP/YLIKP
LEINT_LIPS_MON Delivery item attributes
LEINT_LIPSVB Reference structure for XLIPS/YLIPS
LEINT_LOCKPARA Structure: Lock Parameters for Packing Object
LEINT_LRF_WKQU_S LEINT - Assignment User ->Queue
LEINT_LTAK_S Transfer Order header
LEINT_LTAP_S Transfer Order items
LEINT_LTBK Planning interface to TR header
LEINT_LTBK_MON Transfer requirement header attributes
LEINT_LTBK_SLOPT Transfer requirement header attributes
LEINT_LTBP_MON Transfer requirement item attributes
LEINT_LVVOR_WCNTR VAS Order with work center details
LEINT_MAKT Material description
LEINT_MARA Material details
LEINT_MATNR_DATA Material data
LEINT_MLGN Palletization data
LEINT_OUTLIKP_SLOPT Delivery attributes
LEINT_P000 Condition keys
LEINT_PACKGOOD Packed Goods Data (Material Item to be Packed)
LEINT_PACKITEM Assignment of Packing Instructions to Goods to be Packed
LEINT_PACKKP Packing instructions header
LEINT_PACKKPS Texts for Packing Object Header (PACKPO)
LEINT_PIKP Packing Instruction header BADI communication
LEINT_PIPO Packing instructions items
LEINT_PIPO_ROW Communication Structure for Packing Object Item Data
LEINT_PLAN Presentation view of plan
LEINT_PREV_DATA Previous decision and transfer order data
LEINT_PRSNT_DEF Presentation additional fields
LEINT_QUANT Storage bin Quant structure
LEINT_SHIPM Shipment data
LEINT_SHP_CURSOR Stucture for Temporary Storage of the Cursor Position
LEINT_SHRDFLD_DELIVERY Delivery fields(likp) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SHRDFLD_HU HU fields(vekp) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SHRDFLD_SHIPMENT Shipment fields(vttk) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SLOPT_DLVINB Selection options for inbound delivery
LEINT_SLOPT_DLVOUT Selection options for outbound delivery
LEINT_SLOPT_TR Selection option of transfer requirement
LEINT_T334T Storage type search sequence
LEINT_TO_CANDIDATE Transfer order candidate
LEINT_TO_CREATE Transfer order creation information
LEINT_TVTY Packaging material type
LEINT_VBKOP Delivery header data for Delivery type
LEINT_VBLKP Delivery Item View for Picking
LEINT_VBLKP_HU View Handling Unit Items for Picking
LEINT_VTTK Shipment Header
LEINT_X031L Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF
LEINT_YDELIVERY_ITEMS Delivery items fields
LEINT_YHU_HEADER HU fields for Yard Management
LEINTM_SLOPT_SHIPM Selection options for shipment
LEINTM_YSLOPT_DELIVERY Monitor selection options for delivery
LEINTM_YSLOPT_SHIPM Selection options for shipment
LEINTM_YSLOPT_VEHICLE Selection structure for yard monitor
LRF_WKQU_LEINT_APPEND Additional presentation fields
LTAP_LXDCK_APPEND Decision information at TO item level
T311_LXDCK_APPEND Cross-dock release & latest release dates
T333_LXDCK_APPEND Cross-dock relevancy

Search Helps

SAP Package LEINT contains 14 search helps.

LEINT_DEBI Search help for customers
LEINT_HU_H Select HU in Work center
LEINT_HUPAST_T_H Work centers
LEINT_PACK_INSTR Packing instructions for VAS
LEINT_PACK_INSTR_VAS Packing instructions for VAS
LEINT_PACK_MAT_H Yard logical hu's
LEINT_SRV_MATNR Material by material type
LEINT_UNIT_TIME_H Help view for T006
LEINT_UNIT_WEIGHT_H Help view for T006
LEINT_UOM_TIME_H units Of Measure for Time
LEINT_UOM_WEIGHT_H units Of Measure for weight
LEINT_VAS_WO_REF_MATNR_H Material for VAS Order w/o reference
LEINT_VAS_WRKST_MATNR_H Selection of material in a Work Center
LEINT_VEHICLE_TYPE_H Yard vehicle types

Message Classes

SAP Package LEINT contains 1 message classes.