
SAP Package LTRM

TRM - Core Package

The package LTRM (TRM - Core Package) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-LTRM.

Technical Information

Package LTRM
Short Text TRM - Core Package
Parent Package EA-LTRM

Function Groups

SAP Package LTRM contains 5 function groups.

LTRM Services at TRM's level
LTRM_EGO Execution Group Objects
LTRM_MONITOR TRM objects for TRM Monitor
LTRMC Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package LTRM contains 15 transactions.

LLDEL Delete application logs
LNRMS Number range maintenance: TRM_MSGSEQ
LNRRQ Number range maintenance: TRM_REQEST
LNRRS Number range maintenance: TRM_RSRC
LNRTK Number range maintenance: TRM_TASK
LTRA TRM Alert Monitor
LTRCC TRM Customization Consistency Check
LTRL TRM Log Reports
S_ALN_01000523 IMG Activity: SIMGH_LMON005
S_DTR_07000039 IMG Activity: SIMG_LTRM_USEXIT004
S_DTR_07000041 IMG Activity: SIMG_LMON001
S_DTR_07000042 IMG Activity: SIMGH_LMON002
S_DTR_07000043 IMG Activity: SIMGH_LMON003
S_DTR_07000044 IMG Activity: SIMGH_LMON004

Database Tables

SAP Package LTRM contains 18 database tables.

LACTY Activity catalog
LACTYT Activity catalog - description
LEGOD Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition
LEGODT Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - description
LEGOR ECOs' subscriptions at runtime
LEGRS Resource-ECO subscription
LETYH Entity hierarchy in the priority model
LETYM Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factor
LGPRI Priority log
LLMOD Mode catalog
LLMODT Mode catalog - description
LLOCTT Site - description
LOBGR Object grouping
LRSNC External vs Internal reason code
LRSNCT External vs Internal reason code - description
LSECC Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
LTCTW Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimation


SAP Package LTRM contains 19 views.

H_T006_TRM Help View for T006 (With TRM Extension Selection Dimension)
LATCTL_VV View variant for log monitor attributes catalogue
LATPRL_VV Log monitor attributes to be presented
LATTML_VV Log monitor icons to be presented as attributes
LMOBDL_VV View variant for log monitor objects
LMOCDL_VV Log object classes view variant
LMOCHL_VV View variant for log monitor hierarchy
LMOCML_VV View variant for log permited movements
LMTHDL_VV View variant for log monitor methods
LOCMDL_VV View variant for log object class methods
V_LACTY Activity Catalog
V_LACTY2 View for working centers
V_LEGOD Execution Group Objects (EGO) definition
V_LETYH View: Entity hierarchy in the priority model
V_LLOCT General Settings for TRM
V_LRSNC Reason Codes Definition: External and Internal
V_LSECC Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
V_LTCTW Task critical time window (CTW)
V_LTCTW1 Task critical time window (CTW)


SAP Package LTRM contains 18 structures.

LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK_CUST Customer data in Actual work
LTRM_ADMIN Administration for TRM
LTRM_EXCEPTION Structure for exception during task execution
LTRM_HOST_ACTUAL_DATA Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_HU HU - Source/Destination not detailed
LTRM_RANGE_C10 Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C12 Structure of a Range Table for a Ten Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C2 Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C20 Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field
LTRM_RANGE_C22 Structure of a Range Table for a 22 Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C4 Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
LTRM_SRCDST Definition of source/dest node
LTRM_TASK_RSTYP Resource type for task creation
LTRME_TASK_DETAILS Task details for exception handling
LTRMM_LLOCT Site structure for monitoring
RLTRM Addititional fields of Monitoring
RLTRME_DISPLAY TRM exceptions screen texts


SAP Package LTRM contains 4 programs.

RTRM_CONSISTENCY_CHECK TRM Customization Consistency Check

Search Helps

SAP Package LTRM contains 4 search helps.

H_LTRM_ACTIV Search help for task activities
H_LTRM_ACTIVITIES Search help for working center operations
H_LTRM_OPRTN Search help for working center operations
H_LTRM_UOM units Of Measure for TRM

Message Classes

SAP Package LTRM contains 2 message classes.

LTRM TRM Generic error messages
LTRM_EGO Messages for ltrm_egos

Authorization Objects

SAP Package LTRM contains 3 authorization objects.

L_EXECUTE Execution activities in TRM
L_MON_TRML TRM Log Monitor
L_MONITOR Monitoring activities in TRM