
SAP Package MCW

R/3 application development: Retail Information System

The package MCW (R/3 application development: Retail Information System) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MCW
Short Text R/3 application development: Retail Information System
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MCW contains 12 function groups.

MCW3 Control: RIS Enhancement + BIW Transfer
MCWPS Companion sales, companion effects
MCWR Retail Info System
MCWT RIS Update Analysis
MCWW Merchandise Managment System-Info
WIS1 Enhance Retail Info System
WIS2 Import of External Data to RIS
WIS3 LIS: Generated FM for Event RP
WIS3BW Business Transaction Events for WIS3
WIS4 External Cashier Data from POS
WIS5 LIS: Generated FM for Event BI
WIS6 LIS: Generated FM Event M1 (Inv. Verif.)


SAP Package MCW contains 42 transactions.

MC1! RIS: Maintain Requirements
MC1$ RIS: Display Formulas
MC1§ RIS: Maintain Formulas
MCG2 Var. standard anal. def. sett. IS-R
MCG3 Call Self-Defined Analyses: Retail
MCGC RIS: Season: Mvmts + Stk - Selection
MCGD RIS: POS: Sales - Selection
MCGE RIS: POS: Matl Aggr. POS - Selection
MCGF RIS: POS: Cashier - Selection
MCGG RIS: Cust./Material Grp - Selection
MCGH RIS: Customer/Material - Selection
MCGJ RIS: POS: POS Balancing - Selection
MCGK RIS: Matls w/ additionals- Selection
MCGL RIS: Sales data: Customers- Sel.
MCH: RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selection
MCH_ Activate IS-R Enhancement for RIS
MCH+ RIS: Display Evaluation Structure
MCH0 Retail Information System
MCH1 RIS: Execute Evaluation
MCH2 RIS: Create Evaluation
MCH3 RIS: Change Evaluation
MCH4 RIS: Display Evaluation
MCH6 Update Maintenance: RIS
MCH7 RIS: Update Diagnosis, SP Change Doc
MCH8 RIS: Perishables - Selection
MCH9 RIS: Inventory Controlling - Stores
MCHA RIS: Till Receipt/Matl - Selection
MCHB RIS: Till Receipt - Selection
MCHC Companion sales
MCHD Maintain Dynamic IS Read Rules
MCHG RIS: Purchasing: Mvmt+Stck-Selection
MCHP RIS: Material: Mvmt+Stck - Selection
MCHS RIS: Promotion - Selection
MCHV RIS: Material/Add-On - Selection
MCHY RIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCHZ RIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCM% RIS: Create Selection Version
MCMX RIS: Change Selection Version
MCMY RIS: Display Selection Version
MCMZ RIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job
MCWIS FK Simulation Inventory Document
MCWRP FK Simulation Invoice Document

Database Tables

SAP Package MCW contains 8 database tables.

MCWPS File for storing results of function group MCWPS
MCWSVF Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Field Line Data
MCWSVK Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Header Data
TMCW RIS Enhancement
TMCWB Do not use!
TMCWBT Do not use!
TMCWW Check table: Time of day class
TMCWWT Texts for descriptions of time of day classes


SAP Package MCW contains 19 views.

BIW_R_MARA Data Collection - Retail Material for BIW
BIW_R_T001W Data Collection - Retail Plant for BIW
BIW_T026T Purchasing Area Text
BIW_T6WP1T Source Rules Text
BIW_T6WP2T Source of Supply Text
BIW_T6WST Season Text
BIW_TMCWWT Text for Time of Day Class
BIW_TSABT Sales Department Text
BIW_TWATT Promotion Theme Text
BIW_TWBNT Text about reason for changing sales price
BIW_TWPTT Price Band Text
BIW_TWSGT Service Level Text
BIW_TWTYT Promotion Category Text
BIW_WAKT Promotion text
BIW_WRST Assortment Text
BIW_WWMIT Product Catalog Text
BIW_WYT1T Vendor Sub-range Text
V_TMCW RIS Enhancement and BW Transfer
V_TMCWW Time of day class


SAP Package MCW contains 73 structures.

MCCASH Cash external: Header data, receipts (only LIS)
MCCASHUSR User Structure: external POS interface
MCCASHZUSA Counter fields: external POS interface
MCCLASS CS: Data Enhancement for Classification Elements
MCCLASSUSR CS User Exit for Classification Elements
MCCONDIT Cash external: Conditions (only LIS)
MCCONDIUSR User exit conditions, external cash data
MCCPAY Cash external: Means of payment (only LIS)
MCCPAYUSR User exit means of payment: External cash interface, LIS
MCCPOS Cash external: Receipt items (LIS)
MCCSHR Cash external: Cashier data (only LIS)
MCCSHRUSR User portion: Cashier data, external cash interface (LIS)
MCCSHRZUSA Counter fields: external POS interface
MCEKETWWS Enhancements of MCEKET through MMS
MCEKKOWWS Enhancements MCEKPO through IS-R
MCEKPOWWS Enhancements MCEKPO through IS-R
MCIKPFWWS CS Enhancement: Physical Inventory Header Segment for IS-R
MCKONAWWS Enhancement of MCKONA through MMS
MCLIPSWWS MCLIPS Enhancements for IS-R
MCRBKP CS: Invoice Document - Header Segment
MCRBKPUSR CS User Enhancement Invoice Header Segment
MCRBKPWWS CS: Enhancement Invoice Header Segment for IS-R
MCRSEG CS: Invoice Document - Item Segment
MCRSEGUSR CS: User Enhancement Invoice Item Segment
MCRSEGWWS CS Enhancement Invoice Item Segment for IS-R
MCUKPF Sales Price Change Header Data
MCUKPFUSR User Structure: Sales Price Change Header Data
MCUSEG Sales Price Change: Item Data
MCUSEGUSR User Structure: Sales Price Change Item Data
MCVBRPWWS Enhancements MCVBRP through IS-R
MCW_AKTION RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Promotion Information
MCW_EINA RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Total Purchasing Info.
MCW_EINA1 RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Purchasing Info. Part 1
MCW_EINA2 RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Purchasing Info. Part 2
MCW_EINA3 RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Purchasing Info. Part 3
MCW_EINA4 RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Purchasing Info. Part 4
MCW_ENHANCE Where-Used List for RIS Chars Enhancement (Trnsfr Structure)
MCW_MARA RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Material Master Attributes
MCW_MATRL RIS: Material Structure of Data Enhancement
MCW_MESG Message Structure for Returning Message Parameters
MCW_RANGEUSER Range Table for an SAP User
MCW_RANGEUZEIT Range Table for Time
MCW_SORTM RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Assortment Information
MCW_STRUKMAT RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Structured Material
MCW_T001W RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Material Master Attributes
MCW_T134 RIS Characteristics Enhancement - Material Type ID
MCW_WHERETAB Table for Dynamic WHERE Requirement
MCW_WRF6 RIS Characteristics Enhancement: Department Information
MCW_WSTORH RIS Characteristic Enhancement - 9-Level Plant Hierarchy
MCWCPOSUSR User Structure: external POS interface
MCWDATAW Objects for shopping basket analysis (without time base)
MCWEINHEIT RIS Additional Table for Units
MCWHISINV Historical Values: Inventory Results
MCWPSC Contents/Results from Table mcwps
MCWPSI1 Large-Itemset k = 1
MCWPSI2 Large-Itemset k = 2
MCWPSI3 Large Itemset k = 3
MCWPSR2 Association Rules for L2
MCWPSR3 Association Rules for L3
MCWRKGRP Plant Group Hierarchy
MCWSELERG Structure for Internal Return of Selection Results
MCWTIMEW Time-specific selectiom criteria: shopping basket analysis
MCWZAEHL Number fields in IS-R info system
MCWZUSKZ Additional key figures in IS-R info system
RMCWKOMMPS Test for Transfer from DIR -> ALR
RMCWNEUA Help Structure for Setting up Statistical Data
S117Z RIS: Additional Key Figures for S117
S119Z RIS: Additional Key Figures for S119


SAP Package MCW contains 46 programs.

RMCSWARK Copy Reference: Shopping Basket Analysis
RMCW0300 Standard Analysis: STRPS
RMCW0305 Selection Report: STRPS - Movements + Stock
RMCW0600 Standard Analysis: Purchasing
RMCW0605 Selection Report: Purchasing - Movements + Stock
RMCW0900 Standard Analysis: Material
RMCW0905 Selection Report: Material
RMCW1000 Standard Analysis: Promotion
RMCW1005 Selection Report: Promotion
RMCW1100 Standard Analysis: Material/Add-on
RMCW1105 Selection Report: Material/Add-On
RMCW1400 Standard analysis: season
RMCW1405 Selection Report Season: Movements + Stock
RMCW1600 POS standard analysis: Sales based on receipts
RMCW1605 Selection Report POS: Sales Based on Receipts
RMCW1700 Standard Analysis POS: Material Aggregation - POS
RMCW1705 Selection Report POS: Material Aggregation - POS
RMCW1800 Standard Analysis POS: Cashier
RMCW1805 Selection Report POS: Cashier
RMCW1900 Standard Analysis: Customer / Material Group
RMCW1905 Selection Report: Customer / Material Group
RMCW2000 Standard Analysis: Customer / Material
RMCW2005 Selection Report: Customer / Material
RMCW2300 Standard analysis: perishables
RMCW2305 Standard Analysis of Info Structure S160: Display Selection Version
RMCW2400 Standard analysis: physical inventory controlling in stores
RMCW2405 Standard Analysis of Info Structure S200: Display Selection Version
RMCW2500 Standard Analysis for Info Structure S117
RMCW2505 Standard Analysis of Info Structure S117: Display Selection Version
RMCW2700 Standard Analysis for Info Structure S119
RMCW2705 Standard Analysis of Info Structure S119: Display Selection Version
RMCW2800 Standard Analysis POS: Cashier
RMCW2805 Selection Report POS: Cashier
RMCW2900 Standard analysis for Info structure S108
RMCW2905 Standard Analysis of Info Structure S108: Display Selection Version
RMCW3000 Customer sales data (standard analysis for info structure S130)
RMCW3005 Standard analysis on info structure S130: Display selection version
RMCWAPLI Presentation of Results of Apriori Algorithm
RMCWAPRI_LIST Companion purchase analysis: Display results
RMCWAPRI_START Companion purchase analysis
RMCWISCP Copy Versions of Info Structures
RMCWISSC Copy/Delete Versions in Info Structures According to Event
RMCWMUS2 Key Figure - Selective Copying of Versions in Info Structure &GSTRU
RMCWNEUA Statistical Setup of Retail Information Structures
RMCWNEUU Statistical Setup of Info Structures from Revaluation Documents
RMCYMU40 General Reference Report for CUA Interface: Retail Info System

Message Classes

SAP Package MCW contains 3 message classes.

LZ Nachrichten zum RIS (Retail-Infosystem)
MCWT Nachrichten zu RIS-Check-Tools
MWWS_APRI Nachrichten zu Verbundkaufanalysen