
SAP Package P08P_DLR

Drilldown Development (Public Sector Great Britain)

The package P08P_DLR (Drilldown Development (Public Sector Great Britain)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCGB.

Technical Information

Package P08P_DLR
Short Text Drilldown Development (Public Sector Great Britain)
Parent Package HRCGB

Function Groups

SAP Package P08P_DLR contains 1 function groups.

HRGPBS_DRILLDOWN Drilldown Reporting


SAP Package P08P_DLR contains 5 transactions.

OO_GB_DRILLDOWN HR: Set up GB Drilldown Reporting
PC00_M08_DRL_COSTOBJ Drilldown Reporting on Cost Objects
PC00_M08_DRL_PERSON Drilldown Reporting on Employees
S_PL0_09000018 IMG Activity: OHIGBPBSDRLDWN02
S_PL0_09000120 IMG Activity: OHIGBPBSDRLDWN03


SAP Package P08P_DLR contains 20 structures.

P08P_DLR_ACC_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of G/L accounts
P08P_DLR_BAPISET_HIER Interface Structure for Groups - Hierarchy Table
P08P_DLR_BUDAT_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of posting dates
P08P_DLR_DOCLINE HRGBPS: Document lines from HR Posting tables
P08P_DLR_DOCNUM HRGBPS:Document numbers for selection from HR posting tables
P08P_DLR_FUND_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of funds
P08P_DLR_GJAHR_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of fiscal years
P08P_DLR_GRANT_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of grant numbers
P08P_DLR_I_PPOIX_ROW Drilldown reporting: structure of output table
P08P_DLR_KOSTL_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of cost centers
P08P_DLR_KOSTL_VALUES Cost Center Groups - Intervals in the Hierarchy
P08P_DLR_KSTAR_VALUES Cost Element Groups - Intervals in the Hierarchy
P08P_DLR_ORDER_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of orders
P08P_DLR_ORDER_VALUES Orders to read from K_GROUP_REMOTE read
P08P_DLR_PERIO_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of FI periods
P08P_DLR_RPUDRIG0 Screen fields for drilldown reporting
P08P_DLR_RUNID Drilldown Reporting: find runid from posting table
P08P_DLR_WBS_LIST Drilldown: List of single WBS elements
P08P_DLR_WBS_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of WBS elements
P08P_DLR_WBS_VAL_RANGE HRGBPS: Range of WBS elements


SAP Package P08P_DLR contains 3 programs.

RPCIPDG0_PBS Posting to Accounting: Display details for posting documents
RPUDRIG0 Drilldown Reporting on Personnel Numbers
RPUDRIG1 Drilldown reporting: Posted costs of an employee

Authorization Objects

SAP Package P08P_DLR contains 1 authorization objects.

P_DRL_COST Authorisation for drilldown reporting