
SAP Package P99_INFTY0033

Infotyp 0033 (Statistik)

The package P99_INFTY0033 (Infotyp 0033 (Statistik)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package P99_INFTY0033
Short Text Infotyp 0033 (Statistik)
Parent Package HRRXX

Database Tables

SAP Package P99_INFTY0033 contains 4 database tables.

T543A Statistics
T543B Assignment of Exceptions to Statistics
T543C Statistics Text
T543D Exception text


SAP Package P99_INFTY0033 contains 1 views.

V_T543B Statistical Exceptions


SAP Package P99_INFTY0033 contains 1 programs.

MP003300 Module Pool for Infotype 0033: Statistics