The package PB08 (HR master data: UK) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCGB.
Package | PB08 |
Short Text | HR master data: UK |
Parent Package | HRCGB |
SAP Package PB08 contains 30 function groups.
0PG_EFI | Views for eFiling |
0PG1 | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PG2 | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PG5 | HR-GB: Tax |
0PG6 | HR-GB: Company Cars |
0PG9 | HR GB: Pensions |
0PGA | Extended Table Maintenance (Gen.): AHP |
0PGB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGC | HR-GB: Field specific checks |
0PGD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGU | HR-GB: UNICODE function modules |
38OS | HR-GB: Offshore (IoM, JY, GY) functions |
EHG1 | Employee Self-Service Address (E) |
EHG3 | ESS - Bank Details GB |
EHG6 | Enterprise HR ESS Family/Rel. Person GB |
HR_CDOC_IT1630 | CHDO HR_IT1630 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1631 | CHDO HR_IT1631 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1632 | CHDO HR_IT1632 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1633 | CHDO HR_IT1633 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HRCARGB | Company car GB popup |
HRCARGB_VIEWS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HREFIGB_BC | Business connector related functions |
HREFIGB_FUNC | Function modules |
HRG5 | SSP/SMP Functions for Great Britain |
HRGI | HR-GB: Infotype processing |
HRGJ | HR-GB: NI master data validation |
HRGU | HR-GB: Infotype generic check modules |
HRGZ | HR-GB: Miscellaneous modules |
PBNK_GB | Business Object BankDetail - GB |
PFAM_GB | Business Object Family - GB |
SAP Package PB08 contains 22 transactions.
HREFI_UPDATE | E-filing Update Infotypes |
OOCU_PAR_HRGB | Activate workflow 'HR_GB:PrtCar' |
PC00_M08_BCHG | SxP and OxP band changes |
PC00_M08_CONV | SxP and OxP conversion |
PC00_M08_ENTS | SxP and OxP entitlements left |
PC00_M08_HIST | SxP and OxP history |
PC00_M08_LGPS_CLR | LGPS Pension Details Override Flag C |
PC00_M08_MSA_FACTOR | Fill MSA factor field |
PC00_M08_PBS_RESIDEN | Check Residency Status |
PC00_M08_QDP_CHECK | Check SSP QDP migration |
PC00_M08_RPCDTFG0 | DME Cancel Transfers |
PC00_M08_RPCLJNG9 | Payroll Journal |
PC00_M08_RPCP45G0 | P45 form (old) |
PC00_M08_RPCSSPG0_SM | Statutory Maternity Pay form SMP1 |
PC00_M08_RPISSEG0 | Batch update SSP Easement on IT0084 |
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0 | Batch update of IT0071 pension amts. |
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0_EX | Update infotype 0071 with EE FLAG |
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0_UP | Update the infotype 0071 with contri |
PC00_M08_RPULCCG0 | Bat. updt Payr-stat 4 leavers w. CC |
PC00_M08_RPUTCUG0 | Start-of-year tax code update 08 |
PC00_M08_SCHM | SxP and OxP schemes |
PCGC | Maintain Car Database |
SAP Package PB08 contains 95 database tables.
PA0065 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB) |
PA0069 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB) |
PA0070 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB) |
PA0071 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds - GB) |
PA0084 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay Control - GB) |
PA0085 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB) |
PA0086 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB) |
PA0087 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0087 (WFTC/DPTC GB) |
PA0088 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0088 (SMP, SPP and SAP GB) |
PA0222 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB) |
PA0225 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2) |
PA0280 | HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016 |
PA0281 | HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045 |
PA0433 | HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009 |
PA0434 | HR Master Record Infotype 0434/View for 0011 (GB Version) |
PA0570 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0570 |
PA0571 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0571 |
PA0757 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0757 |
PA0793 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0793 |
PA0874 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0874 |
PA3243 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3243 |
PA3292 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3292 |
PB0280 | HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016 |
PB0433 | HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009 |
T5BUKT | Personnel numbers for AHP process model |
T5G_ERPEN | Absence Valuation and ER's Pensionable Pay |
T5G_P46ARV | HR-GB: Archive for P46(Car)-Forms |
T5G01 | Tax Rates |
T5G02 | Special Tax Code |
T5G03 | Tax Increase and Limit |
T5G05 | NIC Limits (obsolete: contains NI rates up to 1998) |
T5G06 | NIC Percentages (obsolete: contains NI % up to 1998) |
T5G08 | NI Control Data Texts |
T5G09 | NI Categories (GB) OBSOLETE !!! |
T5G0A | Employee Group/Subgroup |
T5G10 | Pension Fund: OBSOLETE |
T5G15 | Court Order Deductions |
T5G16 | Court Order Indicator |
T5G1T | Pension Fund Texts |
T5G20 | SSP System Data (GB) |
T5G21 | SMP System Data |
T5G22 | SSP Qualifying Day Pattern |
T5G23 | Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns |
T5G24 | SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars |
T5G25 | Occupational Sick Pay Schemes |
T5G26 | OSP-Related Data for SSP Offsetting |
T5G27 | SSP Rates Payable (GB) |
T5G28 | SMP Rates Payable |
T5G2E | SSP/SMP Exclusion Reason Texts |
T5G2F | SSP/SMP Exclusion Reasons |
T5G2F_DATED | SxP Exclusion Reasons |
T5G2T | Text for Occupational Sick Pay Schemes |
T5G30 | Pension Schemes |
T5G31 | Pension Contribution Calculation Rules |
T5G32 | Pension Holidays |
T5G33 | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands |
T5G34 | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Flat Rates |
T5G35 | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Percentages |
T5G36 | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Mix |
T5G37 | Pension Scheme Types |
T5G3T | Pension Scheme Names |
T5G40 | National Insurance Earnings Ranges (obsolete: old NI) |
T5G41 | National Insurance Percentage Rates (obsolete: old NI) |
T5G43 | HR-GB: National Insurance Number Prefixes |
T5G4T | Text for Court Order Indicator |
T5G50 | Tax Districts |
T5G51 | Payroll Area PAYE Reference |
T5G52 | Tax District and Reference Details |
T5G53 | Permit Numbers |
T5G54 | End Of Year Processing Stamp |
T5G55 | HR-GB: Default Tax Code |
T5G56 | HR-GB: Offshore employer details |
T5G5T | Tax District Name |
T5G61 | Business Mileage Bands |
T5G62 | Payment of Petrol Costs (Based on Engine Size) |
T5G63 | Payments for Private Fuel (Basis: Car List Price) |
T5G64 | Unavailability Reasons |
T5G67 | Company car taxable percentage based on CO2 emissions |
T5G68 | Company car taxable percentage based on engine size |
T5G6T | Unavailability Reasons Text |
T5G80 | HR-GB: Payee Keys |
T5GC3 | GB Company car C02 emmissions |
T5GEF01 | HR-GB: filing - Store parsed recording coming in from GG |
T5GEFCREDENTIALS | HR:GB eFiling : User Credentials |
T5GEFDATA | HR-GB: filing - Store Infotype data coming in from GG |
T5GEFHWM | efiling infcoming forms (Hiigh Water Mark ) register |
T5GEFMSGID | HR:GB eFiling : Temporary storage of Message IDs |
T5GEFSTPE | HR GB: Employment Starter (P45,P46) and Pension Details |
T5GQDP | QDP Definition |
T5GQDP_GPG | QDP to QDP Grouping Assignment |
T5GQDP_QDP | Week to QDP Assignment |
T5GQDP_WK | QDP Day to Week Assignment |
T5GQDP_WKT | QDP Day to Week text |
T5GQDPT | QDP Text table |
T5GT2 | Special Tax Code |
SAP Package PB08 contains 55 views.
H_T5G22 | Help View for Qualifying Day Pattern (GB) |
H_T5G61 | Helpview T5G61 |
V_5G10_B | Flat Rate Pension Fund: OBSOLETE |
V_5G10_C | Percent Pension Fund: OBSOLETE |
V_5G10_D | Mixed Value Pension Fund: OBSOLETE |
V_5G10_E | Bespoke Pension Funds: OBSOLETE |
V_5G10_F | Pension Funds SCON Number: OBSOLETE |
V_T511P_A | HR-GB: Court Order Processing Fee |
V_T5BUKT | Personnel numbers for AHP process model |
V_T5G_DTONI | View for GB- Data Take On |
V_T5G_ERPEN | Employer Pensionable pay |
V_T5G02 | Special Tax Ratio for GB |
V_T5G03 | Tax Increase and Limit for GB |
V_T5G0A | Employee Group/Subgroup |
V_T5G10 | Overview of Pension Funds: OBSOLETE |
V_T5G15 | Court Order Deductions |
V_T5G16 | Court Order Indicator |
V_T5G20 | Sick Pay - System Data |
V_T5G24 | SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars (GB) |
V_T5G27 | SSP Rates Payable (GB) |
V_T5G28 | SMP Rates Payable |
V_T5G2F | SSP/SMP/SPP/SAP Exclusion Reasons |
V_T5G30_A | Pension Schemes |
V_T5G30_T | Pension Scheme Names |
V_T5G31_A | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands |
V_T5G31_B | Pension Contribution Calculation Rules |
V_T5G32_A | Pension Scheme Holidays |
V_T5G32_B | Pension Scheme Holiday Dates |
V_T5G33_A | Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands |
V_T5G34_A | Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Flat Rates |
V_T5G35_A | Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Percentages |
V_T5G36_A | Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Mix |
V_T5G37_A | Pension Scheme Calculation Wage Types |
V_T5G40 | National Insurance Earnings Ranges |
V_T5G41 | National Insurance Percentage Rates |
V_T5G43 | HR:GB National Insurance Number Prefixes |
V_T5G50 | Tax District Number With Text |
V_T5G51 | Payroll Area Reference Details |
V_T5G52 | Tax District With Reference Details |
V_T5G55 | HR-GB: Default Tax Code |
V_T5G56 | HR-GB: Offshore employer details |
V_T5G61 | Business Mileage Bands |
V_T5G62 | Fuel Scale Charge (Basis: Engine) |
V_T5G64 | Unavailability Reasons |
V_T5G67 | Company car taxable percentage based on CO2 emissions |
V_T5G68 | Company car taxable percentage based on engine size |
V_T5G80 | HR-GB: Payee Keys |
V_T5GC1 | Car Manufacturers |
V_T5GC2 | Car model definition table |
V_T5GC3 | CO2 emmissions |
V_T5GCREDTIALS | Maintain User Credentials |
V_T5GEFVIEW | Database view on table t5gef01 and t5gefdata |
V_T5GQDP_GPG | QDP to QDP Grouping Assignment |
V_T5GQDP_QDP | Week to QDP Assignment |
V_T5GT2 | Special Tax Ratio for GB |
SAP Package PB08 contains 121 structures.
BAPIP0009LGB | HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details) for GB |
BAPIP0021LGB | HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person) |
GBBSM_STRUCT | Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output |
GBBSM_STRUCT1 | Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output |
GBEXP_STRUCT | Structure for Exceptions Report ALV Output |
GBMPY_STRUCT | Structure for SMP Record Sheet ALV Output |
GBNIR | National Insurance Contribution Rates |
GBSSPEXCLN_STRUCT | Structure for SSP & SMP Exclusions - ALV |
GBTCU_STRUCT | Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output |
GBTCU_STRUCT1 | Test Header |
HREFI_ALV_STRUC | Update module E-Filing ALV structure |
HREFI_CI_0065 | customer include infotype 65 |
HREFI_CI_0070 | customer include infotype 65 |
HREFI_CI_0757 | customer include infotype 0757 |
HREFI_DATA_STRUC | HR:GB Generic Infotype data structure |
HREFI_GEN_STRUC | E-filing General fixed infomation fields |
HREFI_KEY | HR-GB: filing - key fields |
HREFI_ME_PERNR | E-filing Multiple employment pernrs |
HREFI_P6_STRUC | Display structure for the P6 form |
HREFI_PRO_STRUC | HR Efiling processing fields |
HREFI_SL_STRUC | Display structure for the P6 form |
HREFI_UPD_STRUC | Update module E-Filing ALV structure |
HRGBEF_MESSAGEID | HR:GB Message Ids for E-Filing |
P0065 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB) |
P0065_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0069 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB) |
P0069_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0070 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB) |
P0070_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0071 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pensions Admin. - GB) |
P0071_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0084 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (SSP Control - GB) |
P0084_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0085 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB) |
P0085_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0086 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB) |
P0086_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0087 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0087 |
P0087_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0088 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0088 |
P0088_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0222 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB) |
P0222_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0225 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2) |
P0225_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0280 | HR Master Record Infotype 0016 (Supplement for GB) |
P0280_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0281 | HR Master Record Infotype 0281 (Supplement for GB) |
P0281_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0433 | HR Master Record Infotype 0009 (Supplement for GB) |
P0433_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0434 | HR Master Record Infotype 0009 (Supplement for GB) |
P0434_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0570 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0570 |
P0571 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0571 |
P0757 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0757 |
P0757_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0793 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0793 |
P0793_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P08_ALVREP | HR-GB: Repeat P46-Form ALV-List |
P08_CCEQ | HR-GB: Company Car structure to compare |
P08_EXBHEADER | HR-GB: Reporting structure EXB Header |
P08_HEADER | HR-GB: Header for P46(Car)-Forms |
P08_P160GB0 | HR-GB: Reporting structure P160 (PENNOT Certificate) |
P08_P160GBG | HR-GB: Reporting structure P160 General |
P08_P46CAR | HR-GB: Reporting structure P46 Company Car |
P08_P46GB0 | HR-GB: Reporting structure Starter Notification |
P08_P46GBG | HR-GB: Reporting structure P46(starter) General |
P0874 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0874 |
P0874_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P08EF | Efiling Feature structure |
P3243 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3243 |
P3292 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3292 |
P3292_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PC23N | Cluster RG: Exceptions (GB) |
PC4QD | HR GB: Key for PCL4 - Storing XML data |
PGB_MESSGE | Struktur zur Übergabe einer System-Nachricht |
PGBCALBUFF | HR-GB: Personal Calendar Buffer |
PS0065 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB) |
PS0069 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB) |
PS0070 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB) |
PS0071 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pensions Admin. GB) |
PS0084 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (SSP Control - GB) |
PS0085 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB) |
PS0086 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB) |
PS0087 | HR-GB: Working Family Tax Credit/Disabled Persons Tax Credit |
PS0088 | HR-GB: Statutory parental leave & payments (SMP, SPP & SAP) |
PS0222 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB) |
PS0225 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2) |
PS0280 | HR Master Record Infotype 0016 (Supplement for GB) |
PS0281 | HR Master Record Infotype 0045 (Supplement for GB) |
PS0433 | HR Master Record Infotype 9 (Supplement for GB) |
PS0434 | HR Master Record Infotype 11 (Supplement for GB) |
PS0570 | HR-GB: Offshore tax infotype (JY, GY, IoM) |
PS0571 | HR-GB: Offshore social security (JY, GY) |
PS0757 | HR-GB: Working Tax Credit |
PS0793 | HR-GB: Payment made in error |
PS0874 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0874 (Predet. PAYE & NIC Adj) |
PS3243 | HR GB: Infotype 3243 for Electronic Communication |
PS3292 | Structure for Infotype View 3292 (GB Residence Status) |
PV016 | HR Master Record View V016 (Complete View 0016) |
PV281 | HR Master Record View V045 (Complete View 0045) |
Q0048GB | Screen Fields: Infotype 0048 Great Britain |
Q0065 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB) |
Q0069 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0069 (National Insurance GB) |
Q0070 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders GB) |
Q0071 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0071 (Pension Companies GB) |
Q0085 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0085 (PIW GB) |
Q0086 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions - GB) |
Q0088 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0088: SMP, SPP and SAP (GB) |
Q0222 | Dynpro Fields for Infotpye 0222 (Company Car - GB) |
Q0225 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2) |
Q0757 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0757 |
Q0793 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0793 (Payment made in error) |
Q0874 | Screen Field: Infotype 874 Predetermination (GB) |
Q5G10 | Screen Fields: Table T5G10 |
Q5G15 | Screen Fields: Table T5G15 |
RPPENSG0 | HR GB: Pension Scheme Calculation Results |
RPUCARID | HR-GB: Company Car Workflow Indicators |
T5GXMLSTRUC | HR:GB Efiling - Structure to store and retrieve XML files fr |
SAP Package PB08 contains 54 programs.
MP006500 | Module Pool for Infotype Tax GB (0065) |
MP006900 | Module Pool for Infotype National Insurance GB (0069) |
MP007000 | Module Pool for Infotype Court Orders GB (0070) |
MP007100 | Module Pool for Infotype 0071 - Pensions Administration (GB) |
MP008400 | Module Pool for Infotype 0084 - SSP Control (GB) |
MP008500 | Module Pool for Infotype 0085 - SSP PIW Record (GB) |
MP008600 | Module Pool for Infotype 0086 - SSP/SMP Exclusions (GB) |
MP008700 | Module Pool for Infotype P0087 - WFTC/DPTC GB |
MP008800 | Module Pool for Infotype 0088 - SMP Record (GB) |
MP022200 | Module Pool for Infotype P0222 - Company Cars GB |
MP022500 | Module Pool for Infotype P0225 - Company Car Unavailability GB |
MP043300 | Module Pool for Infotype 0433 |
MP043400 | Module Pool for Infotype 0434 |
MP057000 | HR-GB: Module pool for offshore tax infotype (0570) |
MP057100 | HR-GB: Module pool for offshore social security infotype (0571) |
MP075700 | Module Pool for Infotype P0757 - Tax Credit GB |
MP079300 | it 0793 module pool |
MP087400 | PA: Write 'Archived Objects' Infotype (0283) |
MP324300 | Mod. Pool MP324300 |
MPV28000 | Module Pool: Infotype 0016 Contract Elements |
MPV43400 | Program MPV43300 |
RPCBSMG0 | HR-GB: Interface Travel Expenses to GB Company Car Infotype |
RPCDYNG0 | HR-GB: Dynamic Measure for Absence Processing |
RPCEFIG0 | E-filing Incoming Forms Overview |
RPCP35GC | HR-GB: P35 Legislative Reporting |
RPCP46G0 | HR-GB: P46(Company Car) form for Great Britain |
RPISSEG0 | HR-GB: Batch update of SSP Easement flag on IT0084 |
RPLRESG0 | Check Residency Status |
RPPCUPG0 | Batch Update Of Infotype 0071 Contribution Amounts |
RPPCUPG0_EXP | Batch Program Upd Infotype 0071- EE spec record Maintenance indicator |
RPPCUPG0_UPD | Batch Update Of Infotype 0071 with contribution rates and band levels |
RPU28000 | Initialisation P0003 Create Infotype 0280 |
RPU28100 | Initialisation P0003 Create Infotype 0280 |
RPU43300 | Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9 |
RPU43400 | Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9 |
RPU5G100 | Conversion of Table T5G10 to T5G30 |
RPUAVBG0 | HR-GB: Conversion tool for statutory average |
RPUCAR442 | XPRA: introduce subtypes for infotype company car (0442) |
RPUEFO_STARTER | HR GB: Starter Notification |
RPUEMUGB | Conversion of national currency and calculation of amounts for GB |
RPUH88G0 | HR-GB: Help report for the introduction of subtypes on IT 0088 |
RPUMIGG0 | Migration of Company Car infotype (0222,0225, 0014) -> (0442) |
RPUP0071 | Update of All Infotype 70 and 71 Records to Include British Pounds |
RPUP88G0 | HR-GB: Infotype 88 Conversion |
RPUPENG0_CLEARDOWN | Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specific record indicator for LGPS |
RPUTRFG0 | Update of Reconcils Cluster GP by Dynamic Measure |
RPUTXCG0 | XPRA: HR GB - Report to update Infotype 0065 for tax no and tax code |
SAPMP5G0 | HR-GB: Module Pool for Fast-entry New Hire |
SAPMP5GQ | Qualifying Day Pattern Generation |
SAP Package PB08 contains 5 search helps.
H_T5G22 | Help View for Qualifying Day Pattern (GB) |
H_T5G2E | Help View for SSP/SMP Exclusion Codes (GB) |
H_T5G42 | HR-GB: NI Category |
H_T5G61 | Help View T5G61 |
HRPAY08AFCON | HR-GB: Help View for Court Order Processing Fee |
SAP Package PB08 contains 3 message classes.
5G | HR: Messages for Britain |
HREFIGB | Messages for Electronic-Filing |
HRGB_PBS | Migrant Workers |
SAP Package PB08 contains 1 authorization objects.
P_EFI | Authorisation object efiling |