
SAP Package PB08

HR master data: UK

The package PB08 (HR master data: UK) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCGB.

Technical Information

Package PB08
Short Text HR master data: UK
Parent Package HRCGB

Function Groups

SAP Package PB08 contains 30 function groups.

0PG_EFI Views for eFiling
0PG1 Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PG2 Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PG5 HR-GB: Tax
0PG6 HR-GB: Company Cars
0PG9 HR GB: Pensions
0PGA Extended Table Maintenance (Gen.): AHP
0PGB Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PGC HR-GB: Field specific checks
0PGD Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PGU HR-GB: UNICODE function modules
38OS HR-GB: Offshore (IoM, JY, GY) functions
EHG1 Employee Self-Service Address (E)
EHG3 ESS - Bank Details GB
EHG6 Enterprise HR ESS Family/Rel. Person GB
HR_CDOC_IT1630 CHDO HR_IT1630 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1631 CHDO HR_IT1631 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1632 CHDO HR_IT1632 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1633 CHDO HR_IT1633 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HRCARGB Company car GB popup
HRCARGB_VIEWS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HREFIGB_BC Business connector related functions
HREFIGB_FUNC Function modules
HRG5 SSP/SMP Functions for Great Britain
HRGI HR-GB: Infotype processing
HRGJ HR-GB: NI master data validation
HRGU HR-GB: Infotype generic check modules
HRGZ HR-GB: Miscellaneous modules
PBNK_GB Business Object BankDetail - GB
PFAM_GB Business Object Family - GB


SAP Package PB08 contains 22 transactions.

HREFI_UPDATE E-filing Update Infotypes
OOCU_PAR_HRGB Activate workflow 'HR_GB:PrtCar'
PC00_M08_BCHG SxP and OxP band changes
PC00_M08_CONV SxP and OxP conversion
PC00_M08_ENTS SxP and OxP entitlements left
PC00_M08_HIST SxP and OxP history
PC00_M08_LGPS_CLR LGPS Pension Details Override Flag C
PC00_M08_MSA_FACTOR Fill MSA factor field
PC00_M08_PBS_RESIDEN Check Residency Status
PC00_M08_QDP_CHECK Check SSP QDP migration
PC00_M08_RPCDTFG0 DME Cancel Transfers
PC00_M08_RPCLJNG9 Payroll Journal
PC00_M08_RPCP45G0 P45 form (old)
PC00_M08_RPCSSPG0_SM Statutory Maternity Pay form SMP1
PC00_M08_RPISSEG0 Batch update SSP Easement on IT0084
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0 Batch update of IT0071 pension amts.
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0_EX Update infotype 0071 with EE FLAG
PC00_M08_RPPCUPG0_UP Update the infotype 0071 with contri
PC00_M08_RPULCCG0 Bat. updt Payr-stat 4 leavers w. CC
PC00_M08_RPUTCUG0 Start-of-year tax code update 08
PC00_M08_SCHM SxP and OxP schemes
PCGC Maintain Car Database

Database Tables

SAP Package PB08 contains 95 database tables.

PA0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PA0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PA0070 HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
PA0071 HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds - GB)
PA0084 HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay Control - GB)
PA0085 HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
PA0086 HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
PA0087 HR Master Record: Infotype 0087 (WFTC/DPTC GB)
PA0088 HR Master Record: Infotype 0088 (SMP, SPP and SAP GB)
PA0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
PA0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
PA0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PA0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045
PA0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
PA0434 HR Master Record Infotype 0434/View for 0011 (GB Version)
PA0570 HR Master Record: Infotype 0570
PA0571 HR Master Record: Infotype 0571
PA0757 HR Master Record: Infotype 0757
PA0793 HR Master Record: Infotype 0793
PA0874 HR Master Record: Infotype 0874
PA3243 HR Master Record: Infotype 3243
PA3292 HR Master Record: Infotype 3292
PB0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PB0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
T5BUKT Personnel numbers for AHP process model
T5G_ERPEN Absence Valuation and ER's Pensionable Pay
T5G_P46ARV HR-GB: Archive for P46(Car)-Forms
T5G01 Tax Rates
T5G02 Special Tax Code
T5G03 Tax Increase and Limit
T5G05 NIC Limits (obsolete: contains NI rates up to 1998)
T5G06 NIC Percentages (obsolete: contains NI % up to 1998)
T5G08 NI Control Data Texts
T5G09 NI Categories (GB) OBSOLETE !!!
T5G0A Employee Group/Subgroup
T5G10 Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
T5G15 Court Order Deductions
T5G16 Court Order Indicator
T5G1T Pension Fund Texts
T5G20 SSP System Data (GB)
T5G21 SMP System Data
T5G22 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern
T5G23 Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns
T5G24 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars
T5G25 Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G26 OSP-Related Data for SSP Offsetting
T5G27 SSP Rates Payable (GB)
T5G28 SMP Rates Payable
T5G2E SSP/SMP Exclusion Reason Texts
T5G2F SSP/SMP Exclusion Reasons
T5G2F_DATED SxP Exclusion Reasons
T5G2T Text for Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G30 Pension Schemes
T5G31 Pension Contribution Calculation Rules
T5G32 Pension Holidays
T5G33 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands
T5G34 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Flat Rates
T5G35 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Percentages
T5G36 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Mix
T5G37 Pension Scheme Types
T5G3T Pension Scheme Names
T5G40 National Insurance Earnings Ranges (obsolete: old NI)
T5G41 National Insurance Percentage Rates (obsolete: old NI)
T5G43 HR-GB: National Insurance Number Prefixes
T5G4T Text for Court Order Indicator
T5G50 Tax Districts
T5G51 Payroll Area PAYE Reference
T5G52 Tax District and Reference Details
T5G53 Permit Numbers
T5G54 End Of Year Processing Stamp
T5G55 HR-GB: Default Tax Code
T5G56 HR-GB: Offshore employer details
T5G5T Tax District Name
T5G61 Business Mileage Bands
T5G62 Payment of Petrol Costs (Based on Engine Size)
T5G63 Payments for Private Fuel (Basis: Car List Price)
T5G64 Unavailability Reasons
T5G67 Company car taxable percentage based on CO2 emissions
T5G68 Company car taxable percentage based on engine size
T5G6T Unavailability Reasons Text
T5G80 HR-GB: Payee Keys
T5GC3 GB Company car C02 emmissions
T5GEF01 HR-GB: filing - Store parsed recording coming in from GG
T5GEFCREDENTIALS HR:GB eFiling : User Credentials
T5GEFDATA HR-GB: filing - Store Infotype data coming in from GG
T5GEFHWM efiling infcoming forms (Hiigh Water Mark ) register
T5GEFMSGID HR:GB eFiling : Temporary storage of Message IDs
T5GEFSTPE HR GB: Employment Starter (P45,P46) and Pension Details
T5GQDP QDP Definition
T5GQDP_GPG QDP to QDP Grouping Assignment
T5GQDP_QDP Week to QDP Assignment
T5GQDP_WK QDP Day to Week Assignment
T5GQDP_WKT QDP Day to Week text
T5GQDPT QDP Text table
T5GT2 Special Tax Code


SAP Package PB08 contains 55 views.

H_T5G22 Help View for Qualifying Day Pattern (GB)
H_T5G61 Helpview T5G61
V_5G10_B Flat Rate Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
V_5G10_C Percent Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
V_5G10_D Mixed Value Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
V_5G10_E Bespoke Pension Funds: OBSOLETE
V_5G10_F Pension Funds SCON Number: OBSOLETE
V_T511P_A HR-GB: Court Order Processing Fee
V_T5BUKT Personnel numbers for AHP process model
V_T5G_DTONI View for GB- Data Take On
V_T5G_ERPEN Employer Pensionable pay
V_T5G02 Special Tax Ratio for GB
V_T5G03 Tax Increase and Limit for GB
V_T5G0A Employee Group/Subgroup
V_T5G10 Overview of Pension Funds: OBSOLETE
V_T5G15 Court Order Deductions
V_T5G16 Court Order Indicator
V_T5G20 Sick Pay - System Data
V_T5G24 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars (GB)
V_T5G27 SSP Rates Payable (GB)
V_T5G28 SMP Rates Payable
V_T5G2F SSP/SMP/SPP/SAP Exclusion Reasons
V_T5G30_A Pension Schemes
V_T5G30_T Pension Scheme Names
V_T5G31_A Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands
V_T5G31_B Pension Contribution Calculation Rules
V_T5G32_A Pension Scheme Holidays
V_T5G32_B Pension Scheme Holiday Dates
V_T5G33_A Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands
V_T5G34_A Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Flat Rates
V_T5G35_A Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Percentages
V_T5G36_A Pension Scheme Calculation Rule Bands - Mix
V_T5G37_A Pension Scheme Calculation Wage Types
V_T5G40 National Insurance Earnings Ranges
V_T5G41 National Insurance Percentage Rates
V_T5G43 HR:GB National Insurance Number Prefixes
V_T5G50 Tax District Number With Text
V_T5G51 Payroll Area Reference Details
V_T5G52 Tax District With Reference Details
V_T5G55 HR-GB: Default Tax Code
V_T5G56 HR-GB: Offshore employer details
V_T5G61 Business Mileage Bands
V_T5G62 Fuel Scale Charge (Basis: Engine)
V_T5G64 Unavailability Reasons
V_T5G67 Company car taxable percentage based on CO2 emissions
V_T5G68 Company car taxable percentage based on engine size
V_T5G80 HR-GB: Payee Keys
V_T5GC1 Car Manufacturers
V_T5GC2 Car model definition table
V_T5GC3 CO2 emmissions
V_T5GCREDTIALS Maintain User Credentials
V_T5GEFVIEW Database view on table t5gef01 and t5gefdata
V_T5GQDP_GPG QDP to QDP Grouping Assignment
V_T5GQDP_QDP Week to QDP Assignment
V_T5GT2 Special Tax Ratio for GB


SAP Package PB08 contains 121 structures.

BAPIP0009LGB HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details) for GB
BAPIP0021LGB HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person)
GBBSM_STRUCT Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output
GBBSM_STRUCT1 Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output
GBEXP_STRUCT Structure for Exceptions Report ALV Output
GBMPY_STRUCT Structure for SMP Record Sheet ALV Output
GBNIR National Insurance Contribution Rates
GBSSPEXCLN_STRUCT Structure for SSP & SMP Exclusions - ALV
GBTCU_STRUCT Structure for Tax Code Uplift ALV Output
HREFI_ALV_STRUC Update module E-Filing ALV structure
HREFI_CI_0065 customer include infotype 65
HREFI_CI_0070 customer include infotype 65
HREFI_CI_0757 customer include infotype 0757
HREFI_DATA_STRUC HR:GB Generic Infotype data structure
HREFI_GEN_STRUC E-filing General fixed infomation fields
HREFI_KEY HR-GB: filing - key fields
HREFI_ME_PERNR E-filing Multiple employment pernrs
HREFI_P6_STRUC Display structure for the P6 form
HREFI_PRO_STRUC HR Efiling processing fields
HREFI_SL_STRUC Display structure for the P6 form
HREFI_UPD_STRUC Update module E-Filing ALV structure
HRGBEF_MESSAGEID HR:GB Message Ids for E-Filing
P0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
P0065_AF Additional Query Fields
P0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
P0069_AF Additional Query Fields
P0070 HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
P0070_AF Additional Query Fields
P0071 HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pensions Admin. - GB)
P0071_AF Additional Query Fields
P0084 HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (SSP Control - GB)
P0084_AF Additional Query Fields
P0085 HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
P0085_AF Additional Query Fields
P0086 HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
P0086_AF Additional Query Fields
P0087 HR Master Record for Infotype 0087
P0087_AF Additional Query Fields
P0088 HR Master Record for Infotype 0088
P0088_AF Additional Query Fields
P0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
P0222_AF Additional Query Fields
P0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
P0225_AF Additional Query Fields
P0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0016 (Supplement for GB)
P0280_AF Additional Query Fields
P0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0281 (Supplement for GB)
P0281_AF Additional Query Fields
P0433 HR Master Record Infotype 0009 (Supplement for GB)
P0433_AF Additional Query Fields
P0434 HR Master Record Infotype 0009 (Supplement for GB)
P0434_AF Additional Query Fields
P0570 HR Master Record for Infotype 0570
P0571 HR Master Record for Infotype 0571
P0757 HR Master Record for Infotype 0757
P0757_AF Additional Query Fields
P0793 HR Master Record for Infotype 0793
P0793_AF Additional Query Fields
P08_ALVREP HR-GB: Repeat P46-Form ALV-List
P08_CCEQ HR-GB: Company Car structure to compare
P08_EXBHEADER HR-GB: Reporting structure EXB Header
P08_HEADER HR-GB: Header for P46(Car)-Forms
P08_P160GB0 HR-GB: Reporting structure P160 (PENNOT Certificate)
P08_P160GBG HR-GB: Reporting structure P160 General
P08_P46CAR HR-GB: Reporting structure P46 Company Car
P08_P46GB0 HR-GB: Reporting structure Starter Notification
P08_P46GBG HR-GB: Reporting structure P46(starter) General
P0874 HR Master Record for Infotype 0874
P0874_AF Additional Query Fields
P08EF Efiling Feature structure
P3243 HR Master Record for Infotype 3243
P3292 HR Master Record for Infotype 3292
P3292_AF Additional Query Fields
PC23N Cluster RG: Exceptions (GB)
PC4QD HR GB: Key for PCL4 - Storing XML data
PGB_MESSGE Struktur zur Übergabe einer System-Nachricht
PGBCALBUFF HR-GB: Personal Calendar Buffer
PS0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PS0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PS0070 HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
PS0071 HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pensions Admin. GB)
PS0084 HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (SSP Control - GB)
PS0085 HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
PS0086 HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
PS0087 HR-GB: Working Family Tax Credit/Disabled Persons Tax Credit
PS0088 HR-GB: Statutory parental leave & payments (SMP, SPP & SAP)
PS0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
PS0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
PS0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0016 (Supplement for GB)
PS0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0045 (Supplement for GB)
PS0433 HR Master Record Infotype 9 (Supplement for GB)
PS0434 HR Master Record Infotype 11 (Supplement for GB)
PS0570 HR-GB: Offshore tax infotype (JY, GY, IoM)
PS0571 HR-GB: Offshore social security (JY, GY)
PS0757 HR-GB: Working Tax Credit
PS0793 HR-GB: Payment made in error
PS0874 HR Master Record: Infotype 0874 (Predet. PAYE & NIC Adj)
PS3243 HR GB: Infotype 3243 for Electronic Communication
PS3292 Structure for Infotype View 3292 (GB Residence Status)
PV016 HR Master Record View V016 (Complete View 0016)
PV281 HR Master Record View V045 (Complete View 0045)
Q0048GB Screen Fields: Infotype 0048 Great Britain
Q0065 Screen Fields: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
Q0069 Screen Fields: Infotype 0069 (National Insurance GB)
Q0070 Screen Fields: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders GB)
Q0071 Screen Fields: Infotype 0071 (Pension Companies GB)
Q0085 Screen Fields: Infotype 0085 (PIW GB)
Q0086 Screen Fields: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions - GB)
Q0088 Screen Fields: Infotype 0088: SMP, SPP and SAP (GB)
Q0222 Dynpro Fields for Infotpye 0222 (Company Car - GB)
Q0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
Q0757 Screen Fields: Infotype P0757
Q0793 Screen Fields: Infotype 0793 (Payment made in error)
Q0874 Screen Field: Infotype 874 Predetermination (GB)
Q5G10 Screen Fields: Table T5G10
Q5G15 Screen Fields: Table T5G15
RPPENSG0 HR GB: Pension Scheme Calculation Results
RPUCARID HR-GB: Company Car Workflow Indicators
T5GXMLSTRUC HR:GB Efiling - Structure to store and retrieve XML files fr


SAP Package PB08 contains 54 programs.

MP006500 Module Pool for Infotype Tax GB (0065)
MP006900 Module Pool for Infotype National Insurance GB (0069)
MP007000 Module Pool for Infotype Court Orders GB (0070)
MP007100 Module Pool for Infotype 0071 - Pensions Administration (GB)
MP008400 Module Pool for Infotype 0084 - SSP Control (GB)
MP008500 Module Pool for Infotype 0085 - SSP PIW Record (GB)
MP008600 Module Pool for Infotype 0086 - SSP/SMP Exclusions (GB)
MP008700 Module Pool for Infotype P0087 - WFTC/DPTC GB
MP008800 Module Pool for Infotype 0088 - SMP Record (GB)
MP022200 Module Pool for Infotype P0222 - Company Cars GB
MP022500 Module Pool for Infotype P0225 - Company Car Unavailability GB
MP043300 Module Pool for Infotype 0433
MP043400 Module Pool for Infotype 0434
MP057000 HR-GB: Module pool for offshore tax infotype (0570)
MP057100 HR-GB: Module pool for offshore social security infotype (0571)
MP075700 Module Pool for Infotype P0757 - Tax Credit GB
MP079300 it 0793 module pool
MP087400 PA: Write 'Archived Objects' Infotype (0283)
MP324300 Mod. Pool MP324300
MPV28000 Module Pool: Infotype 0016 Contract Elements
MPV43400 Program MPV43300
RPCBSMG0 HR-GB: Interface Travel Expenses to GB Company Car Infotype
RPCDYNG0 HR-GB: Dynamic Measure for Absence Processing
RPCEFIG0 E-filing Incoming Forms Overview
RPCP35GC HR-GB: P35 Legislative Reporting
RPCP46G0 HR-GB: P46(Company Car) form for Great Britain
RPISSEG0 HR-GB: Batch update of SSP Easement flag on IT0084
RPLRESG0 Check Residency Status
RPPCUPG0 Batch Update Of Infotype 0071 Contribution Amounts
RPPCUPG0_EXP Batch Program Upd Infotype 0071- EE spec record Maintenance indicator
RPPCUPG0_UPD Batch Update Of Infotype 0071 with contribution rates and band levels
RPU28000 Initialisation P0003 Create Infotype 0280
RPU28100 Initialisation P0003 Create Infotype 0280
RPU43300 Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9
RPU43400 Initialisation of P0003-Viekn/Creation of Infotype View 0433 for IT 9
RPU5G100 Conversion of Table T5G10 to T5G30
RPUAVBG0 HR-GB: Conversion tool for statutory average
RPUCAR442 XPRA: introduce subtypes for infotype company car (0442)
RPUEFO_STARTER HR GB: Starter Notification
RPUEMUGB Conversion of national currency and calculation of amounts for GB
RPUH88G0 HR-GB: Help report for the introduction of subtypes on IT 0088
RPUMIGG0 Migration of Company Car infotype (0222,0225, 0014) -> (0442)
RPUP0071 Update of All Infotype 70 and 71 Records to Include British Pounds
RPUP88G0 HR-GB: Infotype 88 Conversion
RPUPENG0_CLEARDOWN Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specific record indicator for LGPS
RPUTRFG0 Update of Reconcils Cluster GP by Dynamic Measure
RPUTXCG0 XPRA: HR GB - Report to update Infotype 0065 for tax no and tax code
SAPMP5G0 HR-GB: Module Pool for Fast-entry New Hire
SAPMP5GQ Qualifying Day Pattern Generation

Search Helps

SAP Package PB08 contains 5 search helps.

H_T5G22 Help View for Qualifying Day Pattern (GB)
H_T5G2E Help View for SSP/SMP Exclusion Codes (GB)
H_T5G42 HR-GB: NI Category
H_T5G61 Help View T5G61
HRPAY08AFCON HR-GB: Help View for Court Order Processing Fee

Message Classes

SAP Package PB08 contains 3 message classes.

5G HR: Messages for Britain
HREFIGB Messages for Electronic-Filing
HRGB_PBS Migrant Workers

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PB08 contains 1 authorization objects.

P_EFI Authorisation object efiling