
SAP Package PB11

HR master data: Ireland

The package PB11 (HR master data: Ireland) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCIE.

Technical Information

Package PB11
Short Text HR master data: Ireland
Parent Package HRCIE

Function Groups

SAP Package PB11 contains 5 function groups.

3IE1 Function group for Irish Payroll
EHL1 Employee Self-Service Address (IE)
EHL3 ESS - Bank Details Ireland
EHL5 ESS - Personal Data - Ireland
PADR_IE Business Object AddressEmp - Ireland

Database Tables

SAP Package PB11 contains 13 database tables.

PA0359 HR Master Record : Infotype 0359 (PRSI Ireland)
PA0360 HR Master Record : Infotype 0360 (PRSI Ireland)
PA0361 HR Master Record : Infotype 0361 (Pensions Admin. - IE)
PA0386 HR Master Record: Infotype 0386 (VHI Scheme)
PA0387 HR Master Record : Infotype 0387 (Starter's Details)
T7IE2 Irish Tax Table
T7IE3 Irish PRSI Table
T7IE4 Emergency Tax Table
T7IE6 Employer Registered Numbers (HR-IE)
T7IE7 Irish Health Insurance Group Details
T7IEA Irish PRSI Calculation and Absence Valuation
T7IEP Pension schemes Ireland


SAP Package PB11 contains 7 views.

V_T5IE6 Employer information
V_T5IE7 View for VHI plan
V_T7IE2 Irish Tax Table
V_T7IE4 Emergenxy Tax Table
V_T7IEA Irish PRSI Calculation and Absence Valuation
V_T7IEP Ireland Pensions


SAP Package PB11 contains 31 structures.

BAPIP0006LIE Personnel Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) IE
IEPENSIONS Irish pensions contributions
P0359 HR Master Record: Infotype 0359 (Tax - IE)
P0360 HR Master Record: Infotype 0360 (PRSI - Ireland)
P0361 HR Master Record : Infotype 0361 (Pensions Admin. - IE)
P0386 HR Master Record: Infotype 0386 (VHI Scheme)
P0387 HR Master Record : Infotype 0387 (Starter's Details)
P11_PAYE_0359 HR-IE: PAYE Uplift BTCI receiver structure
P11_PAYE_0387 HR-IE: PAYE(Starter Details) Uplift receiver structure
P11_PAYE_BODY HR-IE: Paye upload file - body structure
P11_PAYE_HEADER HR-IE: Paye upload file - header structure
P11_PAYE_TRAILER HR-IE: Paye upload file - trailer structure
P11_VHI_0386 HR-IE: VHI Upload BTCI receiver structure
P11_VHI_B_2002_INT HR-IE: VHI Upload structure body for Year 2002
P11_VHI_B_2002_V2 HR-IE: VHI Upload structure body for Year 2002
P11_VHI_H_2002 HR-IE: VHI Upload structure header for Year 2002
P11_VHI_PERNR_EXCL_LIST HR-IE: Personnel numbers excluded from VHI upload
P11_VHI_T_2002 HR-IE: VHI Upload structure trailer for Year 2002
P11_VHI_UP_2002_V2 HR-IE: VHI Upload structure for Year 2002
PC26V Payroll Results : Tax (IE)
PC26W Payroll Result: PRSI (IE)
PC27Q Cluster IE : exceptions
PC27R Pension Funds (IE)
PC2IE0 HR-IE : Advanced Holiday Pay Structure
PS0359 HR Master Record : Infotype 0359 (Tax - IE)
PS0360 HR Master Record: Infotype 0360 (PRSI - Ireland)
PS0361 HR Master Record : Infotype 0361 (Pensions Admin. - IE)
PS0386 HR Master Record: Infotype 0386 (VHI Scheme)
PS0387 HR Master Record : Infotype 0387 (Starter's Details)

Search Helps

SAP Package PB11 contains 2 search helps.

PIE_VHIGP Check Health Insurance Company Name
T7IEPH Search help for infotype 0361