The package PB12 (HR Master Data: Belgium) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCBE.
Package | PB12 |
Short Text | HR Master Data: Belgium |
Parent Package | HRCBE |
SAP Package PB12 contains 23 function groups.
0BP0 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PB0 | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
0PB1 | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
0PB4 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PB5 | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
0PB7 | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
0PB9 | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
0PBI | Institutions |
0PBO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PBP | Extended Table Maintenance (generated) |
EHBE1 | HR Employee Self Service - BE Address |
EHBE3 | ESS - Bank details Belgium |
EHBE5 | ESS - Personal data - Belgium |
EHBE6 | Family data - Belgium |
HRPADBE_ABSENCES | Absence processing belgium |
HRPADBE_HLP | Function group for search help exits |
HRPADBE_HLP2 | Search help exits #2 |
HRPADBE_HLP3 | Function group for serch help extis #3 |
HRPAYBE_CATT | Function modules for CATT |
HRPAYBE_INSTITUTIONS | Institutions functions |
HRPAYBE_READINSTITUTIONS | Functions to read institution data |
RPPB | Functions for Belgium |
SAP Package PB12 contains 8 transactions.
PC00_M12_DMN_DIM | Dimona: Display Reference Data |
PC00_M12_DMN_DIU | Dimona: Prepare Reference Data |
PC00_M12_DMN_GE | DIMONA - Generate TemSe file |
PC00_M12_DMN_MG | DIMONA - Manage TemSe file |
PC00_M12_DMN_PR | DIMONA - Prepare Declaration |
PC00_M12_N | Notification in advance educ. leave |
PC00_M12_P | Personnel Register |
PC00_M12_R | Reimbursement declar. educ. leave |
SAP Package PB12 contains 134 database tables.
PA0100 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (SI B) |
PA0101 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B) |
PA0107 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B) |
PA0108 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) |
PA0109 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B) |
PA0125 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B) |
PA0138 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers B) |
PA0503 | Pensioner's Definition |
PA0504 | Pensioner's Advantage B |
PA0505 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0505 |
PA0569 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0569 |
PA0735 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0735 (Dimona B) |
PA3207 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 3207 |
PA3270 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3270 |
PA3271 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3271 |
PB0107 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time B) |
PB0108 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) |
PB0109 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B) |
T5B01 | SI Categories Employees (B) |
T5B02 | SI Categories Employers (B) |
T5B03 | SI Specifications Employees (B) |
T5B04 | SI Notifications Employees (B) |
T5B05 | Function SI Hourly Paid Employee without Regulation (B) |
T5B06 | Text Table Country Codes SI/'BELCOTAX' (B) |
T5B07 | Profession Groups (B) |
T5B08 | Nationalities (B) |
T5B09 | Type deduction of SI-contribution employer (B) |
T5B0A | Text Table SI Categories Employees (B) |
T5B0B | Text Table SI Categories Employers (B) |
T5B0C | Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B) |
T5B0D | Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B) |
T5B0E | Text Table Function SI Hourly Paid without Regulation (B) |
T5B0F | Country Codes & Nationalities (B) |
T5B0G | Profession Groups (B) |
T5B0H | Text Table Nationalities (B) |
T5B0I | Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) |
T5B0K | Mapping of country ISO code to the NIS country code - Belg. |
T5B11 | Tax Calculation Type (B) |
T5B12 | Spouse's Professions (B) |
T5B13 | Leave Regulation Taxes (B) |
T5B14 | Marital Status (B) |
T5B15 | Translation Table: Marital Status |
T5B16 | Reason for Exemption |
T5B16T | Reason for Exemption (Text) |
T5B17 | Fiche 281.## |
T5B17T | Fiche 281.## text |
T5B1A | Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B) |
T5B1B | Text Table Spouse's Professions (B) |
T5B1C | Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B) |
T5B1D | Text Table Marital Status (B) |
T5B1E | Employee Groupings for Institution Tables |
T5B1ET | Text table for identity table employee grouping |
T5B1H | Relationships betw. companies and institutions |
T5B1P | Personnel subareas |
T5B1R | Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions |
T5B1S | Companies |
T5B1ST | Texts for companies (obsolete - not used) |
T5B1T | Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions |
T5B1U | Relationships Betw. Personnel Subareas and Institutions |
T5B1V | Correspondence of customer entries in TSADV |
T5B1W | Company ID |
T5B1WT | Company ID Text |
T5B21 | Kind of Pension |
T5B22 | Periodicity |
T5B23 | Juridical Statute Pension |
T5B24 | Code of Pension Advantage |
T5B25 | Special Rules Pension |
T5B26 | Origin of Advantage |
T5B27 | Code Sickness and Invalidity Insurance |
T5B28 | Type of Index Pension Codes |
T5B29 | Kind of Calculation Pension |
T5B2A | Kind of Pension Text |
T5B2B | Periodicity Text |
T5B2C | Juridical Statute Pension |
T5B2D | Text Code of Pension Advantage |
T5B2E | Special Rules Pension Text |
T5B2F | Origin of Advantage |
T5B2G | Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Text |
T5B2H | Type of Index Pension Text |
T5B2I | Kind of Calculation Pension |
T5B31 | Translation Table BE Educational Leave Quotums |
T5B32 | History Table Declared Courses Educational Leave |
T5B41 | Mapping date types to internal date types for IT41(Belg.) |
T5B51 | Text Table - Postal Codes (B) |
T5B52 | Text Table - Postal Codes 'NIS' (B) |
T5B53 | Postal Codes for Taxes (B) |
T5B5A | Fusion Postal Codes |
T5B5B | Text Table - Fusion Postal Codes (B) |
T5B5C | Postal Codes Villages (B) |
T5B5D | Match Belgium Postal codes to region |
T5B62 | Text Table Collective Agreements (B) |
T5B63 | Labour Commissions (B) |
T5B6B | Pay Scale Agreements (B) |
T5B6C | Labour Commissions (B) |
T5B71 | Work Schedule Systems (B) |
T5B72 | Weekly Workdays 'Regime' (B) |
T5B73 | Regulations Work Schedules (B) |
T5B7A | Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B) |
T5B7B | Text Table Weekly Workdays 'regime' (B) |
T5B7C | Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B) |
T5B92 | Institutional Groups (B) |
T5B9A | Institutions (B) |
T5B9B | Institutional Groups (B) |
T5B9G | Employee Groups/Subgroups (B) |
T5B9P | Plant/Plant Section (B) |
T5BD1 | Local Unit ID entities table |
T5BD2 | Local Unit ID text table. |
T5BD3 | Additional Social Insurance Contributions (obsolete) |
T5BD4 | Definition of modifiers for additional contributions |
T5BD4T | Texts for modifiers of additional contributions |
T5BD5 | Inherently dangerous activities |
T5BD5T | Inherently dangerous activities description |
T5BD6 | Assignment of premium rates to risk activities |
T5BD7 | Groupings of premium rates for risk activities |
T5BD7T | Texts for groupings of premium rates for risk activities |
T5BDR | Deductions codes for DMFA |
T5BDRM | Grouping of deductions for DMFA |
T5BDRMT | Grouping of deductions for DMFA |
T5BDRO | Deductions groupings for DMFA |
T5BDRT | Texts for deductions codes for DMFA |
T5BE2 | Types of Garnishment Assignment |
T5BIE | General extension table |
T5BP10 | Mapping of absence categories to internal absence types |
T5BP4 | Absence splitting table |
T5BP5 | Absence neighboring definition |
T5BP6 | Rules for absence collision |
T5BP7 | Internal absence code definition table |
T5BP8 | Absence category attributes |
T5BP9 | Absence processing BE: illness attributes table. |
T5BPM | Absence modifier definition table BE |
T5BPX | Text table for internal absence codes BE |
T5BPY | Text table for BEMOD (absence processing modifier BE) |
T5BVB | Contract Type Belgium |
T5BVD | Mapping Table Educational Type |
SAP Package PB12 contains 89 views.
H_T5B01 | Helpview for SI Employee Category (B) |
H_T5B02 | SI Categories Employers (B) |
H_T5B06 | Text Table for Country Codes SI/'BELGOTAX' (Belgium) |
H_T5B0B | Text Table SI Categories Employers (B) |
H_T5B0C | Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B) |
H_T5B0D | Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B) |
H_T5B0E | Texttable Function-SI Hourly Paid Regulation (B) |
H_T5B0F | Country Codes & Nationalities (B) |
H_T5B0G | Text Table Profession Groups (B) |
H_T5B0H | Text Table Nationalities (B) |
H_T5B0I | Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) |
H_T5B0J | Usage for Employee Category SI |
H_T5B1A | Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B) |
H_T5B1B | Text Table Spouse's Professions (B) |
H_T5B1C | Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B) |
H_T5B1D | Text Table Marital Status (B) |
H_T5B51 | Text Table Postal Codes (B) |
H_T5B5C | Postal Codes Villages (B) |
H_T5B62 | Text Table Collective Agreements (B) |
H_T5B63 | Labor Commissions (B) |
H_T5B6B | Collective Agreements (B) |
H_T5B7A | Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B) |
H_T5B7B | Text Table Weekly Workdays 'Regime' (B) |
H_T5B7C | Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B) |
H_T5B9A | Institutions (B) |
H_T5B9B | Text Table Institutional Groups (B) |
V_5B6C_A | Labour commission assignment to employee category |
V_BET5F99IE | View for the Belgium Institutions |
V_T536C_B | Addresses via BAS for Belgium |
V_T5B01 | SI Categories Employees (B) |
V_T5B02 | SI Categories Employers (B) |
V_T5B03 | SI Specifications Employees (B) |
V_T5B04 | SI Notifications Employees (B) |
V_T5B05 | Function SI for Employee Paid on Tips (B) |
V_T5B06 | Text Table Country Codes SI/'BELCOTAX' (B) |
V_T5B07 | Profession Groups (B) |
V_T5B08 | Nationalities (B) |
V_T5B09 | Type deduction of SI-contribution employer (B) |
V_T5B0A | SI Categories Employees (B) (obsolete) |
V_T5B0B | SI Categories Employers (B) (obsolete) |
V_T5B11 | Type of tax Calculation (B) |
V_T5B12 | Spouse's Professions (B) |
V_T5B13 | Leave Regulation Taxes (B) |
V_T5B14 | Marital Status (B) |
V_T5B17 | BELCOTAX 281. activity code. |
V_T5B1E | Employee Grouping Modifiers |
V_T5B1H | Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions |
V_T5B1P | Personnel area/subareas |
V_T5B1R | Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions |
V_T5B1S | Companies |
V_T5B1T | Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions |
V_T5B1U | Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions |
V_T5B1V | Correspondence of customer entries in TSADV |
V_T5B31 | Translation Table-View Educational Leave Quotums (Be) |
V_T5B41 | Belgian specific date types for IT 41. |
V_T5B53 | Postal Codes for Taxes (B) |
V_T5B5A | Fusion Postal Codes (B) |
V_T5B5C | Postal Codes (B) |
V_T5B5D | Match Belgium Postal codes to region |
V_T5B62 | Text Table Collective Agreements (B) |
V_T5B63 | Labour Commissions (B) |
V_T5B71 | Work Periods SI (B) |
V_T5B72 | Weekly Workdays 'Regime' (B) |
V_T5B73 | Regulations Work Schedules (B) |
V_T5B9A | Institutions (B) |
V_T5B9B | Institutional Groups (B) |
V_T5B9G | Employee Groups/Subgroups (B) |
V_T5B9P | Personnel Areas/Personnel Subareas (B) |
V_T5BD1 | Local Unit ID view |
V_T5BD3 | Additional Social Insurance Contributions (obsolete) |
V_T5BD4 | Definition of modifiers for additional contributions |
V_T5BD5 | Inherently dangerous activities |
V_T5BD6 | Assignment of premium rates to risk activities |
V_T5BD7 | Groupings of premium rates for risk activities |
V_T5BDR | Deductions codes for DMFA |
V_T5BDRM | Grouping of deductions for DMFA |
V_T5BDRO | Grouping of deductions for DMFA |
V_T5BIE | General extension table |
V_T5BP10 | Mapping of absence categories to internal absence types |
V_T5BP4 | Absence splitting table BE |
V_T5BP5 | Absence neighboring definition |
V_T5BP6 | Rules for absence collision |
V_T5BP7 | Internal absence identification codes |
V_T5BP8 | Mapping absence types to internal absence codes |
V_T5BP9 | Illness attributes table |
V_T5BPM | Absence modifier definition table BE |
V_T5BVB | Contract Type (Belgium) |
V_T5BVD | Mapping Table Educational Type |
V_TB50A | SI employee categories |
SAP Package PB12 contains 76 structures.
BAPIP0006LBE | HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) BE |
P0100 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (Social Insurance B) |
P0100_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0101 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B) |
P0101_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0107 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B) |
P0107_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0108 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) |
P0108_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0109 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B) |
P0109_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0125 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B) |
P0125_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0138 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers. B) |
P0138_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0503 | Pensioner's Definition B |
P0503_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0504 | Pensioner Advantage B |
P0504_AF | Zusatzfelder Query |
P0505 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0505 |
P0505_AF | Zusatzfelder Query |
P0569 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0569 |
P0569_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0735 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0735 |
P0735_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P12_REL_COMP_INST | Relationships between a company and institutions |
P12_REL_SUBAREA_INST | Relationships between a subarea and institutions |
P120A | HCM BE absence type and time |
P12DIM000 | DIMONA declaration record 000: ID of electronic carrier |
P12DIM001 | DIMONA declaration record 001: Address of the sender |
P12DIM002 | DIMONA declaration record 002: Contact |
P12DIM100 | DIMONA declaration record 100: Identification of Employer |
P12DIM101 | DIMONA declaration record 101: ID of natural person |
P12DIM102 | DIMONA declaration record 102: ID of legal person |
P12DIM103 | DIMONA declaration record 103: Address of the employer |
P12DIM200 | DIMONA declaration record 200: Identification of declaration |
P12DIM201 | DIMONA declaration record 201: Identification of employee |
P12DIM202 | DIMONA declaration record 202: Address of Employee |
P12DIM203 | DIMONA declaration record 203: Identification of contract |
P12DIM204 | DIMONA declaration record 204: ID User Interim Employee |
P12DIM205 | DIMONA declaration record 205: Specific data Constrn. Sector |
P12DIM209 | DIMONA declaration record 209: Data workplace Student |
P12DIM900 | DIMONA declaration record 900: Totals (end of file) |
P3207 | Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 3207 |
P3207_AF | Zusatzfelder Query |
P3270 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3270 |
P3270_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P3271 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3271 |
P3271_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PMEBD | Generic structure for features for DMFA |
PMEBL | feature BEDIL (Dimona labour commission codes) |
PS0100 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (Social Insurance B) |
PS0101 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B) |
PS0107 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B) |
PS0108 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) |
PS0109 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B) |
PS0125 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B) |
PS0138 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers. B) |
PS0503 | Pensioner's Definition |
PS0504 | Pensioner's Advantage B |
PS0505 | Holiday certificate IT0505 (B) |
PS0569 | Pension Payments |
PS0735 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0735 (Dimona B) |
PS3207 | Infotype additional payments Belcotax |
PS3270 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3270 (Comp. Indemnity Definition) |
PS3271 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3271 (C.I. Payments) |
Q0107 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B) |
Q0108 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B) |
Q0109 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B) |
Q0125 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B) |
Q0503 | Special Rules - Infotype P0503 |
Q3207 | Screen fields infotype additional payments Belcotax (3207) |
RPCBOWB0 | Belcotax On Web help for fields in reports |
RPUCIDB0_ALV | Tree in ALV for report RPUCIDB0 |
V61P12DIM203 | DIMONA declaration record 203: Identification of contract |
SAP Package PB12 contains 20 programs.
MP010000 | Module pool infotype 0100 (social insurance - Belgium) |
MP010100 | Module Pool Infotype 0101 (Tax - Belgium) |
MP010700 | Module pool infotype 0107 (work schedule - Belgium) |
MP010800 | Module pool infotype 0108 (personal data - Belgium) |
MP010900 | Module pool infotype 0109 (contract elements - Belgium) |
MP320700 | Module Pool Infotype 3207 |
RPCDIPB0 | Dimona Declaration: Preparation |
RPLDE1B3 | Reimbursement declarations for educational leave (BE) |
RPLDE1B4 | Notification in advance for educational leave (BE) |
RPLDPRB0 | Personnel register (BE) |
RPLMOGB0 | Quarterly Declaration for Child Allowance Fund (Model G) |
RPU604B1 | Initialization of Indemnity Definition (3270) Infotype Object IDs |
RPUCIDB0 | Complementary Indemnity Payments - Adjustment Social Welfare benefit |
RPUCIPB0 | Complementary Indemnity Payments - Payment adjustment |
RPUCUS01 | RPUCUSBA parameters overview |
RPUINSB0 | Convert old institutions tables |
RPUP07B0 | HR-BE: Update infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time) records |
RPUP16B0 | HR-BE: Update infotype 0109 (Contract Elements) records |
RPUVIEKNBE | Conversion for IT view (BE) |
SAP Package PB12 contains 31 search helps.
H_T5B01 | Helpview for SI Employee Category (B) |
H_T5B02 | SI Categories Employers (B) |
H_T5B06 | Text Table Country Codes SI/'BELCOTAX' (B) |
H_T5B0B | Text Table SI Categories Employers (B) |
H_T5B0C | Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B) |
H_T5B0D | Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B) |
H_T5B0E | Texttable Function-SI Hourly Paid Regulation (B) |
H_T5B0F | Country Codes & Nationalities (B) |
H_T5B0G | Text Table Profession Groups (B) |
H_T5B0H | Text Table Nationalities (B) |
H_T5B0I | Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) |
H_T5B0J | Usage for Employee Category SI |
H_T5B1A | Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B) |
H_T5B1B | Text Table Spouse's Professions (B) |
H_T5B1C | Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B) |
H_T5B1D | Text Table Marital Status (B) |
H_T5B51 | Text Table Postal Codes (B) |
H_T5B5C | Postal Codes Villages (B) |
H_T5B62 | Text Table Collective Agreements (B) |
H_T5B63 | Labour Commissions (B) |
H_T5B6B | Collective Agreements (B) |
H_T5B7A | Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B) |
H_T5B7B | Text Table Weekly Workdays 'regime' (B) |
H_T5B7C | Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B) |
H_T5B9A | Institutions (B) |
H_T5B9B | Text Table Institutional Groups (B) |
H_T5BVZ | Factory shutdown fund |
HRPADBE_ACTCODE | Inherent risk activity |
HRPADBE_DIMAN | Search help for DIMONA Sender Number |
HRPADBE_RSZNR | Search help for rsznr (SI nr.) BE |
P12_HACTCODE | Inherent risk activity |
SAP Package PB12 contains 2 message classes.
5V | HR: Messages for Belgium |
HRPADBE_ABSENCES | Messages for absences BE |