The package PB44 (HR master data: Finland) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCFI.
Package | PB44 |
Short Text | HR master data: Finland |
Parent Package | HRCFI |
SAP Package PB44 contains 6 function groups.
HR_FI_MAINTVIEW | HCM FI: Table maintenance views |
HR_FI_MASTERDATA_GENERAL | Finnish functionality for master data |
HR_FI_STATVIEW | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HR_FI_TELME | Messages for TEL |
HRPAYFI_COMP_CAR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRPAYFI_PERSVIEW | HCM FI: Views for org. assignments |
SAP Package PB44 contains 3 transactions.
PC00_M44_TCDOWN | Tax card download |
PC00_M44_TCUP | Tax card upload |
PC00_M44_UCPL | Check for locked personnel numbers |
SAP Package PB44 contains 31 database tables.
PA0205 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0205 (taxes Finland) |
PA0206 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0206 (SI Finland) |
PA0228 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0228 (garnishments Finland) |
T7FI01 | Finnish tax offices |
T7FI02 | Pension insurance table (Finland) |
T7FI03 | Pension insurance groups (Finland) |
T7FI04 | Pension insurance departments (Finland) |
T7FI05 | Insurance codes (Finland) |
T7FI06 | Risk groups for accident insurance (Finland) |
T7FI07 | Accident insurance table (Finland) |
T7FI08 | Finnish Unemployment Percentages |
T7FI09 | Type of establishment (Finland) |
T7FI0P | Addtional information on personnel area/subarea (Finland) |
T7FI10 | Type of establishment (Finland) |
T7FI11 | Place of business related info (Finland) |
T7FI12 | Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea |
T7FI13 | Fields in Statistical file (Finland) |
T7FI14 | Fields in Statistical file (Finland) |
T7FI15 | Statistical ID |
T7FI16 | Statistical Branch text |
T7FI17 | File Format for Statistics ID |
T7FI1P | Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea |
T7FI510 | TVR relevant payscale group/level (Finland) |
T7FIA | File Format for Statistics ID - Blue collar employees |
T7FIB | Fields in Statistical file(Finland) - Blue collar employees |
T7FIBT | Fields in Statistical file(Finland) - Blue collar employees |
T7FIC0 | Age groups for company cars (Finland) |
T7FITELME | TEL messages |
T7FITELME_ABS | TEL messages - Absences |
T7FIU0 | Unemployment percentages (Finland) |
T7FIVAC | Wage types, constants and rules for Vacation Statement |
SAP Package PB44 contains 34 views.
H_T521B_FI | Help view for payee keys (Finland) |
H_T521C_228 | Execution offices for garnishments (Finland) |
H_T7FIA2 | Help for pension insurance contract (Finland) |
H_T7FIA2_OLD | Help for pension insurance contract (Finland) |
V_T7FI01 | Tax offices (Finland) |
V_T7FI02 | Pension insurance contract (Finland) |
V_T7FI07 | Help for accident insurance contract (Finland) |
V_T7FI09 | Type of establishment (Finland) |
V_T7FI0P | Additional information for personnel area/subarea (Finland) |
V_T7FI11 | Place of business related info (Finland) |
V_T7FI12 | Time Dependant information at Personnel area/sub area level |
V_T7FI13 | Maintain the fields for Statistics file |
V_T7FI15 | Maintain Statistical branch |
V_T7FI17 | Maintain the Statistics file format for different industries |
V_T7FI1P | Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea (FI) |
V_T7FI1P_2003 | Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea (FI) |
V_T7FI43F | Assign IT0033 4-char. exceptions to 10-digit POB IDs (FI) |
V_T7FI510 | TVR Relevant Payscale group/level |
V_T7FIA | Maintain the Statistics file format for blue collar EE |
V_T7FIB | Maintain the fields for Statisitcs file for Blue Collar EE |
V_T7FIC0 | Age groups for company car (Finland) |
V_T7FIU0 | Unemployment percentages (Finland) |
V_T7FIVAC | Wage types, constants and rules for Vacation statement |
VV_001P_FI_WT | Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types FI |
VV_503_FI_WT | Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types FI |
VV_510A_FI_PARAKE | Identify Parake Structure by Internal Pay Scale Type '02' |
VV_512Z_FI_0057 | IMG Activity: Trade Union fees Finland |
VV_52D7_FI_0057 | Check Wage Type Group 'Membership Fees' Finland |
VV_T510J_FI | Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants Finland |
VV_T549S_FI | Payroll dates Finland |
VV_T554C_FI | Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules |
VV_T591A_FI_TUMF | Define Membership Fee Types |
VV_T7FIA4_FI | Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector) |
VV_T7FID0_FI | TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS) Finland |
SAP Package PB44 contains 26 structures.
HFILPEN0_OUTPUT | Change of insurance type |
P0205 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0205 |
P0206 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0206 |
P0228 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0228 |
P44_TALEL_REC1 | TaEL/LEL: Record-type 1 |
P44_TALEL_REC2 | TaEL/LEL: Record-type 2 |
P44_TALEL_REC3 | TaEL/LEL: Record-type 3 |
P44_TEL_REC1 | TEL: Record type 1 |
P44_TEL_REC2 | TEL: Record type 2 |
P44_TEL_REC3 | TEL: Record type 3 |
P44_TEL_REC4 | TEL: Record type 4 |
P44_TEL_REC5 | TEL: Record type 5 |
P44_TELME | Relevant master data for TEL messages |
P44_TELME_ABS | TEL messages - Relevant absences from Master Data |
P44_TELSTS | TemSe structure for TEL reporting |
P44_VAC_RULE | Structure to store the pernr and vacation calculation rules |
PFI_HTVRST | Structure for selecting the Type of highest TVR |
PFI_TCDU_AUTH | Structure of tax card down- and upload |
PMECT | Decision fields for Feature 44CTP |
PS0205 | Tax card Information for Finland (IT0205) |
PS0206 | Finnish Social Insurance Infotype |
PS0228 | Garnishments Finland |
Q0205 | Screen Fields Tax Infotype Finland (IT0205) |
Q0206 | Finnish Social Insurance Infotype, Q-structure |
Q0228 | Screen Fields Garnishment Infotype Finland (IT0228) |
VACST | Fields used to decide the grouping for vacation statement |
SAP Package PB44 contains 12 programs.
HFILAAI0 | Annual accident insurance statement (Finland) |
HFILTALEL0 | LEL/TaEL reporting (Finland) |
HFILTCRE | Display tax card information (Finland) |
HFILTEL0 | TEL employment and year statement (Finland) |
HFILTVR0 | Pay Scale Reclassification data for Parake employees |
HFIUCPL0 | Personnel numbers that have to be unlocked for payroll runs |
HFIUTCCP | Delimitation and copying of tax infotypes |
HFIUTCDL | Download tax card (Finland) |
HFIUTCUL | Upload tax card (Finland) |
MP020500 | Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0205, Tax Card |
MP020600 | Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0206, Social security |
MP022800 | Module Pool for Finnish Infotype P0228, Garnishment |
SAP Package PB44 contains 11 search helps.
H_T521B_FI | Help view for payee keys |
HFI_ACRSGR | Finnish risk group |
HFI_IDA | Finnish Accident Ins ID |
HFI_IDP | Finnish Pension Ins ID |
HFI_INDP | pension insurace departments |
HFI_INGR | pension insurace groups |
HFI_TAUTH | Tax office |
HFI_TTYPE | Tax card type |
HFI_UNGR | Finnish unemployment group help |
HRPAYFI_P44_EXOFF | Execution offices |
HRPAYFI_TAUTH | Finnish tax authority name |
SAP Package PB44 contains 1 message classes.
HRPADFI | Message Class For Finnish PA |