
SAP Package PB7G

HR Garnishment Canada

The package PB7G (HR Garnishment Canada) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCCA.

Technical Information

Package PB7G
Short Text HR Garnishment Canada
Parent Package HRCCA

Function Groups

SAP Package PB7G contains 1 function groups.

0PKG erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)


SAP Package PB7G contains 2 transactions.

PC00_M07_H Garnishments History Canada
PKG1 Copy entries for garnishment CA

Database Tables

SAP Package PB7G contains 11 database tables.

PA0066 HR Master data infotype 0066 - Canadian garnishment: order
PA0067 HR master data infotype 0067 - Canadian garnishment: debt
PA0068 HR master data infotype 0068 - Canadian garnishment: adjust
T5KG0 Gross/net model characteristics
T5KG1 Special rule
T5KG2 Description of special rule
T5KG3 Special rule calculation scheme
T5KG4 Non-exempt amount model characteristics
T5KG5 Relationship to other debts model characteristics
T5KG6 Default values
T5KG9 Garnishee fee


SAP Package PB7G contains 10 views.

H_T5KG1 Special rule
V_5KG4_B Non-exempt amount model
V_5KG5_B Relationship to other debts model
V_T5KG0 Gross/net model characteristics
V_T5KG1 Special Rule
V_T5KG3 Special rule calculation scheme
V_T5KG4 Non-exempt amount model characteristics
V_T5KG5 Relationship to other debts model characteristics
V_T5KG6 Default values
V_T5KG9 Garnishee fee characteristics


SAP Package PB7G contains 14 structures.

P0066 HR master data infotype 0066 - Canadian garnishment: order
P0067 HR master data infotype 0067 - Canadian garnishment: debt
P0068 HR master data infotype 0068 - Canadian garnishment: adjust
PC29E Payroll results Canada: Garnishment order
PC29F Payroll results Canada: Garnishment debt
PC29G Payroll results Canada: Garnishment record
PC29H Payroll results Canada: Garnishment record
PS0066 Garnishment order
PS0067 Garnishment debt
PS0068 Garnishment adjustment
Q0066 Infotype 0066: DYNPRO structure
Q0067 Infotype 0067: DYNPRO structure
Q0068 Infotype 0068: DYNPRO structure
RPCGXXKX Canadian garnishment: Report parameters


SAP Package PB7G contains 4 programs.

MP006600 Module Pool for infotype 0066 - Canadian garnishment: order
MP006700 Module Pool for Infotype 0067: Canadian Garnishment: Debt
MP006800 Garnishment: Calculating amounts to be paid in case of multiple debts
RPCGR1K0 Canadian garnishment: History