
SAP Package PC26

HR payroll accounting: Thailand

The package PC26 (HR payroll accounting: Thailand) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCTH.

Technical Information

Package PC26
Short Text HR payroll accounting: Thailand
Parent Package HRCTH

Function Groups

SAP Package PC26 contains 4 function groups.

31TH Output module for Thailand
3THA Thailand Cluster Print Routines
3THT Taxation Thailand
HRSP_TH payroll splits TH


SAP Package PC26 contains 24 transactions.

PC00_M26 Payroll for Thailand
PC00_M26_CALC Payroll Driver Thailand
PC00_M26_CALC_SIMU Simulate Payroll
PC00_M26_CAWS Generate Annual Wage Supplement
PC00_M26_CDTB Pay in Advance
PC00_M26_CDTC Prepare Bank Transfer
PC00_M26_CEDT Print Remuneration Statement
PC00_M26_CKTO Display Payroll Account
PC00_M26_CLJN Display Payroll Journal
PC00_M26_CLSTR Display Payroll Results
PC00_M26_CREATE_SEQN Create Seq. no. for Thai employee
PC00_M26_CSSD1 Print Details of Social Sec. Form
PC00_M26_CSSS1 Print Summary of Social Sec. Form
PC00_M26_CTX1A Print Income Tax Form 1A
PC00_M26_CTX5B Print Income Tax Form 50 BIS
PC00_M26_CTX91 Reconcile Income Tax for Form PIT91
PC00_M26_CTXF1 Run Tax Report for Income Tax Form 1
PC00_M26_FFOM Perform Bank Transfer
PC00_M26_JAHRLICHE Subsequent activities TH - annual
PC00_M26_LVA0 Create Leave Entitlement
PC00_M26_PAP subs.activities - per payroll period
PC00_M26_PDUNABHAGIG Subs. activities TH - period-indepen
PC00_M26_SONSPERIOD Subsequent activities TH - other per
PC26 Payroll for Thailand


SAP Package PC26 contains 5 structures.

PAYTH_NATIONAL HR-PAY-TH: National part of payroll result
PAYTH_RESULT Hr-PAY-TH: Definition of payroll result
PC27K Payroll Structure for TAX - TH
PC27L Payroll result: Social Security Thailand
PC27M Payroll Results : Provident Fund TH


SAP Package PC26 contains 18 programs.

HTHCALC0 Payroll Driver, Version 9 (Thailand)
HTHCAWS0 Bonus (AWS) Calculation
HTHCDTC0 Preliminary Prog - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs (TH)
HTHCEDT0 Remuneration Statements
HTHCKTO0 Payroll Accounts Thailand
HTHCLJN0 Payroll Journal - THAILAND
HTHCLSTR Payroll Results for Cluster TH
HTHCSSD1 Social Security Detailed Report Form No. 1-10 (1st Part) THAILAND
HTHCSSS1 Social Security Form No. 1-10 (1st Part) THAILAND
HTHCTX1A Income Tax Form 1A - Yearly report Thailand
HTHCTX5B Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearly report Thailand
HTHCTX91 Income Tax Reconciliation Worksheet (PIT91)
HTHCTXF1 Income Tax Form 1 (ITF1) - Monthly Report for Thailand
HTHLVA00 Leave Entitlement Generation for TH
HTHU_CREATE_SEQ_NO Create Sequence no. for Thai Employee (for Legal reports)
HTHUVIEK Initialize P0003