
SAP Package PC27

HR payroll accounting: Hong Kong

The package PC27 (HR payroll accounting: Hong Kong) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCHK.

Technical Information

Package PC27
Short Text HR payroll accounting: Hong Kong
Parent Package HRCHK

Function Groups

SAP Package PC27 contains 7 function groups.

31HK Output module for Hong Kong
3HKB HR-HK: Tax function group
3HKD HR-HK: MPF/ORSO Entitlement
3HKE Termination Payments for Hongkong
3HKF Print functions for HHKCLSTR Hongkong
HRESSHK_REP ESS Reporting for Hong Kong
HRSP_HK payroll splits HK


SAP Package PC27 contains 30 transactions.

HRESSHK_IR56B End of Tax Year Form
HRESSHK_IR56F Ceased to be Employed Form
HRESSHK_IR56G Employee Departing Hong Kong Form
PC00_M27 Payroll Accounting for Hong Kong
PC00_M27_CALC Payroll Driver Hong Kong
PC00_M27_CALC_SIMU Simulate Payroll
PC00_M27_CDTB Prepare Bank Transfer /Extra Payment
PC00_M27_CDTC Prepare Bank Transfer
PC00_M27_CEDT Print Remuneration Statement
PC00_M27_CKJN Display Payroll Journal
PC00_M27_CKTO Display Payroll Account
PC00_M27_CLSTR Display Payroll Result
PC00_M27_CPFB MPF contr. medium report for Bermuda
PC00_M27_CPFC MPF contri. medium report for HSBC
PC00_M27_CREC0 Perform Payroll Results Check
PC00_M27_CTXB Run Employee Tax Report for IR56
PC00_M27_CTXE Print Form IR56E
PC00_M27_CTXF Print Form IR56F
PC00_M27_CTXG Print Form IR56G
PC00_M27_EOY Prepare End of Year Payment
PC00_M27_FFOT Perform Bank Transfer
PC00_M27_HHKCLST1 Payroll Results for Cluster HZ
PC00_M27_JAHRLICHE Subsequent activities - Annual
PC00_M27_PAP Subsequent activities per payroll pe
PC00_M27_PDUNABHAGIG Subsequent activities - Period-indep
PC00_M27_SONSPERIOD Subsequent activities - Other period
PC00_M27_SSL Create Statutory Sickness Leave
PC00_M27_UREC0 Prepare Payroll Results Check
PC00_M27_UREC5 Display Payroll Results Check
PC27 Payroll Accounting for Hong Kong


SAP Package PC27 contains 14 structures.

HHKCDTC0 Parameters for Report HHKcdtc0 (Hong Kong specific)
HKADJQTRS HR-HK: wt adjustment for quarter details
HKQUARTER HR-HK: Payroll structure for Quarters details
PAYHK_NATIONAL HR-PAY-HK: National part of payroll result
PAYHK_RESULT HR-PAY-HK: Definition of payroll result
PC29T HR-HK: Payroll structure for Tax - Period by period
PC29U HR-HK: Payroll structure for the MPF/ORSO Contribution
PC29V HR-HK: Payroll structure for the MPF/ORSO Entitlement
PC29W HR-HK: Payroll structure for EOY Payment
PC29X HR-HK: Payroll structure for Tax Quarters - Tax year
PC29Y HR-HK: Payroll structure for cumulative tax data
PC2A5 HR-HK: Payroll structure for Tax Overseas Concern - Tax year
PC2A6 HR-HK: Payroll structure for Receipts
RPCXXXHK Structure for Hong Kong Report parameters


SAP Package PC27 contains 22 programs.

HHKCALC0 Payroll Driver Hong Kong
HHKCDTB0 Preliminary Data Medium Exchange - for separate payment run
HHKCDTC0 Preliminary Data Medium Exchange - for several payment runs(HK)
HHKCEDT0 Remuneration Statements - Hong Kong
HHKCKTO0 Payroll Accounts
HHKCLJN0 Payroll Journal - Hong Kong
HHKCLLO0 Hong Kong subroutines for RPCLSTLO
HHKCLST1 Payroll Results for Cluster HZ - Hongkong Payroll Projection
HHKCLSTR Payroll Results for Cluster HK
HHKCPFB0 HR-HK: Periodic MPF contribution report (format: bank of Bermuda)
HHKCPFC0 HR-HK: Periodic MPF contribution report (format: HSBC)
HHKCREC0 Payroll results check tool
HHKCSKLE Batch Input: Statutory Sick Leave
HHKCTXB0 Employer's Return of Remuneration and Pensions for Tax Years
HHKCTXE0 Notification by Employer of Employee Who Commences to Be Employed
HHKCTXF0 Notification by Employer of Employee Who Is to Cease to Be Employed
HHKCTXG0 Notification by Employer of Employee Who Is to Depart from Hong Kong
HHKU0346 Conversion program for Infotype 0346(HK specific)
HHKUJ2Z0 Conversion program : T7HK2J to T7HK2Q, T7HK2R,T7Hk2S and T7HK2Z
HHKUREC0 Payroll results check tool: Generation
HHKUREC5 Payroll results check tool: Display
RPU_M27_EOY EOY payment control table generation(Hong Kong)