

Benefits North America

The package PCNA_BEN (Benefits North America) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCUS.

Technical Information

Package PCNA_BEN
Short Text Benefits North America
Parent Package HRCUS


SAP Package PCNA_BEN contains 2 transactions.

P000_M10_DEP Benefits dependents list
P000_M10_HIPAA HIPAA certificate report

Database Tables

SAP Package PCNA_BEN contains 6 database tables.

PA0496 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - Per Pay Period
PA0497 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - MTD
PA0498 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - QTD
PA0499 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTD
PA0500 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Arrears (ARRRS)
PA0501 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)


SAP Package PCNA_BEN contains 24 structures.

HCM_DEPINFO_PDF Dependants Information for Group Health Plan ( HIPPA )
HCM_EMPEML_PDF Group Health Plan, Employee and Employer Info.
HCM_RPLHIPU0_DEPINFO_PDF Dependants Information for Group Health Plan ( HIPPA )
HCM_RPLHIPU0_EMPEML_PDF Group Health Plan, Employee and Employer Info.
HCM_RPLHIPU1_COVDEP_PDF Dependents Info for Certificate of Creditable Coverage
HCM_RPLHIPU1_COVERAGE_PDF Coverage Information for Certificate of Creditable Coverage
HCM_RPLHIPU1_PCERTEMP_PDF Person certified,Employer Info for RPLHIPU1(Master Record)
P0496 Additional Query Fields
P0496_AF Additional Query Fields
P0497 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - MTD
P0497_AF Additional Query Fields
P0498 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - QTD
P0498_AF Additional Query Fields
P0499 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTD
P0499_AF Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTD
P0500 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Arrears (ARRRS)
P0500_AF Additional Query Fields
P0501 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)
P0501_AF Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)
PS0497 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - MTD
PS0498 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - QTD
PS0499 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTD
PS0500 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Arrears (ARRRS)
PS0501 Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)


SAP Package PCNA_BEN contains 11 programs.

MP010300 Module Pool: Infotype 0103 Bond Purchases (NA)
MP010400 Module Pool: Infotype 0104 Bond Denominations (NA)
MP049600 mp049600
MP049700 mp049700
MP049800 mp049800
MP049900 MP049900
MP050000 MP050000
MP050100 MP050100
RPLDEPU0 Benefits Dependents List
RPLHIPU0 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Report
RPLHIPU1 HIPAA Certificate Creation Report