SAP Package PDEL

HR: for future deletion of noted objects!

The package PDEL (HR: for future deletion of noted objects!) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PDEL
Short Text HR: for future deletion of noted objects!
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PDEL contains 1 function groups.

HRPAYCN2 Result display function


SAP Package PDEL contains 9 transactions.

P3PR 3PR Reconciliation Workbench
PC00_M13_LARR Payroll rpts Arrears Dedn.Report 13
PC00_M13_LDMV Payroll rpts Movement Detail Rpt. 13
PC00_M13_LEXC Payroll rpts Exception Report 13
PC00_M13_LFND Superannuation-Fund Report 13
PC00_M13_LHIS Payroll rpts History Report 13
PC00_M13_LPYR Payroll rpts Record O/view report 13
PC00_M13_LRDO Payroll rpts RDO Report 13
PC00_M13_LSUP Superannuation-Employee Report 13

Database Tables

SAP Package PDEL contains 42 database tables.

P0SUB Subsystems to Non-SAP Systems
P0SUT Texts for Subsystem
T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas
T535Q HR Test Cases: no longer supported
T555S PDC Record Type Conversion
T5D2W StADÜV Kennzahlen
T5ITGA EEF final archive
T5ITI1 Standard period table
T5JA1 Text of appraisal feature JP
T5JA3 Appraisal-Payscale regrading constants JP
T5JA4 Text of rank value of appraisal JP & check table
T5JC1 HR check table for income tax deduction JP
T5JC2 HR check table for family dependant tax deduction JP
T5JC3 HR Standard annual income for Y.E.A. JPN
T5JC4 HR Tax Deduction Amount for Y.E.A. JPN
T5JIC HR Insurance company key master JP
T5JII HR Indicator for Social Insurance insured JP
T5JIR Indicator for Premium Rate
T5JSA HR Indicator for Acquired/lost JP
T5JSE HR Reason for Acuired/lost JP
T5JSY HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN
T5JT1 Payroll income tax table - monthly chart
T5JT2 Payroll income tax table - daily KOU
T5JT3 Payroll income tax table - daily OTSU
T5JTD HR Deduction indicator text JP
T5JTI HR Insurance company type JP
T5JTX HR Text of indicator for taxation JP
T5JTY Text of indicator for Year End Adjustment
T703 Incentive Wages: Operation Features
T703A Incentive Wages: Replaced by T703H
T703E Incentive Wages: Convert Activity Types to Result Types
T703N Incentive Wages: Allowed Wage Types
T703O Incentive Wages: Convert Wage Types to Result Types
T703S Incentive Wages: Premium Formulas
T703T Incentive Wages: Premium Formula Texts
T703Z Incentive Wages:Admissibility of Parameters and Result Types
T705C Internal Record Types
T705D Function Codes
T705O Personal PDC Modifiers
T705S Assignment of Control Station Group -> PDC Group
T705U Additional Texts for Record Types
T705V Function Code Texts


SAP Package PDEL contains 1 structures.

PDC59 Quasi-Key of PDC Message for Group Premium


SAP Package PDEL contains 5 programs.

RPCERL00 External Routines for Loans
RPCLLOD0 Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO
RPCLLOX0 Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO
RPCLOR00 Repayment Plan
RPCLSTLO Printout of Loan Results