
SAP Package POUT

Generic Outsourcing - International

The package POUT (Generic Outsourcing - International) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package POUT
Short Text Generic Outsourcing - International
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package POUT contains 4 function groups.

HRMD_PAD Idoc import for All in One Best Practice
HROT HR: Function Group for Outsourcing
HROUT00BP HR: Outsourcing Payroll BAPI's
POUT Payroll Outsourcing


SAP Package POUT contains 52 transactions.

PC00_M01_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M02_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M04_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M05_OFPM Special payroll process
PC00_M05_OTCL Payroll driver NL for import process
PC00_M05_OTCP Combined payroll export
PC00_M05_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M05_OTEX Create Gross Payroll Export
PC00_M05_OTLJ Payroll Journal - Outsourcing
PC00_M05_OTMM Mini master export
PC00_M06_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M07_OTCL Payroll Driver Canada for Import
PC00_M07_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M07_OTEX Create Export Data
PC00_M07_OTLJ Payroll Journal - Outsourcing
PC00_M08_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M10_OTCL Payroll Driver US for Import Process
PC00_M10_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M10_OTEX Create Gross Payroll Export
PC00_M10_OTL1 Cross Year Adjustment Display
PC00_M10_OTLJ Payroll Journal - Outsourcing
PC00_M10_OTU1 IF delete by pay period
PC00_M10_OTUR Tax Services - Reconciliation
PC00_M10_OTUT Tax Services
PC00_M10_OTUT_DISP Display IF cluster tax fields
PC00_M10_OTUT_SETUP US Tax Services Outsourcing setup
PC00_M10_OTUY Tax Services - Yearly
PC00_M11_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M15_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M37_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M44_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M99_OTCP Combined Payroll XX Export
PC00_M99_OTEM Create Master Data Export
PC00_M99_OTEX International Gross Payroll Export
PC00_M99_OTLJ Payroll Journal - Outsourcing
PC00_M99_OTMM Mini Master Export - XX
PC00_OFPM Special payroll process model
PC00_OTBN Create Generic Benefits Export
PC00_OTIN Process Inbound
PC00_OTRL Release IDocs
PC00_OTTM Create Time Wage Type Export
S_AHR_61018874 IDoc inbound processing via file
S_PH0_48000309 Inbound Processing of IDocs Ready fo
S_PH0_48000347 Export
S_PH0_48000348 RPCEMDX0_CALL
S_PH0_48000351 Payroll driver (international)
S_PH0_48000542 Mini Master Export
S_PH0_48000543 Combined Payroll Export
S_PH0_48000544 Combined Payroll Export
S_PH0_48000545 Mini Master Export

Database Tables

SAP Package POUT contains 3 database tables.

PA0491 HR Master Record: Infotype 491
T558E Transfer External Payroll-Arrears Results (International)
T5UOT Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods


SAP Package POUT contains 145 structures.

BAPIOUT_001 Payroll Outsourcing Employee Key Data
E1H558D HR: Outsourcing US: Inbound IDOC Table T558A (Test)
E1HR_8B HR: Outsourcing: Inbound IDOC Table 558b
E1HR_AB Outsourcing: Absences
E1HR_AC Outsourcing: Actions
E1HR_AD Outsourcing: Addresses
E1HR_AL Outsourcing: Alternate Payment
E1HR_BA Outsourcing: Spending Accounts
E1HR_BH Outsourcing: Health Benefits
E1HR_BK Outsourcing: Banking
E1HR_BL Outsourcing: Life Insurance
E1HR_BM Outsourcing: Benefits Miscellaneous
E1HR_BP Outsourcing: Basic Pay
E1HR_BRC Outsourcing: Contract Elements - Brazil
E1HR_BRD Outsourcing: Documentos - Brazil
E1HR_BRF Outsourcing: Family Brazil
E1HR_BRG Outsourcing: General Brazil
E1HR_BS Outsourcing: Savings Plans
E1HR_CC Outsourcing - Company Car
E1HR_CE Outsourcing: Cost Distribution Employee
E1HR_CHF Outsourcing: FiscalData - CH
E1HR_CHR Outsourcing: Residence Status - CH
E1HR_CHS Outsourcing: Social Insurance - CH
E1HR_CL Outsourcing: Challenge
E1HR_CM Outsourcing - Communications
E1HR_CN Outsourcing - Contract Elements
E1HR_CO Outsourcing: Cost Distribution Wage Types
E1HR_CS Outsourcing: Customization
E1HR_DA Outsourcing: SI Additional Insurance DE
E1HR_DF Outsourcing: Fiscal Data Germany
E1HR_DG Outsourcing: General DE
E1HR_DI Outsourcing: Company Insurance - DE
E1HR_DP Outsourcing: Previous Employer DE
E1HR_DS Outsourcing: Social Insurance DE
E1HR_DT Outsourcing: Dates
E1HR_DV Outsourcing: DUEVO DE
E1HR_ESC Outsourcing: Contract Elements - Spain
E1HR_ESF Outsourcing: Fiscal Data - Spain
E1HR_ESS Outsourcing: Social Insurance - Spain
E1HR_FM Outsourcing: Family
E1HR_FRI Outsourcing: INSEE Category - FR
E1HR_FRP Outsourcing: Pension - FR
E1HR_FRS Outsourcing: Social Insurance - FR
E1HR_GN Outsourcing: North American General
E1HR_GNI Outsourcing: National Insurance GB
E1HR_GR Outsourcing: US Garnishments
E1HR_GT Outsourcing: Tax GB
E1HR_HD Outsourcing: Header
E1HR_ITA Outsourcing: Administration - Italy
E1HR_ITC Outsourcing: CAAF Data Clearing - Italy
E1HR_ITE Outsourcing: Third Party Amounts - Italy
E1HR_ITF Outsourcing: Family - Italy
E1HR_ITFA Outsourcing: Family Allowance - Italy
E1HR_ITP Outsourcing: Previous Employer - Italy
E1HR_ITS Outsourcing: Social Insurance - Italy
E1HR_ITSN Outsourcing: Seniority - Italy
E1HR_ITSP Outsourcing: Special Remunerations - Italy
E1HR_ITSSFN Outsourcing: Suppl. Social Security Fund - Italy
E1HR_ITT Outsourcing: Tax Deduction - Italy
E1HR_ITU Outsourcing: User Administration - Italy
E1HR_KE Outsourcing: Tax Exemptions Canada
E1HR_KR Outsourcing: Canadian Garnishments
E1HR_KY Outsourcing: Key data for every employee
E1HR_LC Outsourcing: Leave Compensation
E1HR_LN Outsourcing - Loans
E1HR_LV Outsourcing: Leave
E1HR_MW Outsourcing: MD Wage Types
E1HR_NB Outsourcing - CBS NL
E1HR_NC Outsourcing - Commuting NL
E1HR_NE Outsourcing - External Agencies
E1HR_NF Outsourcing - Social Insurance Funds NL
E1HR_NL Outsourcing - Loonaangifte NL
E1HR_NP Outsourcing - Pensions NL
E1HR_NR Outsourcing - Premium Reduction
E1HR_NS Outsourcing - Social Insurance NL
E1HR_NT Outsourcing - Fiscal Data NL
E1HR_NV Outsourcing - Savings Scheme NL
E1HR_NX Outsourcing - Special Provisions
E1HR_OR Outsourcing: Organizational Assignment
E1HR_PI Outsourcing - Personal Id's
E1HR_PO Outsourcing: Customizing infotype
E1HR_PR Outsourcing: Personal Data
E1HR_QT Outsourcing: Quotas
E1HR_TE Outsourcing: US Tax Exemptions
E1HR_TL Outsourcing: Trailer
E1HR_TX Outsourcing: US Tax
E1HR_U1 Outsourcing: MD US Residence Tax
E1HR_U2 Outsourcing: MD US Work Tax Area
E1HR_U3 Outsourcing: MD US Unemployment State
E1HR_U4 Outsourcing: MD US W4/W5
E1HR_UA Outsourcing: US Additional Withholding Tax
E1HR_UAT Outsourcing: US Tax Authority Totals
E1HR_UCT Outsourcing: US Tax Company Totals
E1HR_UHA Outsourcing: US Tax Authority Header
E1HR_UKE Outsourcing: US Employee Key - Tax Services
E1HR_UKY Outsourcing: US Tax Company Key
E1HR_UTA Outsourcing: US Tax Authority/Code Segment
E1HR_UTE Outsourcing: US Employee Data - Tax Services
E1HR_UWK Outsourcing: US Work Site
E1HR_WP Outsourcing: Work Center
E1HR_WS Outsourcing: Work Schedule
E1HR_WT Outsourcing: Wage Types
E1HR58B HR: Outsourcing: Payroll Results T558b
E1HR58C Payroll Account Transfer: Old Wage Types
E1HR58D HR: Outsourcing: Payroll Results T558d
E1HR5U8 HR: Outsourcing: Payroll Results - Tax (USA)
E1HRFI1 HR: Outsourcing: Document header for accntng document
E1HRFI2 HR: Outsourcing: Item Data for Document
E1P0076 HR Master Record: Infotype 0076 (Workers Compensation NA)
E1P0077 HR Master Record: Infotype 0077 (Addtnal Personal Data US )
E1P0078 HR Master Record: Infotype 0078 (Loan Payments)
E1P0094 HR Master Record: Infotype 0094 (Residency Status NA)
E1P0102 HR Master Record: Infotype 0102 (Grievances NA)
E1P0106 HR Master Record: Infotype 0106 (Related Persons NA)
E1P0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
E1P0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)
E1P0207 HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0207 (US Residence Tax)
E1P0208 HR: Master Record Infotype 0208 (US Work Tax)
E1P0209 HR: Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment State - USA)
E1P0210 HR: Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4/W5 -USA)
E1P0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
E1P0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
E1P0234 HR Master Record: Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inf. - USA)
E1P0235 HR: Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
E1P0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
E1P0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
E1P0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
E1P0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
E1P1610 HR: Infotype 1610: US EEO / AAP Categories
E1P1641 HR: Infotype 1641 US WC State / WC Code on JOB
E1P2006 HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)
E1P2007 HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas)
E1P2010 HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)
E1P2013 HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections)
E1PV001 OT: Provider Format1
E1PV002 OT: Provider Format 2
E1PV003 OT: Provider Format 3
E1PV004 OT: Provider Format 4
HRPAYUS_S_RPCOTTU0_AUTHTOT_ALV For output of report RPCOttu0
P0491 HR Master Record for Infotype 0491
PME2S Field List for Deselecting Subtype - Outsourcing
PS0491 Payroll Outsourcing


SAP Package POUT contains 78 programs.

MP049100 Module Pool: Infotype 0491 Payroll Outsourcing
OT_PROCESS_OUTBOUND_FRAME Outbound process of idocs for Outsourcing
OT_RUN_PROCESS_MODEL Special pay process model for Outsourcing
OT_RUN_PROCESS_MODEL_CALL Process model - Outsourcing
OT_SELECT_PERNR_OTCA Gross payroll selections for Process Model - CA
OT_SELECT_PERNR_OTNL Gross payroll selections for Process Model - NL
OT_SELECT_PERNR_OTUS Gross payroll selections for Process Model - US
OT_SELECT_PERNR_OTUT US Tax Services Periodic/Quarterly Export - Process Model
RPCALCK0_CALL Payroll Driver Canada for Import Process
RPCALCN0_CALL Payroll Driver NL for Import Process
RPCALCU0_CALL Payroll Driver US for Import Process
RPCCMDX0 File Layout - OTMX
RPCCPYX0 File Layout - OTXX
RPCCTMX0 File Layout - OTTM
RPCEMDX0_CALL Master Data Export - International
RPCEMDX0_COMBINED_CALL Mini Master Export - International
RPCEPYX0_CALL Gross Payroll Export - International
RPCEPYX0_COMBINED_CALL Combined Payroll Export - International
RPCETMX0_CALL Time Wage Type Export
RPCLJNK0_CALL_OUTSOURCING Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - Canada
RPCLJNN0_OUTSOURCING Payroll Journal --- Netherlands
RPCLJNX0_CALL_OUTSOURCING Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - International
RPCLJNX0_OUTSOURCING Payroll Journal --- International
RPCOIFU0 Outsourcing Tax Services: Display of table 491 from IF cluster
RPCOIFU0_CYR_ADJ OT Tax Services: Display Cross Year Adjustments
RPCOIFU6 Delete Interface Results forward using Payroll Area and Pay Period
RPCOTBN0 Benefit Data Export - International
RPCOTMBR0 BR Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMBR1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMC0 GB Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMC1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMD0 DE Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMD1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTME0 ES Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTME1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMF0 FR Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMF1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMFI0 FI Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMFI1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMG0 GB Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMG1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMI0 IT Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMI1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMIE0 IE Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMIE1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMK0 Canadian Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMK1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit for Difference Checking
RPCOTMN0 NL Master Data payroll interface user exit
RPCOTMN1 Master data outsourcing user exit for difference checking
RPCOTMU0 US Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMU1 Master Data Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTMX0 International Master Data Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTMX1 Master data user exit for difference checking
RPCOTPK0 US Generic Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTPK1 Gross payroll outsourcing user exit for difference checking
RPCOTPN0 NL Gross payroll interface user exit
RPCOTPN1 Gross Payroll Outsourcing User Exiot for Difference Checking
RPCOTPU0 US Generic Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTPU1 gross payroll outsourcing user exit for difference checking
RPCOTPX0 International Generic Payroll Interface User Exit
RPCOTPX1 Gross payroll outsourcing user exit for difference checking
RPCOTRU0 US Tax Services Reconciliation
RPCOTTU0 US Tax Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTTU8 US Tax Services Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTTX0 Time Wage Type Outsourcing User Exit
RPCOTTX1 Time Wage Type Outsourcing User Exit for Difference Checking
RPUETXU0_0 Export
RPUETXU0_CALL US Tax Services Conversion
RPUOTFL0 Outsourcing Idoc Utility for downloading
RPUOTTBL Outsourcing: Conversion of T558Bto T5UOT for Term/Inactive recording

Message Classes

SAP Package POUT contains 1 message classes.

OUT Messages for Outsourcing