
SAP Package PUTL

Evaluation Utilities Payroll

The package PUTL (Evaluation Utilities Payroll) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PUTL
Short Text Evaluation Utilities Payroll
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PUTL contains 3 function groups.

HR_UTIL Utilities
PE51 F4 Help for Transaction PE51
RPD1 RPDSYS Replacement: Div. Functions


SAP Package PUTL contains 2 transactions.

PE51_CHECKTAB Check Table Maintenance HR-Forms
PUFK Form manager

Database Tables

SAP Package PUTL contains 14 database tables.

T514B Page Types for From Classes
T514C Allowed Conversions for Forms
T514F Form Class Attributes
T514K Allowed Table Names / Short IDs for Forms
T514N Allowed Field Names for Forms
T514R Page Type Texts
T514S Table Name Texts
T514T Field Name Texts
T514U Conversion Texts
T514X Input Help Routines for Identifiers in PE51
T514Z Screen Control for Transaction PE51
T59_PROTE RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Error
T59_PROTL RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Reference
T59_PROTM RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Modules


SAP Package PUTL contains 14 views.

H_T514F Form Class and Description
V_T514B Permissible Page Types
V_T514B_A Permitted Page Types (Without Restrictions)
V_T514C Permitted Conversions
V_T514C_A Permitted Conversions (Without Restrictions)
V_T514F Permitted Form Classes and Attributes
V_T514F_A Permitted Form Classes (Without Restrictions)
V_T514K Permitted Table Names
V_T514K_A Permitted table names (without restrictions)
V_T514N Permitted Field Names
V_T514N_A Permitted Field Names (Without Restrictions)
V_T514X F4 Help Routines for PE51
V_T514X_A Input Help for PE51 Identifiers - No Restrictions
V_T514Z View for Table T514Z


SAP Package PUTL contains 37 structures.

PPE51_1000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1000)
PPE51_1010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1010)
PPE51_1020 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1020)
PPE51_1030 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1030)
PPE51_1050 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1050)
PPE51_1060 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1060)
PPE51_1100 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1100)
PPE51_1110 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 1110)
PPE51_2000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 2000)
PPE51_3000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3000)
PPE51_3010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3010)
PPE51_3020 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3020)
PPE51_3030 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3030)
PPE51_3040 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3040)
PPE51_3060 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3060)
PPE51_3070 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3070)
PPE51_3090 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3090)
PPE51_3095 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 3095)
PPE51_4000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 4000)
PPE51_4010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 4010)
PPE51_4020 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 4020)
PPE51_4030 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 4030)
PPE51_4040 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 4040)
PPE51_5000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 5000)
PPE51_5010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 5010)
PPE51_5100 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 5100)
PPE51_6000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 6000)
PPE51_6010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 6010)
PPE51_6020 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 6020)
PPE51_6030 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 6030)
PPE51_7000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 7000)
PPE51_8000 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 8000)
PPE51_8010 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 8010)
PPE51_8020 Structure for PE51 Fields (Screen 8020)
PPE51_IDHELP_HEAD Structure for PE51 (Input Help Idenfifiers)
PPE51_IDHELP_INFO Structure for PE51 (Input Help Idenfifiers)
PPE51_IDHELP_LIST Structure for PE51 (Input Help Idenfifiers)


SAP Package PUTL contains 9 programs.

RPCTABCC Create Command Files for HR Customizing Transport
RPINCL10 String Search in Reports
RPUFRM00 Edit Forms (Copy, Delete, Compare, ... )
RPUFRM10 test
RPUFRM80 Form Conversion: T512E - Convert Sequential No.
RPUTIL00 Check Tables for Transaction PE51
SAPMPE51 HR Form Editor
SAPMPE51_CHECKTABLES Maintain Check Tables for HR Forms

Search Helps

SAP Package PUTL contains 1 search helps.

H_T514F Form Class and Description