
SAP Package RE_SC_MS

SCS: Measurement Engine

The package RE_SC_MS (SCS: Measurement Engine) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RE_SC.

Technical Information

Package RE_SC_MS
Short Text SCS: Measurement Engine
Parent Package RE_SC

Function Groups

SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 8 function groups.

0RESC_TIVSCMS2CD Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
REDB_VISCMPPROP_UPDATE Upd.Task Addit. Characteristics of Meter
REDB_VISCMPSUBOBJ_UPDATE UpdateTask Subordinate Objects for Meter
REDB_VISCSMEAS_UPDATE Update Task Reference Factor Used (VI
RESC_BAPI_MEASPT BAPIs for Measuring Points
RESC_GUI_METER_PS Meters on Pooled Spaces


SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 2 transactions.

RESCMPRO Display Meters for Rental Objects
RESCMPSU Meters for Settlement Units

Database Tables

SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 4 database tables.

TIVSCMEAS2COND Assignment of Measurement Type to Condition Types
VISCMPPROP Additional Characteristics of Meter
VISCMPSUBOBJ Subordinate Objects of Meter
VISCSMEAS Measurement Amount Used


SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 3 views.

H_RESCLOCKEY Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days
V_TIVSCMEAS2COND Assignment of Measurement Type to Condition Types
VVISCMPSUBOBJ Subordinate Objects of Meter


SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 73 structures.

AVISCMPPROP Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AVISCMPSUBOBJ Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
AVISCS_MEAS Change Document Structure Measurment Amount Used (VISCS_ME
AVISCSMEAS Change Document Structure Measurement Amount Used (VISCSMEAS
BAPI_RE_MEASPT Measuring Point
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_DAT Measuring Point - Data
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_DATC Measuring Point - Data - Change Fields
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_INT Measuring Point - Internal
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_INTC Measuring Point - Internal - Change Fields
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_REL Measuring Point Relationship
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_REL_DAT Measuring Point Relationship - Data
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_REL_DATC Measuring Point Relationship - Data - Change Fields
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_REL_INT Measuring Point Relationship - Internal
BAPI_RE_MEASPT_REL_INTC Measuring Point Relationship - Internal - Change Fields
E1BP_RE_MEASPT Measuring Point
E1BP_RE_MEASPT_DAT Measuring Point - Data
E1BP_RE_MEASPT_DATC Measuring Point - Data - Change Fields
E1BP_RE_MEASPT_REL Measuring Point Relationship
E1BP_RE_MEASPT_REL_DAT Measuring Point Relationship - Data
E1BP_RE_MEASPT_REL_DATC Measuring Point Relationship - Data - Change Fields
RESC_CALC_APPORTVALUE Calculate Apportionment Value (VISCS_MEAS)
RESC_CALC_APPORTVALUE_X Calculate of Apportionment Value and Additional Fields (VISC
RESC_MEAS Measurement Amount for a Measurement
RESC_MEAS_FIELDS Measurement Amount for a Measurement
RESC_MEAS4OBJ Measurement Amounts for an Object
RESC_MEASVALUE Measurement Amount for a Measurement
RESCAFCPARAM Parameters for Calculating Reference Factors
RESCC_COND_AS_MEASVALUE Assignment of Measurement Type to CondTypes (TIVSCMEAS2C
RESCC_COND_AS_MEASVALUE_X Assignment of MeasType to CondTypes and Additional Fields
RESCC_HEATING_VALUE_CALC Calculation of Heating Value Days for Heating Expenses Settl
RESCC_HEATING_VALUE_DAYS Heating Value Days for Heating Expense Settlement (TIVA4)
RESCC_HEATING_VALUE_DAYS_X Heating Value Days for Heating Expense Settlement + Add.Flds
RESCC_LOCATION_KEY Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days (TIVA2)
RESCC_LOCATION_KEY_X Reg.Loc.Key for Heating Val.Days + Add. Flds (TIVA2/TIVAB
RESCCONSUMHIST Consumption History
RESCCPMEAS History of Measurement Amounts
RESCCPSUMEAS Apportionment Amount of SU
RESCCPSUMEAS_X Apportionment Factor of SU + History of Measurement Amounts
RESCMEASDOC Measurement Document
RESCMEASENTRYLIST Master Data of Entry List
RESCMEASENTRYLIST_ITEM Measuring Points for Entry List
RESCMEASENTRYLIST_X Master Data of Entry List and Additional Fields
RESCMEASPOINT_INP Measuring Points: Input Fields
RESCMEASPOINT_INT Measuring Points (Internal)
RESCMEASPOINT_L Measuring Points: List Format
RESCMEASPOINT_PROP Characteristics of a Measuring Point
RESCMEASPOINT_S Measuring Points: Screen Fields
RESCMEASPOINT_X Measuring Points: Additional Fields
RESCMEASPOINTCONSUM_L Measuring Points + Consumption: List Formatting
RESCMEASPOINTCONSUM_X Measuring Points + Consumption: Addit. Fields
RESCMEASPOINTPROP_INP Additional Characteristics of Meter: Input Fields
RESCMEASPOINTPROP_L Additional Characteristics of Meter: List Format
RESCMEASPOINTPROP_S Additional Characteristics of Meter: Screen Fields
RESCMEASPOINTPROP_X Additional Characteristics of Meter: Additional Fields
RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_INP Objects Subordinate to Meter: Input Fields
RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_L Objects Subordinate to Meter: List Format
RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_RO_L Objects Subordinate to Meter: List Format (RO)
RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_S Objects Subordinate to Meter: Screen Fields
RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_X Objects Subordinate to Meter: Additional Fields
RESCMEASVALUE_X Measurement Amount Used
RESCMSROAPPORTVALUE Reference Factors of Rental Object per SU and Meas. Type
RESCS_MEAS_X Additional Fields for Measurement Type
VISCMPPROP_KEY Additional Characteristics of Meter: Key Fields
VISCMPPROP_TAB Additional Characteristics of Meter: Non-Key Fields
VISCMPSUBOBJ_KEY Subordinate Objects of Meter: Key Fields
VISCMPSUBOBJ_TAB Subordinate Objects of Meter: Non-Key Fields
VISCSMEAS_KEY Measurement Amount Used: Key Fields
VISCSMEAS_TAB Measurement Amount Used: Non-Key Fields
VVISCMPSUBOBJ_KEY Key for Objects Subordinate to Meter (VVISCMPSUBO


SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 2 programs.

RFRESCMETERRO Display Meters for Rental Objects
RFRESCMETERSU Display Meters for Settlement Units

Search Helps

SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 1 search helps.

RESCLOCKEY Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days

Message Classes

SAP Package RE_SC_MS contains 1 message classes.

RESCMS Fehler bei der Ermittlung der Bemessungsgröße