

RMS-ATL: QM Integration

The package RMSATLQM (RMS-ATL: QM Integration) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RMSATL.

Technical Information

Short Text RMS-ATL: QM Integration
Parent Package RMSATL

Function Groups

SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 9 function groups.

RMSA451 RMS-ATL: Dialog - Common Modules
RMSA452 RMS:QM Data Conversion DB ---> Dialog
RMSA453 RMS QM: Extended Srch Help, Insp. Chars
RMSA455 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RMSA461 QM: Header Data Buffer
RMSA462 QM: Inspection Data Buffer
RMSA463 QM: Inspection Data Buffer

Database Tables

SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 4 database tables.

RMSAC_QMCCP RMS: ATL QM Customizing Table for Char. Weighting Sequence
RMSAT_QMHDR QM: Header Table, Operation Level: Sample Drawing Takt, CCP
RMSAT_QMINSP RMS: ATL QM List of Inspection Data for General Recipes
RMSAT_QMINSPT RMS: ATL QM Detail Texts for Inspections in General Recipes


SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 3 views.

RMSAV_TIME_UOM Help View for Time Units
RMSAW_M_QPMKS Generated View for Matchcode ID QPMK -S
V_RMSAC_QMCCP Customizing for Characteristic Weighting Sequence


SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 25 structures.

RMSAS_QM_F4 RMS: ATL QM Search Help Str., Master Insp. Char.+Insp. Meth.
RMSAS_QMFHDR_VIEW RMS: ATL QM Extended Header View Structure for Gen. Recipe
RMSAS_QMFULL_VIEW RMS: ATL QM View Structure for Displayed Attributes
RMSAS_QMHDR_API RMS: ATL QM API Interface Structure, Header Level
RMSAS_QMHDR_BUF RMS: ATL QM BUF Interface Structure, Header Level
RMSAS_QMHDR_COMP RMS: ATL QM Struct. Module, Oper. Level: Sample-Drawing Takt
RMSAS_QMHDR_IOT RMS: ATL QM API Interface Structure, Header Level
RMSAS_QMHDR_VIEW RMS: ATL QM View Structure for General Recipe, Header Level
RMSAS_QMINSP_API RMS: ATL QM API Interface Structure, Inspection Level
RMSAS_QMINSP_ATTR RMS: ATL QM Inspection Char. Attributes for General Recipes
RMSAS_QMINSP_BUF RMS: ATL QM BUF Interface Structure, Inspection Level
RMSAS_QMINSP_COMP RMS: ATL QM Data at Inspection Level: Master Ref., Attribute
RMSAS_QMINSP_DEFN RMS: QM Basic Inspection Elements for General Recipes
RMSAS_QMINSP_IOT RMS: ATL QM IOT Interface Structure, Inspection Level
RMSAS_QMINSP_LIST RMS: ATL QM View Structure with Input Control, ALV Grid
RMSAS_QMINSP_PLUS QM: Structure Module for ALV Grid, Outputs, Reqd/Opt., Icon
RMSAS_QMINSP_VIEW RMS: ATL QM View Structure for ALV Grid, Inspection List
RMSAS_QMINSPT_API RMS: ATL QM API Interface Structure, Texts for Inspections
RMSAS_QMINSPT_BUF RMS: ATL QM BUF Interface Structure, Texts for Inspections
RMSAS_QMINSPT_IOT RMS: ATL QM IOT Interface Structure, Texts for Inspections
RMSAS_QMSMPL_ATTR RMS: ATL QM Sampling Procedure Attributes for Gen. Recipes
RMSAS_QMTXT_COMP QM: Detailed Text at Insp. Level: Insp. Conditions, Method
RMSAS_QMTXT_PLUS QM: Structure Module f. Insp.ViewStruc.,Det. Inspection Txts
RMSAS_QMTXT_VIEW RMS: Inspection View Structure, Det.Texts & Sampling Proced.

Search Helps

SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 3 search helps.

RMSAE_SHLP_QPMKPL Search Help for Master Insp. Chars Incl. Insp. Methods
RMSAE_SHLP_QPMKPL01 Master Inspection Characteristic for Search Field
RMSAE_TIME_UOM Search Help for Time Units

Message Classes

SAP Package RMSATLQM contains 1 message classes.

RMSA450QM RMS: ATL QM Meldungstexte für QM-Tabreiter