

RMS-ATL: Versioning / Sequencing

The package RMSATLVRS (RMS-ATL: Versioning / Sequencing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RMSATL.

Technical Information

Short Text RMS-ATL: Versioning / Sequencing
Parent Package RMSATL

Function Groups

SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 9 function groups.

RMSA200_API RMS: API Functions: Versioning
RMSA210_CUSTOM Customizing
RMSA212 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
RMSA220_BUF_PRE Buffer: Predecessor Function Group
RMSA230_BUF_SUC Buffer: Successor Function Group
RMSA240_BUF_HDR Buffer: Header Data
RMSA250 RMS-ATL: Version Replacement Screen
RMSA260_DIA_CPY Dialog: Copy Function Group
RMSA280 Internal Functions for API Use

Database Tables

SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 8 database tables.

RMSAC_OBJ_REG RMS: System Table for Object Type Registration
RMSAC_OBJECT RMS: Customizing Table for Object Types
RMSAC_OBJECTT Text Table for Object Type
RMSAC_SUBOBJ RMS: Customizing Table for Object Types
RMSAC_SUBOBJT Text Table for Object Type
RMSAT_HDR RMS: Header Data Table for Versioning
RMSAT_REL RMS: Relations Table for Versioning
RMSAT_REL_ENQDUM RMS: Dummy Table for Locking/Unlocking the Relations


SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 2 views.

RMSAV_OBJECT Maintenance View for Object Type
RMSAV_SUBOBJECT Maintenance View for Object Type


SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 19 structures.

RMSAS_ALLOW Data Records for Which Replacement Is Allowed
RMSAS_ALV_HDR Structure for ALV Grid Replacement
RMSAS_DIA_RPC Dialog Replacement ALV Headers
RMSAS_DYNP_COPY Screen Structure for Copy Dialog
RMSAS_E_DYN_CPY Export Structure for Copy Dialog
RMSAS_HDR Header Data Structure for API
RMSAS_HDR_API RMS: API Structure Header Data
RMSAS_HDR_BUF RMS: Buffer Structure for Header Data
RMSAS_HDR_E_NAM RMS: Output Structure for Generated Header Names
RMSAS_HDR_I_NAM RMS: Input Structure for Header Name Generation
RMSAS_HDR_IO RMS: I/O Structure for Header Data
RMSAS_I_DYN_CPY Input Structure for Copy Dialog Box
RMSAS_KEY RMS: Key Structure for Versioning
RMSAS_NUM_BUF RMS: Buffering of Number Range Numbers
RMSAS_REL_API RMS: API Structure for Versioning
RMSAS_REL_BUF RMS: Buffer Structure for Relationships
RMSAS_REL_IO RMS: I/O Structure for Relationships
RMSAS_SUBOBJ Subobject Type with Text


SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 2 programs.

RCP_DELFLG_SET Correction: Deletion Indicator for Versioning in Table RMSAT_REL
RMSAP_VRS_CHAIN Display History of Complete Version Chain

Search Helps

SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 1 search helps.

RMSAE_FOR_8010 Search Help for Copy Dialog Box

Message Classes

SAP Package RMSATLVRS contains 1 message classes.

RMSA_VRS RMS: Versionierung