

RMS-FRM: RMS Formula - Customizing

The package RMSFRMCST (RMS-FRM: RMS Formula - Customizing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RMSFRM.

Technical Information

Short Text RMS-FRM: RMS Formula - Customizing
Parent Package RMSFRM

Function Groups

SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 21 function groups.

FRML800 RMS-FRM: Customizing (Maint.Dialogs)----
FRML801 RMS-FRM: Customizing - Generated
FRML802 RMS-FRM: Customizing - C09-C10 (Gener.)
FRML810 RMS-FRM: Customizing (C Tables) --------
FRML812 RMS-FRM: Customizing - General
FRML813 RMS-FRM: Customizing Layout
FRML814 RMS-FRM: Customizing
FRML815 RMS-FRM: Customizing - Formula Level
FRML816 RMS-FRM: Sort Nutrient Groups
FRML817 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FRML818 Calculation Bases FRMLV53 (Generated)
FRML819 Rel. Component Type FRMLV63 (Generated)
FRML820 Events FRMLV63 (Generated)
FRML821 RMS-FRM: Customizing Costs Dialog
FRML822 Expl. Scopes FRMLV62,65,67 (Generated)
FRML823 RMS-FRM: Sort Sequence for Diet Groups
FRML824 Customizing for Key Figures
FRML825 Params for Formula Views with Explosion
FRML828 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FRML829 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FRMLC804 Maintenance FRMLV_RES (Generated)


SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 28 transactions.

FRMLC01 Customizing: Formula Level Assignmt
FRMLC02 Customiz.: Formula Conversion Assig.
FRMLC03 Custom.: Check Function/Level Assig.
FRMLC04 Custom.: General Environment Param.
FRMLC05 Customizing: Composition Display
FRMLC06 Customizing for Units of Measurement
FRMLC07 Customiz.: Substance Types per View
FRMLC08 Customizing Status
FRMLC13 Specify Field Attributes
FRMLC30 Customizing Formula Tables Layout
FRMLC35 Customizing for Key Figures
FRMLC43 Set/Activate Customizing Views
FRMLC47 Customizing Assignmt ChkMod./ F.Lev.
FRMLC49 Roles for Events
FRMLC50 Roles for Events (Explosion)
FRMLC51 Customizing Component for Event
FRMLC52 Set Parameters for Formula View
FRMLC53 Parameters for Explosion Scope
FRMLC60 Customizing User Exits OPEN / CLOSE
S_XBA_46000001 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000002 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000003 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000004 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000006 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000007 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000008 IMG Activity: RMS_FRM_50
S_XBA_46000009 IMG Activity, RMS_FRM
S_XBA_46000033 IMG Activity RMS_FRM

Database Tables

SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 57 database tables.

FRMLC_COSTS_MMAV RMS-FRM: Material Prices for Use in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_COSTS_MMPR RMS-FRM: Material Prices Selectable in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_COSTS_MMTX RMS-FRM: Descriptions of Material Prices
FRMLC_EXPLPARA RMS22: Explosion Scope Parameters
FRMLC_NTR_GRP RMS-FRM: Nutrient Groups
FRMLC_PRICE_PRIO RMS-FRM: Priorities of Different Prices in Costs Dialog
FRMLC_RES RMS-FRM: Relevance of Component Type/Explosion
FRMLC_T006 RMSFRM: Assignment of Units of Measure to Views
FRMLC_T007 RMSFRM: Assignment of Units of Measure to Views
FRMLC_VIEWPARA RMS22: Formula View Parameters
FRMLC01 RMS-FRM: Formula Levels
FRMLC02 RMS-FRM: Formula Levels (Descriptions)
FRMLC03 RMS-FRM: Screen Assignment/Visible Formula Levels
FRMLC04 RMS-FRM: Screen Assignment/Visible Formula Levels (Texts)
FRMLC05 RMS-FRM: Fct.Module Assignment Formula Conversions
FRMLC06 RMS-FRM: Fct.Module Assignment Formula Conversions (Texts)
FRMLC07 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC08 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC09 RMS-FRM: General Environment Parameters
FRMLC10 RMS-FRM: Language-Depend. Description for Environment Params
FRMLC11 RMS-FRM: Permitted Substance Types per Formula View
FRMLC13 RMS-FRM: Attribute Fields of Composition Views
FRMLC14 RMS-FRM: Attribute Fields of Composition Views (Texts)
FRMLC15 RMS-FRM: Control Table for Formula Status
FRMLC16 RMS-FRM: Assignmt of Units of Measure -> Unit of Measure Grp
FRMLC18 RMS-FRM: Assignment of Unit of Mass to Unit of Volume
FRMLC30 RMS-FRM: Customizing for Formula Layouts
FRMLC31 RMS-FRM: Formula Layouts Language-Dependent Texts
FRMLC32 RMS-FRM: Layout-Dependent Field Catalog Superset
FRMLC32T Column Keys and Texts
FRMLC33 RMS-FRM: Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLC35 RMGMT Formula: Key Figures
FRMLC35T RMGMT Formula: Texts for Key Figures
FRMLC36 RMGMT Formula: Key Figure Groups
FRMLC36T RMGMT Formula: Texts for Key Figure Groups
FRMLC37 RMGMT Key Figures: Group Assignment
FRMLC43 Structure for Views - Customizing
FRMLC44 RMS-FRM: Screen Assigmt/Visibility of Formula Levels (Texts)
FRMLC47 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC48 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC50 RMS-FRM: Data Source
FRMLC51 RMS-FRM: Data Source Texts
FRMLC53 RMS-FRM: Calculation Cases
FRMLC55 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level
FRMLC56 RMS-FRM: Check Module Assignment to Formula Level (Texts)
FRMLC60 RMS-FRM: Assignment of Function Module to OPEN / CLOSE /INIT
FRMLC61 RMS-FRM: Assignment of F.Mod. to OPEN / CLOSE / INIT (Texts)
FRMLC62 RMS-FRM: Explosion Scope
FRMLC62T Explosion Scopes: Texts
FRMLC64 RMS-FRM: Relevance of Component Type for Different Functions
FRMLC65 RMS-FRM: Explosion Scopes - Configuration
FRMLC66 RMS_FRM: Text Table Events
FRMLC67 Explosion Scopes: Assignment of Views to Be Exploded
FRMLC71 RMS-FRM: Sort Sequence for Diet Groups
FRMLT_EXSC RMS-FRM: Explosion Scope


SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 44 views.

FRMLV_COSTS_MMPR Selectable Material Prices in Costs Dialog
FRMLV_COSTS_MMTX Costs: Maintenance View Material Price Descriptions
FRMLV_EXPLPARA Parameters for Explosion Scope
FRMLV_OTYPE RMSFRM: Object Cat. of Person Responsible for a Status Entry
FRMLV_PRICE_PRIO RMS-FRM: Configuration of Price Priorities
FRMLV_RES Maintenance of Component Type/Explosion Scope Assignment
FRMLV_T006 Formula: Specify Allowed Units of Measure
FRMLV_VIEWPARA Parameters for Formula View
FRMLV03 Formula: Set Up and Activate Views
FRMLV05 Set Up Generation of Formula Views and BOMs
FRMLV07 Set Up Checks and Totals Calculation of Formula Data
FRMLV09 Formula: Define and Assign Values to Environment Parameters
FRMLV11 Formula: Specify Allowed Specification Types
FRMLV13 Formula: Specify Field Attributes
FRMLV15 Formula: Determine Status Attributes
FRMLV16 Formula: Assignment of Units of Measure to Unit Groups
FRMLV18 Formula: Assignment of Unit of Mass to Unit of Volume
FRMLV18_MASS Formula: Assignment of Unit of Mass to Unit of Volume
FRMLV18_VOLUME Formula: Assignment of Unit of Mass to Unit of Volume
FRMLV19_SERV_SIZ Formula: Serving Size Units
FRMLV30 RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout
FRMLV31 RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Language-Dependent Layout Texts
FRMLV33 RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLV33GENIO RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLV33LOM RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLV33LORS RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLV33SUM RMS-FRM: Maintenance View Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLV35 Key Figures
FRMLV35T Key Figure Texts
FRMLV36 Key Figure Groups
FRMLV36T Texts for Key Figure Groups
FRMLV37 Key Figures Group Assignment
FRMLV43 Formula: Set Up and Activate Views
FRMLV47 Formula: Assignment of Check Module to Formula Level
FRMLV50 RMS-FRM: Data Sources
FRMLV53 RMS-FRM: Calculation Base
FRMLV55 Sort Sequence of Nutrient Groups
FRMLV60 Formula: Assignment of FM to OPEN / CLOSE / INIT
FRMLV62 Maintenance View Explosion Scopes
FRMLV63 Maintenance of Events (Note Relevance of Component Role)
FRMLV64 Relevance of Component Type for Different Functions
FRMLV65 Maintenance View Explosion Scopes - Configuration
FRMLV67 Maintenance View Explosion Scopes - Formula Views
FRMLV71 Sort Sequence of Diet Groups


SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 20 structures.

FRMLS_ADD_CALC_DATA RMS-FRM: Groups for Additional Calculations
FRMLS_CHECK_SUM RMS-FRM: Struct.for Check and Totals Functions - Customizing
FRMLS_CHECK_TIME RMS-FRM: Structure Assignment of Times / FMs - Customizing
FRMLS_CONV_FUNC_BUTTON RMS-FRM: Dynamic Pushbutton Setting for Conversion Function
FRMLS_EXPLOSION_LIST Structure for List Output in Explosion
FRMLS_EXPLOSION_REL Structure for Events Relevant for Explosion
FRMLS_FRM_VIEWS4OUT RMS-FRM: Formula Views + Description for Output Heading
FRMLS_FRMLC64_LIST RMS_FRM: Structure List Output FRMLC64
FRMLS_KEY_FIGURES Key Figures for a Group
FRMLS_KF_GROUPS Key Figure Groups
FRMLS_KF_SCREEN Screen Structure for Displaying Key Figures
FRMLS_LAYOUT_FIELDS RMS-FRM: Layout-Dependent Field Catalog
FRMLS_MM_PRICES RMS-FRM: Material Prices Selectable in Costs Dialog
FRMLS_NUTR_GRP RMS-FRM: Nutritional Value Groups
FRMLS_RANGEVAL_DISP RMS-FRM: Value Range Display of a Component
FRMLS_SQLMODE_SET Structure for Setting the SQL Mode
FRMLS_TABSTR_DEF RSM-FRM: Structure for Saving - Customizing


SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 6 programs.

FRMLP_CUSTOMIZING_ADAPT1 Adjustment of Customizing Entries for Recipe Management Note 846429
FRMLP_CUSTOMIZING_CONSISTENCY Check Customizing Consistency of Formula
FRMLP_DET_FIELDATTR Customizing Deviates from Field Attributes
RFRML_FRMLC64_LOAD Configure Component Types for Events
RFRML_RES_LOAD Obsolete: Component Types: Assignment to Explosion Scopes

Search Helps

SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 6 search helps.

FRMLE_DIET_GRP RMS-FRM: Only Display Diet Groups
FRMLE_MATPRS_TYPE RMS-FRM: Search Help for Material Price Type
FRMLE_NTR_GRP RMS-FRM: Only Display Nutrient Groups
FRMLH_COLID Search Help for Column ID in Layout Formula
FRMLH_EVENT Search Help for Event

Message Classes

SAP Package RMSFRMCST contains 1 message classes.

RMSFRMCST RMS-FRM: Nachrichten Paket RMSFRMCST - Customizing